Rebirth of the Revenge Queen

C4305 External Head External Head Li Chao Asked for Help

C4305 External Head External Head Li Chao Asked for Help

0He's just a 38-year-old old man who doesn't even have a proper job, just a face, and these people are so sick of him that they think he's a god?    


And Jiang Mengshuang!    


How could she dress like that? How shameless!    


That kind of clothes could only be worn for her boyfriend to see. She could only wear it for him to see!    


How could this Jiang Mengshuang. . .    


It was all that Wu An had taught her badly. Jiang Mengshuang was not like this in the past. She was definitely not like this!    


"Damn it! Damn it!" Li Chao's hand was trembling slightly.    


[His tone is sour. One look and you can tell that he is jealous. ] He can't be good to others. What's wrong with being 38 years old? You won't live to be 38 years old, right? It's 37 years old, right?    


[That's right. Just say it out loud if you're jealous. Can't you be sarcastic?]    


[That's right! A 38-year-old security guard also has the nerve to chase a 20-year-old female university student. That Jiang Mengshuang is also self-indulgent. How can she have the face to go to school even if she wears that kind of clothes?] Was she still a student? She should be out for sale!] Li Chao's hands trembled in anger.    


[Wake up!] The Qing Dynasty is dead. I can wear whatever I want, what are you doing?]    


I'm ugly, but I can't bear to see other people's youthful and beautiful looks.    


[That's right, I've never seen a woman before, right? She just exposed half of her waist and sold it?] Then your mother broke the rules when she gave birth to you!]    


[The most disgusting kind of people who point fingers at other people's clothing. It's personal freedom to wear more or less!]    


[Using clothes to judge other people's occupations, please don't let this brother of yours be a law school student. If this kind of person learns the law, it will harm the interests of the people if he goes out!]    


[That's not the case. When the time comes, it will be a disgrace to Beijing University. ]    


[Now that you mention it, I also feel a chill run down my spine. If he were a scum from law school, how scary would he be!?]    


[Damn it, our Medical Department doesn't want this kind of scum either. Are there any IT students who want to check which department this scum belongs to?]    


[Human him!] Eliminate evil for the people!]    


Coming, coming! The IT staff came. I'll check right now! Give me ten minutes!    


When he saw this message, Li Chao's hand trembled, and his heart jumped to his throat. He immediately deleted all the replies he had left, and even deleted his account number.    


As long as it was like this, he wouldn't be able to find him. He definitely wouldn't be able to find him.    


[Damn, this grandson is really fast. ] The attached picture was a screenshot of Li Chao's account being deleted from his account.    


[He was scared away just like that? I was just saying it!] The IT department student chuckled at his phone and continued replying, [It's against the law to kill other people!] Not to mention, it's a law school. I'll just pretend to be a B, and he'll leave.    


Real leather upstairs, but this grandson must be from the School of Law.    


No, Jiang Mengshuang is a flower in law school after all. It's not impossible for her to have a few fanatical suitors.    


[I like Jiang Mengshuang too!] Her confession was rejected, Orz. . . ]    


[Brother, don't cry. It's not just you. . . There are more than a hundred people Jiang Mengshuang rejected. ]    


[I remember there is a person in our academy who has been defeated repeatedly. He has been defeated repeatedly. His name is Li Chao, right?]    


[Yes, yes, yes, yes. . . . My roommate, ever since Jiang Mengshuang announced her relationship, he has been a little neurotic. . . ]    


[Li Chao's grades are not bad, and he is also ranked among the top in the exam. However, he looks a little sinister. ]    


Reasonable appreciation for the beauty of Glory World Flower Department. I'm a fan of beauty. I'm a flower faction and a security guard uncle!    


[Me too!]    


. . .    


The forum was still in a heated discussion, but Li Chao was so scared that he did not dare to touch his phone for the whole day.    


It was only when he returned from school at night and did not hear any rumors about him that he relaxed. He felt that it was because he deleted his account number quickly that he was not discovered.    


He did not sleep well and was frightened for the whole day. At night, Li Chao felt completely drained.    


Just as he was thinking about how he had to rest early tonight, a window popped up on his computer screen once again.    


[I know what you've done. ]    


Seeing this anonymous email, Li Chao felt his fragile nerves tighten. Countless evil thoughts flashed through his mind, and in the end, only horror and fear remained.    


Who exactly was this person who sent him this anonymous email? What did he know? Why was he unwilling to let him go?    


In the end, it was all Jiang Mengshuang's fault!    


If Jiang Mengshuang had not refused to accept his pursuit and if she had not ignored him high and mighty, he would not have taken the risk to do such a thing.    


Furthermore, Jiang Mengshuang did not receive any actual harm. It was just a small prank from him.    


Why did he not let him go!    


His ears buzzed. Li Chao stared fixedly at the screen with bloodshot eyes.    


It wasn't his fault. Why was he the one being bullied in the end?!    


Why? It shouldn't be, it shouldn't be!    


It wasn't his fault, it definitely wasn't his fault!    


No, he had to save himself. He absolutely couldn't just sit and wait for death like this!    


Right, he had to save himself.    



He also had to teach Jiang Mengshuang a lesson. Yes, it was Jiang Mengshuang who caused him to become like this.    


He was frightened and was ridiculed by others.    


Why was Jiang Mengshuang still there as if she had nothing to do with him and did not know shame?    


Yes, he wanted revenge.    


He had worked so hard and worked so hard. He should have gotten the best.    


After a night of not sleeping, Li Chao sent a message to Teacher Tong asking for help the next morning, asking her to meet him at noon.    


Teacher Tong agreed very quickly and arranged to meet at a coffee shop near Beijing University.    


When Teacher Tong saw Li Chao, she almost didn't recognize him.    


However, they hadn't seen each other for two days. Li Chao was extremely skinny. His eyes were green and his cheeks were sunken. His eyes were sunken and his shoulders drooped. He looked like he was on the verge of collapse at any time. He looked extremely terrible.    


"Teacher Tong. . . " Seeing Teacher Tong, Li Chao felt like crying.    


"Li Chao, what happened to you?" Teacher Tong looked at Li Chao in disbelief. "Are you alright?"    


"Teacher Tong. . . Save me! Li Chao reached out his hand to grab Teacher Tong's sleeve and muttered, "You must save me, I. . . I can't live anymore!"    


"What exactly happened?" Teacher Tong asked, "Don't worry, speak slowly. "    


"Actually. . . " Li Chao was here to ask for Teacher Tong's help. Plus, he had been under a lot of pressure these days, so he didn't hide anything from him. He told everything he had done to Teacher Tong. "I was just confused for a moment. I was really confused. "    


"But now. . . I've been sending anonymous emails. That person is threatening me and threatening me. " Li Chao looked at Teacher Tong: "You must help me!"    


"Okay. " Teacher Tong looked at Li Chao and revealed a very kind smile: "Don't worry, I will definitely help you. "    


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