Enchanting Alchemist



0"After walking in the snow for so long, the cold air under my feet would make the bubbles much better." As Tuoba Rui said this, he had already lifted up his robes to crouch down, and was about to take off her shoes.    


Hua Ruge was immediately stunned.    


The goddess-like cold and noble Battle King, was she going to wash her feet?    


He was the king of Great Zheng. In the hearts of the people, he far surpassed the emperor. Moreover, it was in such a feudal era.    


Perhaps it was because she was too shocked, but her mouth was wide open, and she couldn't make a sound for a long while.    


When she regained her senses, Tuoba Rui had already taken off one of her shoes.    


"Don't ?"    


Hua Ruge withdrew his foot and said unnaturally, "I'll do it myself."    


Tuoba Rui looked at her pale face and laughed. "So Xiao Ge can blush too."    


"Nonsense." Hua Ruge glared at him.    


"It's even cuter." Tuoba Rui once again extended his hand to grab her ankle, "Stop messing around, your shoes are all wet. It's not good for your body if you don't bubble."    


"I can do it myself." Hua Ruge still felt awkward.    


"Don't move." As Tuoba Rui spoke, he carefully took off her socks and held her cold feet in the hot water.    


Hua Ruge bit her lips, watching his slender fingers continuously wash over her feet, her face slightly heating up.    


She felt as if she were actually blushing.    


Tuoba Rui continued to rub Hua Ruge's fair legs, and not long later, she saw a layer of pink on them.    


"Hot?" he asked carefully.    


Hua Ruge bit her lips, trying her best to sound normal. "It's not hot."    


"How can you not take care of yourself when you don't know how to? Stay by my side in the future." he said as he washed.    


The reason why he wanted to stay with her was just to take care of her, but the dignified Battle King actually loved him to such an extent.    


"You don't have to do this at all." Even now, she still didn't know why he would treat her like this.    


He didn't allow a woman within three feet of him, and she had seen his eyes more than once that she despised him.    


"I want to be like this. Watching over you and protecting you everyday to let you be happy and happy." As Tuoba Rui spoke, the corners of his mouth held a hint of a smile, as if that was the life he finally wished for.    


Hua Ruge had never come into contact with feelings before, so she had always felt that it was extremely illogical for two people who didn't know each other to be together.    


But now that Tuoba Rui was like this, she had to give him an explanation.    


If it was the past, she would definitely refuse him without any hesitation. However, now, it was a little difficult for her to reject him.    


"I'm not saying this to force you to make a decision. Don't be nervous." Tuoba Rui couldn't bear for her to struggle as he looked at her awkward appearance.    


When he finished speaking, he saw that Hua Ruge was still deep in thought, so he lifted her leg up and scratched at her foot.    


Hua Ruge could not help but laugh, it was as beautiful as a silver bell.    


This was the first time Tuoba Rui heard her laugh like this, so he couldn't help but scratch his head again.    


"Tuoba Rui, stop messing around, I'm ticklish." Hua Ruge laughed, and begged for mercy.    


It wasn't easy for Tuoba Rui to get such an opportunity to tease her. He really didn't want to let it go, but looking at her still pale face, he couldn't help but let go.    


He took the cotton cloth from the side of the basin and placed her feet on it, gently wiping it off.    


"Then it'll be much warmer. I'll sleep a little later and recover a little faster." Tuoba Rui planned for her as he wiped her hair.    


Hua Ruge's feet felt warm, and his heart felt even warmer.    


This was a moment she had never experienced before. It was her first time experiencing such a relationship with a girl. She felt warm and comfortable, but there was also hesitation and helplessness.    


After helping her dry her feet, Tuoba Rui stood up and carried her across his arms, placing her on a soft bed.    


"I'm not sleeping." Hua Ruge struggled to get up.    


"You aren't used to sleeping, I'll hug you." Tuoba Rui said as he rolled up the blanket and laid on the bed.    


"That's not what I meant ?" Hua Ruge had a bitter face.    


"Let me warm your bed so that you can sleep more comfortably." Tuoba Rui said as he held her in his arms.    


Hua Ruge heard this and immediately felt his heart beating faster.    


He was clearly so aloof. Why did he have to say such seductive words?    


Warming the bed made one wonder if it was true.    


"Little Ge, your ears seem to have turned red again." Tuoba Rui said as he played with her earlobes.    


Hua Ruge immediately suppressed the wild beating of his heart and asked: "I'm not here to sleep, I'm here to ask you about the matter of the Xiao Duke Palace."    


"Since they dare to harm you, of course I won't let them go." When Tuoba Rui said this, her long eyebrows raised and her eyes filled with sharp killing intent.    


"Then you've exiled them all?" Hua Ruge felt that this man was too ruthless.    


"The journey is long and the wind is cold. Who knows if we'll be able to reach the border." Tuoba Rui's expression was indifferent, but his voice was even colder than the snow outside.    


Just by hearing his words, Hua Ruge knew that these people would not be able to reach the border anymore.    


This kind of ruthless method really did not live up to the name of the Battle King.    


She felt cold.    


He hugged her tightly and said, "Sleep, I'll guard you."    


As the warmth arrived, Hua Ruge's body was already very weak, and he quickly fell asleep in his arms.    


Tuoba Rui pulled her hand, locked his fingers together with hers, and slowly channeled spirit energy into her body to nourish her weak body.    


