Enchanting Alchemist



0When the spectators heard Hua Ruge's words, they went into an uproar.    


There were not many in the same age group who would dare to say such words to Xiao Yuyan, not to mention that Hua Ruge was younger than them by a few years.    


"I like what Brother Hua said." Mao Jun felt very hot-blooded.    


Yan Zixing watched with rapt attention.    


Lan Bing'er clenched his fists nervously.    


Tuoba Yu said softly, "Don't be nervous, he shouldn't suffer that much."    


Xiao Yuyan snorted coldly, and began to concentrate.    


Hua Ruge made his move after a few breaths, the three fireballs whistled as they flew towards Xiao Yuyan.    


The people below were startled, they did not think that Hua Ruge would actually take the initiative to attack.    


The technique that Xiao Yuyan had prepared was interrupted, his staff knocked on the ground, and a fire shield appeared in front of him.    


"Puff puff puff!"    


The blazing fireball smashed into the fire shield, depleting all of its energy.    


Some sharp-eyed people noticed that Hua Ruge had closed their eyes the moment he threw out the fireball, and started to prepare for the next soul skill.    


put away the fire shield, seeing that she could not beat Hua Ruge, he made preparations, and after a while, a fire dragon flew towards Hua Ruge, looking at the strength of its soul technique, it was at the fourth stage.    


But the moment the Fire Dragon was formed, Hua Ruge waved his hand, and the same Fire Dragon formed. It was just that the color was thicker than's, and there was a hint of blue flame flowing at the center.    


It was the same rank four soul technique, but its strength was different.    


After Hua Ruge released the Fire Dragon, he waved his hand and used a wind-type tornado technique to chase after the Fire Dragon. When the tornado made contact with the Fire Dragon, the Fire Dragon's body expanded by a size as it pounced towards Xiao Yuyan with bared fangs and brandished claws.    


The two fire dragons clashed, and Xiao Yuyan's sword quickly disintegrated.    


As for Hua Ruge, he had only consumed a bit, and continued to rush forward.    


Seeing that the situation wasn't good, Xiao Yuyan hurriedly opened another fire shield.    


However, a fire shield of the first rank merely blocked the fire dragon for a moment before being destroyed. In a panic, she rolled awkwardly to the ground and the fire dragon brushed past her and exploded to the side.    


Everyone below was shocked, just what kind of monster was this Hua Ruge, to actually be able to beat him into such a sorry state.    


"You're only a Soul Master of the fifth step, it's impossible for you to prepare a fourth step soul technique so quickly." Xiao Yuyan questioned.    


Hua Ruge chuckled, and pointed to his own chest: "I don't have a badge, who told you I'm a Level 5?"    


"You were here two days ago."    


"But it doesn't mean that it is the same today." Hua Ruge did not plan to hide his true strength from the outside, but he did not plan to reveal it to the public.    


"How long has it been since she broke through again?" Even Tuoba Yu was in disbelief, this cultivation speed was just too fast.    


Lan Bing'er shook his head: "I don't know either, but it's good that big brother is strong."    


"Your mind is more pure than others." Tuoba Yu praised.    


Lan Bing'er did not reply him, and perhaps, she did not know what to say either.    


"It seems that there's a reason why the dean is specially recruiting." Mao Jun said.    


Yan Zixing nodded.    


Lan Bing'er was aware of this, but he did not know why. At that time, when her mother died, she was so grieved that she did not even notice the soul technique that Hua Ruge had instantly cast.    


On the stage, before Xiao Yuyan could even stand up, she felt the soul technique beneath her body fluctuating. Knowing that Hua Ruge's Earth Soulcast was so powerful, she quickly rolled backwards.    


Indeed, just as she left that place, there were earth spikes jutting out.    


Just as she felt safe and familiar, she had to keep going.    


The two Level Two Earth Soulcast and three Earth Spurs bought Hua Ruge time to prepare his Soul Arts.    


Right after Xiao Yuyan stood up, another fireball rushed over. It was already too late to prepare the fire shield, so she could only cover her head with both hands and squat.    


"Puff ?"    


The first fireball landed solidly on her arm. The second fireball flew over her head and burnt her hair. Only then did the third fireball pose no threat to her.    


A piece of Xiao Yuyan's sleeves had been burnt, revealing two bare arms. Fortunately, the material of the Soul Master Robe was good, if it were any other clothes, it would be very difficult to extinguish Hua Ruge's flames.    


"Hua Ruge, if you dare to tease me, I won't let you off." Xiao Yuyan was finally flustered and exasperated.    


Hua Ruge crooked his finger at her: "Bring it on."    


Xiao Yuyan started preparing his soul technique again. However, she was only one stage higher than Hua Ruge, and her flames were weaker than Hua Ruge. As long as she didn't have time to prepare the seventh stage of the Soul Arts, their strength would be similar.    


Following that, the two of them began to fight on the martial arts practice grounds for stamina.    


"The Brother Hua is really secretive." Mao Jun was a little emotional, as if anything impossible could happen to him.    


Who else would see a cross-step battle?    


Many of them were already prepared to go back and laugh at their comrades who hadn't come to watch. This was definitely the most exciting match of the tournament.    


Soul Master's mental energy below the level of a soul master was very poor, they would normally run out after a few soul techniques.    


Xiao Yuyan was the same as well. Very soon, he was drenched in sweat.    


