Enchanting Alchemist



0The sable shook the empty bottle in front of her eyes, its eyes filled with desire.    


"If you come back with me, I can make you more medicine." Hua Ruge saw through the little thing's intentions. It didn't feel anything from the start, it just couldn't bear to part with the medicine.    


Hua Ruge felt that this little thing was very cute, and its level was high. It would be of help to him in the future.    


When the sable heard that there was medicine to eat, it immediately nodded.    


Hua Ruge hugged it and said softly, "Sleep, my little friend."    


The sable seemed to have already gotten used to her molesting it and did not reject her.    


"Wuwuwu ?"    


Just as Hua Ruge was about to fall asleep, he heard a low cry that sounded like it came from a woman.    


Why would there be a woman's voice near Profound Beast Forest? She felt that it was a bit strange, but she wasn't that curious, so she turned around and pressed the sable underneath her, preparing to sleep.    


"Wuu ? wuu ?"    


The crying became more and more intense, as if there were more people joining in. It was all women.    


Mao Jun also stuck his head out.    


Hua Ruge asked: "What's going on?"    


"Probably the barbarians that live nearby." Mao Jun rubbed his eyes and replied.    


"How savage are barbarians?" Hua Ruge was curious.    


"Barbarians aren't barbarians. They are just a race. They are stronger than normal humans and can train as well. However, they don't have a perfect social system like humans." Mao Jun said and was about to crawl back to sleep.    


"Wait, then why are they crying?" Hua Ruge continued to ask.    


"I don't know about that." Mao Jun muttered and went back into the tent.    


The crying sound gradually became smaller, but Hua Ruge could not fall asleep. She threw the sable into her dimension and slowly walked towards the sound of the crying sound.    


The barbarians lived very close to the Profound Beast Forest. It looked like a small tribe, and the wooden houses were very rough and big.    


At this moment, there was a group of elderly, weak, and children sitting on the edge of the tribe.    


"Old man, what's wrong? "Did you encounter any difficulties?" Hua Ruge walked forward and asked with a slow voice.    


The old man raised his head and saw that it was a good-looking teenager. He was stunned for a moment before asking, "Who are you?"    


"I'm a student here to train. Is there anything I can help you with?" Hua Ruge said with a soft voice, but it was a bit gentle.    


When she saw these helpless people, her heart softened.    


The old man shook his head helplessly, "You're a good kid, but you can't help us."    


"Child, you can leave now." Another woman answered, "We didn't hunt much today and didn't exchange for food. If this goes on, we won't be able to survive the winter, so we can only fend for ourselves and find a way out for the men and their sons."    


Hua Ruge understood immediately that these barbarians did not know how to cultivate. It was already difficult to hunt in winter, they could only rely on exchanging food in order to survive, so they had no choice but to sacrifice the smallest amount of people in order to save food.    


"It happens every year?" Hua Ruge asked again.    


"Not in the past, but in the past few years, we have starved to death in too many years. Naturally, the amount of people who hunt is too little, and only a few of us can be sacrificed every year." A woman answered.    


They had been abandoned by the tribe, but there was no anger on their faces. All of them were willing, and their eyes were filled with hope for a better future.    


Their men, their sons, their families.    


"Can you tell me where the Patriarch is? I want to talk to him." Hua Ruge asked.    


The old woman was curious, not knowing whether she should say it or not.    


However, at this moment, a two meter tall and very broad middle-aged man walked over and said, "I am the clan leader. What business do you have?"    


He may be prejudiced against humans, or he may be in a bad mood, but his tone is not very good.    


"Maybe I can help you guys through this crisis. Would you like to talk about it?" Hua Ruge understood him, so his attitude was as calm as before.    


The chief's eyes lit up, but he immediately asked vigilantly, "You humans are too cunning, how can you be so kind?"    


"There is no conflict between being cunning and being kind." Hua Ruge shook his head: "How about we discuss it, I really have no ill intentions."    


The chief nodded and said, "Let's talk inside."    


"Young man, you're nice. Treat him well." The old man from before said.    


The chief pursed his lips and painfully replied, "Understood, Mother."    


Hua Ruge's pupils shrank. If the tribe leader of a tribe was like an emperor, the mother of the tribe leader would definitely be respected as well.    


She suddenly felt even more respect for this old man and the clan leader.    


After entering the door, Hua Ruge noticed that the middle-aged man who looked to be around forty years old said: "I'm a student that came to participate in the trial, and only came here because I heard the sound of crying. I'll leave tomorrow, so you don't need to suspect that I have any ill intentions.    


"Are you really going to help us?" Although the chief asked this, he was no longer as alert as he was before.    


Hua Ruge nodded and said, "First, I want to analyze why this kind of situation occurs. Can you tell me how many people your clan has, and what kind of division of labor it is?"    


"Alright." The barbarian chief nodded and said, "We are a relatively large tribe with more than six thousand people. Usually, the men in their prime would go to hunt Xuan Beasts to sell fur and crystal cores while the women would stay at home to take care of the children."    


"Other than hunting, there's nothing else. For example, farming or setting up a mercenary group?" Hua Ruge asked again.    


The barbarian patriarch had an ugly expression on his face as he heard this:    


"We barbarians are just a lowly race in your eyes, not even allowing us to live in the city, much less hiring us to do anything. We don't know how to farm, and we don't have any land to farm."    



Hua Ruge understood in his heart, no wonder he was so against human beings.    


Doing such things was indeed the style of a great Zheng. After all, people were divided into different grades, not to mention how they treated outsiders.    


"Hunting profound beasts is very dangerous, but we have no choice but to go. Therefore, in these two years, we have suffered serious injuries and deaths, and there is not enough food for us clansmen. There is no other way ?" "Ai ?" The barbarian patriarch couldn't carry on.    


Seeing the two meter tall man's eyes turn red, Hua Ruge also felt sad.    


"Our appetite is too great. There's nothing we can do about it."    


"How much money do you need to eat your fill this winter?" Hua Ruge asked, she felt that the money she earned from earning money should not be a problem to eat.    


"Don't even mention eating my fill, as long as I don't starve to death, I have a thousand carts of food." The barbarian patriarch said with a look of anticipation.    


He was also a man who would rather die than give in. Now that he was forced to let his mother fend for herself, he truly had no other choice.    


"How much is a thousand cars? "How much is it?" Hua Ruge was confused.    


The chief of the barbarians shook his head. "It's not all about money. We have too much food. The nearby cities don't have that much food at all. The more distant cities don't allow us to enter at all."    


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