The sleeping Hua Ruge felt a wave sweep through his entire body, and comfortably snorted.    


Tuoba Rui gave her a light kiss on her forehead with a gentle smile.    


When Hua Ruge came out of the Battle King Manor, it was already evening. Because the next day, he had to go to the Hall of Sages, so he had to go back tonight to bid farewell to everyone.    


Tuoba Rui could not hold her any longer, so he let her go.    


Since she had been blocked from sight for a few days, the nobles at the entrance had already dispersed.    


Before Hua Ruge could even enter the small courtyard, she heard waves of hearty laughter from inside. Her eyes were filled with laughter as she walked in and said: "Brother Mao."    


At the moment, Tuoba Yu and Yan Zixing were sitting on a stone bench in the courtyard. Mao Jun was standing on the chair, holding a wine jar in his arms and talking happily.    


"Brother Hua, we've waited for you to come back. Come quickly and drink." Mao Jun jumped down from the stone chair, grabbed Hua Ruge's shoulders and walked over, and said:    


"You're too godly! You'll be able to cure me soon. In less than a month, I'll be able to recover my strength. Hahaha!"    


He had previously thought that he was crippled, but now that he had recovered, he was overjoyed.    


"Brother, I'm sorry, but even if you're done with your Hall of Sages, you still won't be able to go." Hua Ruge was happy but also felt guilty.    


"Speaking of which, I was really lucky when it came to disasters. Previously, the Old Master had me take the Hall of Sages examination, but now I can't take it. The Old Master has agreed to let me go to the battlefield. I'll leave next month." Mao Jun was even more excited when he heard this.    


Ever since he was young, his dream had always been to go to the battlefield. He never thought that he would be able to achieve what he wanted so quickly.    


Hua Ruge was elated, "Then I really should congratulate Brother Mao."    


"Or you can say that you are my benefactor, Brother Hua. In the future, if anyone dares to bully you, just let them know. I will bring the army back to help you." Mao Jun laughed.    


Thank you, Brother Mao. If there is anything that you need brothers at the border, feel free to inform me. Hua Ruge patted his chest and said.    


The two of them drank their wine while boasting loudly.    


Tuoba Yu and Yan Zixing watched on from the side with a smile on their lips, but their eyes were a little melancholy.    


Mao Jun and Hua Ruge were always able to cause trouble, and now that they had left, the small courtyard would probably not be lively anymore.    


While talking, the two of them returned to the table. Hua Ruge pulled on the wine jar and said, "Let's not go home until we're drunk tonight. I'll pay respects to everyone first."    


Tuoba Yu and Yan Zixing raised their cups, the four of them going back and forth, drinking to their heart's content.    


Lan Bing'er sat on a nearby set of stairs, holding his chin, he quietly watched Hua Ruge's figure, his eyes revealing a strong reluctance to part.    


She had always treated Hua Ruge as her only family, and now that Hua Ruge had left, she seemed to be the only person left in the world.    


"Bing-Er, come eat something." Tuoba Yu saw her coming out from the kitchen and called her.    


Hua Ruge turned his head and saw her small body in the shadows. Her eyes were lonely when she looked at him, but she had a smile when she turned around.    


She didn't want to worry her anymore, and she didn't want to be a burden anymore.    


might not know a thing about emotions, but she was clever, and quickly understood her thoughts. She comforted her: "I'll come back to visit you often in the future, if you want me to stay here for a while, there should be plenty of places for my Hall of Sages anyway."    


Seeing that Hua Ruge was still thinking about her, a satisfied smile appeared on his face as he nodded heavily: "Rest assured, Big Brother, Bing'er will definitely work hard. One day, I will definitely stand together with Big Brother."    


"Then big brother will be waiting for you inside the Hall of Sages. Try your best to get in next year." Hua Ruge patted her head.    


"Definitely." Lan Bing'er nodded firmly.    


Hua Ruge didn't doubt this point. This girl's talent was high after all, and since Dean Fang had the intention to accept her as his disciple to teach him, she still had a long way to go.    


Tuoba Yu looked at her small face, and his gaze did not move away for a long time.    


"I said don't just look, if you like her, you have to go chase her." Mao Jun patted Tuoba Yu's shoulder.    


"Of course I will." Tuoba Yu looked at Lan Bing'er and smiled slightly.    


Lan Bing'er lowered his head silently.    


"I can't take it anymore, Brother Hua, Zi Xing, let's continue drinking at Swallow Spring Pavilion." Mao Jun said.    


Yan Zixing drank a cup of wine and said, "I'm not going."    


"Think of it as a monk, let's go to Brother Hua." Mao Jun pulled Hua Ruge.    


Hua Ruge nodded: "Okay."    


Coincidentally, she also wanted to inform Hong Xiu about this, so she should pay attention to the movements of the big figures in the capital as well so that she could predict in advance if these people discovered that they were killing people in the secret realm.    


Since she had done something, she had to be wary of anyone retaliating once they found out.    


"Brother Hua is still the best at understanding the situation. Let's go, let's go together." Mao Jun said as he pulled Hua Ruge along.    


The two of them carried a jar of wine and walked out.    


"It should be fine, right?" Yan Zixing frowned, he felt that the two of them had drank quite a bit.    


"Brother Hua knows his limits." Tuoba Yu shook his head.    


Yan Zixing raised his eyebrows: "In comparison, I am more at ease with Mao Jun."    



When Tuoba Yu thought about it, it made sense.    


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