Rebirth of the Revenge Queen

C777 The School Is Going on an Outing

C777 The School Is Going on an Outing

0"Then wouldn't I be in danger?" Yi Lanyou blinked.    


"It's fine. I'm here. " Zhang Ya smiled and patted Yi Lanyou's shoulder. "I'll give you supplementary lessons after school. "    


"I can't go after school. I have to go to the company. " Yi Lanyou shrugged her shoulders in pity. It was also quite tiring for her to run to both sides of the school company. Although Xie Wenhao was there, she was still the chairman. Now that Yi family had yet to overcome that obstacle, Yi Lanyou had to be careful.    


"Then let's just take supplementary lessons together. " Wang Hongfei said, "How is it at Zhang Ya's house?"    


"I have no problem with that. You guys can ask Tu Xiaofei. " Zhang Ya pointed at Tu Xiaofei and said, "The two of us live together. "    


"I have no problem too. " Tu Xiaofei said, "Then come over. It will be more lively with more people. "    


"Okay. " Han Jinxiang nodded. "I'll buy drinks then. "    


"I'll bring desserts. " Wang Hongfei said.    


"Then I'll take care of the food?" Yi Lanyou's cooking skills naturally had nothing to say.    


"Okay!" Tu Xiaofei cheered.    


"It's settled then. " Zhang Ya nodded.    


"That. . . " A hand gently patted Zhang Ya's shoulder.    


"Hmm?" Zhang Ya turned around and looked at the people behind her. "What's wrong?"    


"Count me and my brother in!" Wan Xingke would not miss any chance to win over his brother and bookworm. "We also want to take supplementary lessons together. "    


"Okay. " Zhang Ya nodded and looked at Wan Xinghao, who was carrying his schoolbag behind Wan Xingke. "Good morning. "    


Before Wan Xinghao could say anything, the bell rang. Everyone went back to their seats. Bai Yiming also walked into the classroom. "Dear juniors, good morning. "    


"Morning. " Everyone answered.    


"Come, come, take out the language books and turn to page 73. " Bai Yiming stood on the podium and looked around. He stopped his eyes on Yi Lanyou and said with a smile, "Class Monitor Youyou, you are here today. "    


"Yes. " Yi Lanyou nodded.    


"It is not easy to find time to go to school even when you are busy. " Bai Yiming joked.    


"Uh. . . " Yi Lanyou was stunned for a moment and answered, "It should be, it should be. "    


"Then you can read it. The third paragraph begins. " Bai Yiming said.    


"Hahaha. " Everyone was amused by the conversation between Bai Yiming and Yi Lanyou.    


"Hahaha. " Zhang Ya also covered her mouth and laughed.    


At this time, a hand lightly patted her arm.    


"En?" Zhang Ya looked at a folded piece of paper handed over from the side and blinked. She opened the paper and there were familiar words in it, [Good morning. ]    


Zhang Ya raised the corner of her mouth and wrote, Good morning. She handed the note back.    


Wan Xinghao looked at the beautiful handwriting on the note and smiled.    


This was the way they communicated in school.    


Very soon, the day's lesson was about to end. Yi Lanyou really felt that it was a little strenuous to delay the lesson for a few days.    


"During this class meeting, Abbot Class Monitor Youyou and Wang Hongfei will record it. " During the last lesson, Bai Yiming said, "There will be a class meeting on the outing the day after tomorrow. " As if he had thought of something, Bai Yiming asked, "By the way, Class Monitor Youyou, do you know about this?"    


"Yes, I know. Wang Hongfei told me. " Yi Lanyou replied.    


"That's good," Yi Lanyou said. Bai Yiming smiled and said, "Then you can preside over it. "    


"Okay. " Yi Lanyou answered and walked to the podium. She went straight to the point and said, "The school said that the school will prepare lunch for each class. Then they will ask what everyone wants to eat for lunch. This way, it will be easier to book how much each person gets. "    


"Whatever, as long as it is not carrots!" Xiang Jiu'er immediately expressed her stance, "Absolutely! Definitely not carrots!"    


