Rebirth of the Revenge Queen

C890 Miss Yi Long Time No See.

C890 Miss Yi Long Time No See.

0"Xiao Lian is really natural. " Fang Jihong smiled. "Why didn't I notice Xiao Lian was already so beautiful in the past?"    


"You!" Ju Ting stared at Fang Jihong and said sourly, "It was just a few words. If President Xiao saw Fang Lian's background clearly, who would know. . . "    


"Shut up!" Fang Jihong scolded, "You jinx! If you dare to say such words again, I will teach you a lesson when I go back!"    


"You. . . " Ju Ting's eyes turned red. Did she not pay enough for this family? What happened in the end?    


The day before, her father-in-law had shouted at her. Today, her husband had shouted at her. Why was her life so bitter!    


On the other side, Sven also drove his car into the city center. "Little beauty, where do you want to go? The company or home?"    


"I'm not going. " The corner of Yi Lanyou's mouth curled up, "To the Xiao's Food. "    


"Why are you going there?" Long Tianqi frowned slightly. He did not like that Xiao Bo. His whole body was full of malice, and he did not look like a good person.    


"We are going to open a business together. If I don't go and take a look, I will say that I look down on people. " Yi Lanyou shrugged her shoulders.    


"I will go with you. " Long Tianqi said.    


"You want to go?" Yi Lanyou held Long Tianqi's hand and said, "Young man, come. Give me a smile. " Yi Lanyou acted like a hooligan teasing a good wife and man. "If I am satisfied with the smile, I will take you there. How about it?"    


"Long Tianqi looked at Yi Lanyou's satisfaction and gave her face as he curled his lips. "Satisfied?"    


"You! You cheated!" Yi Lanyou turned her head away.    


Long Tianqi was born with a smile. Usually, when he did not smile, he would smile as gently as the wind. Now, as long as he curled his lips, he would naturally smile.    


This was simply cheating!    


Speaking of which, why did this evil-minded evil man give birth to a smile that felt like a spring breeze?    


Wasn't this deliberately letting people relax their vigilance?    


It was really too despicable. . .    


"How could you be so shameless? Isn't that expression a smile?" Long Tianqi reached out his arm and pulled Yi Lanyou into his arms. He lifted Yi Lanyou's chin with the other hand. "Why don't you show me what kind of smile is not considered cheating?"    


"Yi Lanyou looked at Long Tianqi's eyes full of mockery. Her face was slightly red and she did not show any mercy. She elbowed Long Tianqi under his ribs. "I asked you to tease me!"    


"Hiss!" Along with Long Tianqi's cry of pain, Sven, who was sitting in the driver's seat in front, suddenly said, "Beautiful!"    


"Long Tianqi immediately looked up and gave Sven a cold and murderous look through the rearview mirror in front of him.    


"Er. . . " Sven noticed Long Tianqi's eyes and immediately changed the topic. "That little beauty, you. . . You don't need to change into a suit?"    


"No need. " Yi Lanyou smiled and said, "The opening ceremony of Xiao's Food is not worth me changing into a suit. "    


"Beautiful. " Sven smacked his lips and said, "I. . . I said that the little beauty is very domineering. Her words are very beautiful. "    


"Shut up! Drive your car!" Long Tianqi frowned slightly.    


"Oh. . . " Sven tactfully shut his mouth, then smoothly drove the car to Yuan's Food Company.    


After parking the car, the three of them walked into Yuan's Food together. Outside the door was a red carpet paving the road. The flower baskets on both sides of the road were beautiful and gorgeous.    


The ceremonial ladies were all wearing tight red cheongsam with high pitchforks. Their figures were tall and beautiful.    


Along the way, they brought Yi Lanyou and Long Tianqi to the banquet venue.    


The moment the two of them appeared, they attracted everyone's attention.    


Originally, there were all sorts of news bombardment in the morning. Now Yi Lanyou and Long Tianqi were wearing the formal dress they wore yesterday when they participated in the Z City Chamber of Commerce. It really made people think deeply.    