Hua Ruge, on the other hand, was still brimming with energy and vitality. Because of the smile on his face, his appearance was even more captivating than before.    


This time, Hua Ruge did not use his soul technique. Instead, he took out that wooden stick from his spatial ring and looked at Xiao Yuyan with a playful expression.    


The Soul Master who had lost all his mental power was not even comparable to an ordinary person, and last time, Pei Yuan was not able to fight back against Hua Ruge in close combat, let alone Xiao Yuyan.    


When everyone saw Hua Ruge take out that rod again, they subconsciously covered their eyes, as if they could already see the brutal scene that was about to unfold.    


As Hua Ruge clapped his hands with the stick, he walked forward and asked kindly: "Have you seen me hit someone before?"    


Xiao Yuyan continuously retreated. "You ? What are you doing? "    


Under the watchful eyes of the masses, she naturally knew about the matter of the tyrannical teacher. Naturally, she did not want to be the one to get beaten up.    


"What are you afraid of? That's the tone I used last time to greet you. What did you say then? " Hua Ruge walked forward step by step.    


Xiao Yuyan's legs went soft as he retreated, and then fell onto the ground. He could only start to continuously move his body backwards.    


"You might have forgotten something important. Let me help you remember." Hua Ruge thought for a while, then said: "Oh right, you said that you will not show mercy, right?"    


How would Xiao Yuyan dare to reply now?    


"Then should I show mercy to you now?" Hua Ruge raised his eyebrows and asked with an evil smile, causing people's hearts to turn cold.    


"I don't believe you would dare hit me? I am a princess! " Xiao Yuyan said loudly, looking like he was trying to scare the others.    


"See if I dare." Hua Ruge smiled at her brilliantly, Xiao Yuyan felt that he did not dare to gamble.    


At this time, Xiao Yuyan had already been forced to the side of the training grounds, she rolled down quickly, and shouted: "I admit defeat, I admit defeat."    


Hua Ruge stood on stage, and lightly nodded. "Not bad."    


At this moment, the crowd suddenly realized that Hua Ruge's words about letting Xiao Yuyan climb down the stage to admit defeat, were true.    


It seemed like Hua Ruge had already done it.    


Facing someone stronger than him who still had such a strong control and calm calculation ability, this ability really made the spectating students exclaim in admiration.    


"Well done, Brother Hua." Mao Jun took the lead and cheered, and many students who admired Hua Ruge also followed along.    


"Big brother is so powerful." Lan Bing'er's small face revealed a rare smile in front of everyone.    


Those who saw it felt full of their own blessings.    


Hua Ruge shouted as he got off the stage. Lan Bing'er immediately took out a handkerchief and wiped Hua Ruge's face, which made many people jealous and envious.    


"Brother Hua, you really are the most good-looking little white boy I've ever seen." Mao Jun said with a smile.    


"Brother Mao, don't think that you can escape the wine you owe me with just a few words of flattery. Yesterday, you said that you won and celebrated my victory." Hua Ruge said to him.    


Mao Jun thumped his chest loudly, "Don't talk about wine, even big brother Swallow Spring Pavilion would invite you."    


These words attracted quite a few people's attention. All of the men's eyes were shining.    


"Forget it." Hua Ruge rubbed her nose. She, who had always been thick-skinned, couldn't say such a thing in front of so many people.    


"What's there to be shy about? You'll know the benefits once you're there." There were men making fun of him. The crowd burst into laughter.    


Hua Ruge felt that his face was still a little less than these men's.    


Lan Bing'er stood beside them with his face red like a ripe apple.    


Seeing that, Tuoba Yu brought her out. She initially wanted to stay with Hua Ruge, but she could not stand the thought of it, so she followed along.    


"Some men's jokes, don't mind them too much." Tuoba Yu said.    


He was a very gentle man and very meticulous. His words would take care of the emotions of others, so he felt very comfortable listening to them.    


"Don't take big brother." Lan Bing'er said after a long while.    


Tuoba Yu was startled for a moment. "I thought you would say that you won't let me go."    


Lan Bing'er shook his head and did not say a word.    


Tuoba Yu really wanted to say something, but when faced with Lan Bing'er's indifferent little face, he actually didn't know what to say.    


This girl seemed like she was easy to talk to, but her heart was a bit sealed. Wanting to truly enter into her heart was not an easy thing. One had to slowly do it.    


The few of them walked towards the small courtyard.    


Mao Jun gossiped, "After we get selected, all of the participants in the academy will gather in one place, in the palace outside the imperial palace."    


"Why are they concentrated?" Hua Ruge asked curiously.    


"This is the first round of the competition. We have to look at the different aspects of the student's quality. If they don't pass, they won't have the qualification to compete."    


Hua Ruge raised his eyebrows, "You have paid quite a bit of attention to him."    


"Who's in charge of elimination this year?" Yan Zixing asked.    


"You guys definitely won't be able to guess the arbitration this year." Mao Jun was puzzled.    


Yan Zixing frowned, but Hua Ruge did not care.    


"It's the Battle King." Mao Jun said loudly, and asked: "Did I scare you guys?"    


"Cough, cough." Hua Ruge was successful in choking on her saliva.    


Why is this man unable to dodge?    


"If the Battle King were to live in the same palace as us, wouldn't those girls die from excitement?"    



Mao Jun was still gossiping.    


Hua Ruge inexplicably thought of that kiss, and she felt that if she saw him, she would definitely be embarrassed to death.    


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