Rebirth of the Revenge Queen

C20 Miss Yi

C20 Miss Yi

0"This is pissing me off!" Fang Yuan sat on Yi Rui'er's bed and punched the plush doll in the face. "This bastard is too arrogant!"    


"Exactly!" Yi Rui'er pouted unhappily, "Sister Yuanyuan, don't you know that she was very arrogant the moment she arrived? She used the money of our Yi family to squander and even used some means to make my father scold me!"    


"What? Uncle scolded you?" Fang Yuan was stunned. In her impression, although Yi Haoen always had a cold face, his temper was not bad. "She must have many tricks up her sleeve!" Fang Yuan's face darkened and she clenched her fists. "I really underestimated her!"    


"Sister Yuanyuan, what are you going to do?" This was what Yi Rui'er cared about the most.    


"I will not let her live well!" Fang Yuan gritted her teeth. From the moment she was born until now, no one had dared to offend her!    


"Sister Yuanyuan, if you need my help, just say it!" Yi Rui'er patted her chest and said. She could not wait to personally punish that slut!    


"I really have something that I want you to do. " Fang Yuan beckoned to Yi Rui'er with her finger, "Later when we eat lunch. . . "    


Yi Rui'er's eyes lit up when she heard this, and then she hesitated, "Will she go and complain?"    


Yi Rui'er was still quite afraid of Yi Haoen, and even more so did not want to be punished by the family law.    


"What are you afraid of!? I don't believe what uncle will do to me!" Fang Yuan proudly raised her chin.    


"Wow! Sister Yuanyuan, you are so cool!" Yi Rui'er pretended to worship her. She had been waiting for Fang Yuan's words.    


Yi Rui'er's flattery clearly made Fang Yuan very happy and she became more and more pleased with herself.    


"Sister Yuanyuan, the weather is not bad now. I will bring you to the garden for a stroll. The day before yesterday, I saw that the Persian chrysanthemum is opening pretty well!" Yi Rui'er opened her mouth to invite.    


"Okay!" Fang Yuan agreed immediately and the two of them walked out of the room together.    


Once they reached the main hall, The two of them saw Yi Lanyou sitting on the sofa in the main hall drinking water.    


Fang Yuan rolled her eyes. The more she looked at Yi Lanyou, the more she found her annoying.    


Yi Rui'er also felt the same. But she kept telling herself to wait another one or two hours.    


At this time, a man in a suit walked in from outside the door.    


"Uncle Lian? Why are you back? Is dad back too? " Yi Rui'er recognized this person. This Lian Cheng was Yi Haoen's driver and secretary. He had followed Yi Haoen for twenty to thirty years and had always been his right-hand man.    


"Sir did not come back. I am here to pick up Miss. " Lian Cheng replied.    


"Pick me up?" Yi Rui'er was stunned and felt flattered. Yi Haoen had never been close to his children. Why did he suddenly ask Lian Cheng to pick her up this time? What a great honor this was! Yi Rui'er was overjoyed. "Where does Dad want to pick me up to?"    


"This. . . " Lian Cheng was a little embarrassed.    


On the other side, Yi Lanyou stood up and said as she walked past them. "I am ready. Let's go. "    


"Okay. " He smiled apologetically at Fang Yuan and followed Yi Lanyou.    


Yi Rui'er's face was pale. She clenched her fists tightly and her eyes were filled with anger.    


Seeing this, the corner of Fang Yuan's mouth revealed a faint smile.    


At the seventh floor of the hotel under the Yi family. Yi Lanyou pulled down the skirt of her dress at the door of the room. As Lian Cheng opened the tightly shut door, Yi Lanyou also saw the situation inside the room.    


A round table was in the middle of the room. Yi Haoen sat on the main seat on the left, and a man and a woman sat opposite him. The man was in his early forties. He had a decent appearance and an extraordinary aura. The woman took good care of herself. Her skin was fair, and her charming eyes revealed her shrewdness. There was a gentle and dignified smile on her face.    


"Dad. " Yi Lanyou nodded at Yi Haoen.    


"Come over here quickly. I will introduce you to a guest. " Yi Haoen waved at Yi Lanyou.    


"Okay. " Yi Lanyou walked to Yi Haoen's right and faced the man and woman.    


"These two are. . . " Yi Haoen paused for a moment. "Just call them Uncle Long and Auntie Feng. " Yi Haoen's words made the relationship between the two parties closer and also avoided some awkwardness.    


"Uncle Long, Auntie Feng, hello. " Yi Lanyou raised the corner of her mouth and nodded at the two of them.    


"This is the eldest daughter of Yi family!" Feng Yingshu sized Yi Lanyou up and down and said with a smile, "She really is a beautiful model. "    


"She is more simple than I thought. " Long Hanmo smiled.    


"It is not bad for a girl to be simpler. " Feng Yingshu added.    


Yi Haoen only noticed Yi Lanyou's clothes when he heard her. After hearing what Long Hanmo and Feng Yingshu said, Yi Haoen felt a little awkward.    


"Take a seat. " Yi Haoen coughed a few times and said to Lian Cheng at the door, "Let the waiter serve the dishes. "    


"Yes. " Lian Cheng responded and left.    


"About the engagement. . . " Feng Yingshu sat on the chair and casually tidied her skirt before looking at Yi Lanyou. "Lanyou, you also know, right?"    


Yi Lanyou glanced at Yi Haoen. After meeting Yi Haoen's somewhat embarrassed eyes, she lifted the corner of her mouth and smiled at Feng Yingshu. "I know. "    


"It's good that you know. " Feng Yingshu said, "I should have brought Tianqi to meet you today, but this child was spoiled by the family. He went out and probably forgot about what happened today. "    


"Humph! This unfilial son!" Long Hanmo frowned.    


"He is a young man. " Yi Haoen smiled brightly. "We can arrange for them to meet another day. "    


"President Yi, you don't have to say good things for Tianqi. Even if Tianqi didn't come today, I still like Lanyou. " Feng Yingshu said that and waved at Yi Lanyou, "Lanyou, come and sit with me!"    


Yi Lanyou saw this and got up to walk to Feng Yingshu's side. Feng Yingshu casually took off the expensive jade bracelet on her wrist and put it on Yi Lanyou, "This is my greeting gift to you. "    


Yi Lanyou looked at Yi Haoen and Yi Haoen nodded his head. "Since it is a gift from you Auntie Feng, just accept it. "    


"Thank you, Auntie Feng. " Yi Lanyou smiled appropriately.    


Everyone had a good chat during the meal. Feng Yingshu did not hide her love for Yi Lanyou and Yi Haoen was very satisfied with Yi Lanyou's elegance and magnanimity.    


After the meal, the father and daughter personally sent the guests into the car and left. Long Hanmo asked in a deep voice in the silent car. "What do you think of Yi Lanyou?"    


"I am not interested in her. " Feng Yingshu looked at the scenery outside the window, but her eyes were as deep as a black hole. What she was interested in was the secret behind Yi Lanyou.    



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