"Puhahaha. . . " Everyone laughed, primary school students? And they were picky about food and not carrots?    


"Oh. . . " Xiang Jiu'er wrinkled her nose. Why didn't these people know how scary carrots were? The kind of evil food that had bright colors to deceive the eyes, was simply the head of all evils!    


"Then we don't want carrots. " Yi Lanyou smiled and said, "If everyone has any ideas, you can say it. Then we will discuss it together. "    


The class meeting started with Xiang Jiu'er. It started with ease and joy.    


Everyone gathered their thoughts and said dozens of things. They wrote half of the blackboard.    


"This is really hard to come by with words. " Yi Lanyou stared at the blackboard and said, "There are some who want to eat Japanese food and Korean cuisine. There are also some who want to eat Thai food and some who want to eat bread and snacks. There are also grilled meat and home-cooked food. . . " Yi Lanyou smiled and said to her classmates, "Is there anyone else who wants to eat anything?"    


"Actually, I want to eat the dishes cooked by the class monitor. " A person in the front row said, "I heard that the class monitor showed his skills in the first year of high school. We weren't in Class B before, so we didn't taste it. . . "    


"Then you guys have really suffered a huge loss! Our Class Monitor Youyou's culinary skills have subdued all of our male classmates' parents!" Wang Hongfei still remembered his mother's flattering manner at that time. Thinking about it, it was a little embarrassing. . .    


" Wow. . . " Everyone was surprised. "Then let's not eat those on the blackboard. We want to eat the dishes cooked by the class monitor!"    


"Please spare me!" Yi Lanyou immediately placed a large fork in front of her chest. " The food for more than thirty people. . . I basically don't need to go on an outing in the afternoon. I'll just find a place with beautiful scenery and lie in the corpse. "    


" Hahaha. " Everyone laughed out loud again.    


"How about this. " Yi Lanyou thought of a compromise. "You don't have to pay. Everyone can bring a dish tomorrow. Every family has a warm lunch box, right? If you don't prepare one yourself, then everyone can bring a dish tomorrow. We can all try everyone's culinary skills. "    


"That's fine" The girls who knew how to cook all expressed that this was a good idea. The students who didn't know how to cook also expressed that they could let their mother show off their signature dishes.    


"Then Youyou, you have to bring three dishes!" Tu Xiaofei said, "One is probably not enough to split. "    


"Okay. " Yi Lanyou nodded. Three was better than thirty. "Then we will happily decide on this!"    


"What about Teacher Bai?" Someone asked.    



"Me?" Bai Yiming was suddenly called out. He smiled awkwardly and said, "That's fine. I will also cook three dishes for everyone to see my craftsmanship. "    


"Okay!" Everyone cheered.    


"Oh right!" Yi Lanyou seemed to remember something and added, "In that case, remember to prepare the main course. Don't just bring the dishes and not the rice. I don't know how to bring three portions of rice!"    


"Hahaha. " Everyone laughed.    


Wan Xinghao's mouth also curled up and glanced at the people around him. He did not know what Zhang Ya would wear on the day of the outing. Would she wear a long dress or sportswear? Thinking about it, Wan Xinghao's face blushed unnaturally.    


"What's wrong?" Zhang Ya looked at Wan Xinghao and asked, "Why is her face so red?"    


Wan Xinghao shook his head and hesitantly wrote on the paper, "I don't know how to cook. If I eat Ah Ke's dishes, I will die. . . "    


"Pfft. " Zhang Ya smiled and wrote, Then I will work harder to make four dishes.    




[Tu Xiaofei's dishes might die a more miserable death than Wan Xingke's dishes. . . ]    


The corner of Wan Xinghao's mouth rose. At this time, his phone vibrated in his pocket. Wan Xinghao took out his phone and looked at the text message. He immediately lowered his gaze and looked up at Yi Lanyou.    


There were only ten words on the message: Kill Yi Lanyou, do it cleanly.    


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