"Chairman Yi. " Someone greeted her with a smile. "Young Master Long. "    


"Hello, how are you?" Yi Lanyou smiled and nodded. She walked in step by step with Long Tianqi. As soon as she walked in, Yi Lanyou felt a gaze full of hatred.    


Pretending to look back inadvertently, she saw who hated her so much.    


"The people from the Fang family are here too. " Refined happened to see it too. "Why is that woman staring at you?"    


"Oh. " Yi Lanyou replied indifferently. "It's probably because someone used me when I was in the Fang family to cause her husband to cheat on her own daughter-in-law. "    


"This is messy. " Sven curled his lips. "If I hadn't seen them today, I would have thought that the Fang family would have gone bankrupt. "    


"I thought so too. " Yi Lanyou smiled. "What a coincidence. "    


Yi Lanyou looked around the venue and did not see Xiao Bo. Yi Lanyou took the drink from Long Tianqi and said in a voice only the two of them could hear, "Do you think Xiao Bo can be fooled?"    


"Yes. " Long Tianqi said affirmatively, "If nothing unexpected happens, the person sent by the mysterious person to assist Xiao Bo is in this hall. "    


"Oh?" Yi Lanyou's lips twitched. "Who do you think it is?"    


"I think. . . " Long Tianqi's gaze passed Yi Lanyou's shoulder and looked at the man and woman who were walking together not far away. The corner of his mouth lifted up seductively. "I think it is someone you know. "    


"Hmm?" Yi Lanyou followed Long Tianqi's gaze and turned around to look behind her. When she saw the woman in the evening dress beside Xiao Bo, Yi Lanyou was stunned for a moment and a shocking killing intent burst out from her body.    


Pandora's appearance before her death appeared in front of her eyes. A chill spread from the bottom of her heart to her entire body.    


"My dear. " Long Tianqi reached out and wrapped his arm around Yi Lanyou's waist and kissed her on the forehead. "Where is your composure?"    


"Yi Lanyou heard what Long Tianqi said and immediately recovered her senses. The killing intent on her body immediately turned into a polite smile. "President Xiao, the business is going well. "    


"Thank you. " Xiao Bo naturally noticed Yi Lanyou's eyes that were full of killing intent. Seeing that she was so hostile to him, Xiao Bo's mouth slightly lifted. It seemed that he had already given Yi Lanyou a feeling of threat.    


This was just the beginning. He would destroy Yi Lanyou bit by bit, starting from Yuan's Food!    


"Miss Yi, long time no see. " The corner of Fang Lian's mouth was a decent smile as she stretched out her hand in front of her.    


"Yes, long time no see. " Yi Lanyou stretched out her hand and shook Fang Lian's hand.    



Both of their palms were cold as they held each other's hands. Their eyes had already locked onto each other for a brief moment.    


It didn't matter who won or lost.    


"You two know each other?" Xiao Bo looked at Fang Lian and patted his forehead with a smile. "Look at my memory. You are all from the four big families. How could I not know you?"    


"I don't know what President Xiao's definition of knowing is. " Yi Lanyou looked at Xiao Bo with a faint smile. "If it is just a combination of surnames and looks, then I know Miss Fang. "    


"Hehe. " Fang Lian smiled lightly. "Miss Yi, you must be joking. "    


"Excuse me for asking. " Yi Lanyou met Fang Lian's eyes. "I remember that you have a younger sister. Her name is Fang Yuan, right?"    


"Yes. " Fang Lian replied, saying, "She is currently studying in Europe. "    


"Is she studying?" Yi Lanyou's lips curved up strangely. "Or are you under house arrest?"    


. . . "" Fang Lian's gaze dodged slightly before she immediately composed herself and said, "Miss Yi still likes to joke so much. "    


"That's right. " Yi Lanyou revealed a harmless smile and said, "I hope Miss Fang does not mind. "    


"No. " Fang Lian replied but deliberately looked elsewhere.    


This matter should not have been known by anyone. . . .    


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