Rebirth of the Revenge Queen

C3887 External Head Price

C3887 External Head Price

0"Brother. " Gao Feifei looked at Gao Fei suspiciously and asked: "Are you afraid that I will get cheated and then be blocked by others to cause trouble?"    


. . . "" The corner of Gao Fei's mouth twitched. This stupid sister!    


Rolling his eyes at Gao Feifei, Gao Fei focused his attention on the computer screen again. He grumbled to himself, "Seriously. It was because of this that I was worried. . . "    


"Brother, what are you talking about? I didn't hear you clearly. " Gao Feifei asked.    


"It's nothing. I'm praising you!" Gao Fei rolled his eyes at Gao Feifei.    


"I hate it ~ Hehe. " Gao Feifei laughed heartily when she heard him, revealing her neat little white teeth.    


. . . "" Gao Fei rolled his eyes and shook his head speechlessly. He clicked on the mouse and increased the price by 100 yuan to test the other party's intention.    


Seeing the change on the number plate, the woman with short hair immediately increased the bid by 100 yuan.    


"Brother, they increased it by 100 again. " Gao Feifei said.    


"I saw it. " Gao Fei frowned and said: "Are they targeting us, or what is going on?"    


"Brother, do you think this is the shop owner?" Gao Feifei asked hesitantly.    


"I don't know. I'll try again. " Gao Fei added another 300.    


In just a few seconds, the other side added another 100.    


"It's not added with us. It's fixed to only add 100 each time. " Gao Fei pinched his chin.    


There was still time before the end, so the price was temporarily fixed at 11800.    


"Brother, what should we do?" Gao Feifei asked.    


"Ignore them first. " Gao Fei said, "If it's the shop owner, it would be meaningless for the book to return to their hands if the bidding continues like this. "    


"What if it's not the shop owner?" Gao Feifei asked.    


"If it's not the shop owner, then we'll have to compete in hand speed and money. " Gao Fei said, "In the last round, we will directly increase the price by 1000. According to the pattern of each increase of 100, you will win in the end. "    


"But that will be 12,800. " Gao Feifei frowned and said, "I only have 12,360. "    


"Don't underestimate me. Your brother usually saved some money. " Gao Fei said.    


"Brother. . . " Gao Feifei looked at Gao Fei gratefully.    


She still had to look at her brother!    


"I'll just consider it a 30% profit. " Gao Fei said, "Return me the money next month along with the profit. "    


. . . "" The light of worship in Gao Feifei's eyes dimmed. She curled her lips and said, "From now on, I'll call you a scumbag brother and skin you alive!"    


"It's not bad to be willing to lend you money. " Gao Fei snorted. "I'm the strongest player in the history of mankind in the future. I'll help you bid for it for free, but you're still not satisfied. Gao Feifei. Did you become arrogant after just one exam? "    


"No. " Gao Feifei thought about it carefully. Indeed, she did not know anything. Her brother had helped her this time. She immediately gave Gao Fei a massage on his shoulder and back. "Thank you for your hard work, thank you for your hard work. "    


"That's more like it. " Gao Fei choked on his smile and looked at the screen.    


On the other side, the woman with short hair, who had not seen the other party increase the bid, reported, "Young Master, there's no movement from the other side. "    


"Hehe. " The young man laughed lightly and said, "These poor people are like this. They can't even afford to pay ten thousand yuan. They must have suffered a huge blow by now. "    


"Young master, there is still the last segment of the secret price. How much do you think we should add?" The woman asked.    


"Ten thousand. " The young man paused and said, "No, ten thousand is too much of a bully. Just add a thousand. "    


"Yes. " The woman answered and looked at the time displayed.    


There was not much time left. There was no movement from the other side. She did not know either. Maybe she had given up.    


Thinking of this, the woman curled her lips.    


He actually dared to snatch something from their young master. He really didn't know how to write the word 'death'!    


Time passed, minute by minute.    


Very soon, it was time for the final round called the hidden price.    


"Brother!" Gao Feifei nervously grabbed Gao Fei's shoulder.    


"Okay. " Gao Fei answered and entered the secret price of [12,800].    


After calling the price, five black dots appeared on the bidding panel, indicating that someone had called the price, and this price was not to be made public for the time being.    


. . . "" The woman with short hair was about to enter the bid when she noticed that the other side had called out the price. She immediately called out, "Young Master, the other side has called a hidden price. "    


"What? He still hasn't given up?" The young man frowned and slowly relaxed. "How many did you call?"    


"I don't know. I only know that it's a five-digit number. " The woman said.    


"A five-digit? Very good. " The young man felt that he had been provoked. The corners of his mouth curled downwards and he said, "The bid is 100,000!"    


It was no longer as simple as a book. More importantly, there was actually someone who dared to provoke him across the internet!    


"Yes. " The woman answered and entered the secret value of [100000] on her fingertip. Just as she was about to submit it, the entire villa instantly turned black.    


The network of the laptop was also cut off.    


"This. . . " The woman was stunned. She suddenly looked up and saw a red dot through the window.    


She suddenly stood up and quickly ran towards the young man. She pulled him and hid under the bar. "Young Master, be careful!"    


Just as the two of them hid, they heard the sound of patter patter patter.    



Dozens of bullets shot through the windows and into the city. The red wine bottles and wine glasses on the bar shattered instantly, and red wine splashed everywhere.    


"Damn it!" The young man's expression changed instantly when he felt the broken glass cut his arm. "Martha, don't leave a single one alive!"    


"Yes!" After receiving her young master's order, Martha immediately agreed and her expression changed.    


Those who dared to harm her young master, none of them could live!    


After a round of fire, someone snuck into the villa.    


After receiving the order, Martha's figure was like a ghost. In less than ten minutes, she had already gotten rid of all the people who had snuck into the villa.    


After confirming that there was no one lurking around the villa, Martha then turned on the electric switch in the villa. She went back to the bar and asked the young man to come out. "Young Master, it's all settled. "    


"Yes. " Only then did the young man come out from under the bar. With a disgusted expression, he said, "This bunch of dogs!"    


"Young Master, let's leave this place first. " Martha said.    


"Prepare the car. " The young man said, "Where's my book?"    


"I'm sorry, young master. . . " Martha lowered her head. She glanced in the direction of the laptop. At that moment, the laptop had already died, and there was only a flash of electricity.    


"None of them are going to let me off easily!" The young man's gaze was cold: "All of you deserve to die!"    


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