Enchanting Alchemist



0Hua Ruge rubbed his sore eyes to regain some spirit, then nodded and said: "Thank you, Enforcer. I will go over right away."    


The deacon looked at Hua Ruge and felt that he passed, so he did not say anything and led the way.    


The matter of the bestowal of the title could finally be carried out today, but Hua Ruge just wanted to sleep.    


Last night when she was gnawing on the book, she felt as if she had been injected with chicken blood, but now she felt very tired. She secretly channeled her spirit energy to nourish her body and make herself feel better.    


There were quite a few people who were spectating for fun in the area. Every day, it was very boring here, and outside, they had to maintain the demeanor of experts and act arrogantly, which meant that only they would be able to join in on the liveliness.    


No matter what happened, it was always good to take the opportunity to chat.    


There were no decorations except for an older deacon. On his left stood a page carrying a tray with an imperial edict on it and on his right a small badge.    


Hua Ruge glanced at the badge, thinking that once she obtains it, she would be considered a noble, and would have a place in the continent.    


"Congratulations, little big brother." Su Nianxia waved towards her from the crowd.    


Shi Yan, who was standing beside her, also said, "Congratulations Brother Hua."    


Before Hua Ruge could thank her, Su Nianxia had already walked over and looked at her suspiciously: "Little big brother, where did you go last night?    


"What do you want me to do?" Hua Ruge teased.    


"From the looks of it, you must have done something bad." Su Nianxia asked suspiciously.    


Hua Ruge didn't have the time to chat with her right now, so he said: "I'll tell you once I'm done with my business, what bad deeds I've done."    


As she spoke, she walked past Su Nianxia. Su Nianxia lowered his hand, and the space between their shoulders brushed against each other.    


Hua Ruge immediately felt a piece of paper stuffed into her hand, causing doubts to arise in her heart.    


What was this? What can't I say to my face?    


"Hua Ruge, hurry up, do you still need Master Deacon waiting for you?" The little deacon urged.    


Hua Ruge didn't have time to read the slip of paper and casually placed it in his spatial space.    


"I'm sorry, it's just that my lord, I didn't sleep last night because of my cultivation, so I came late. I'm sorry, I definitely won't do it again in the future." Hua Ruge walked to the front and said with a smile.    


The deacon praised as he heard this: "It is a good thing for young people to work hard. But you must be careful not to neglect such occasions in the future."    


"Yes, yes. I will definitely pay attention to it in the future." Hua Ruge nodded his head, looking like an obedient child.    


Su Nianxia was startled, this Hua Ruge really lied without blinking her eyes, the direction she came from was not towards her own room.    


However, Shi Yan said, "No wonder Brother Hua is so hardworking."    


"?" Su Nianxia.    


Right now, she was truly worshipping Hua Ruge more and more. She felt that she must properly learn from him.    


Hua Ruge knelt in front of the Enforcer, and the Enforcer took out his imperial edict to announce it.    


"Wait." Someone was shouting loudly in front of the Hall of Sages Gate. Because the door was hollow, you could clearly see that someone was shouting in the street outside.    


Hua Ruge turned his head and looked. It was the Hua Ruyan who had broken his leg that day.    


She raised her eyebrows. She should have hit him harder that day. If he had a comminuted fracture, he definitely wouldn't be able to get out of bed for half a month.    


"So what if you say it's stopped, the Hall of Sages is opened by your Hua Family?" Hua Ruge said in indignation.    


People From The Hall of Saints's face was also filled with unhappiness. Last time, he was provoked by the Hua Family and they were already angry enough, but now, they had come again, and this place was simply treated as a playground.    


"Right, why did you say we'd wait?" Someone was clamoring even louder than Hua Ruge.    


This was followed by shouts from a group of people. These people were the most powerful experts among their peers, and they were used to being arrogant since young. If they wanted to behave atrociously in their territory, they would definitely be punched.    


Hua Ruge turned his head, clearly showing that he could continue.    


She had a premonition that these people were here for her. In order to prevent them from causing any more trouble, it would be better to finish the ceremony early.    


Just as the deacon was about to continue, another group of people arrived, led by the eunuch at the emperor's side.    


Seeing that, the People From The Hall of Saints opened the door and Hua Ruyan followed in.    


None of the people in there didn't want to kick him out, but now that the Emperor was here after all, they all restrained themselves.    


"I wonder if Eunuch Wang came with orders from the king?" The Enforcer could only abandon Hua Ruge and welcome the Chief Eunuch.    


Only Hua Ruge was left kneeling in the center of the arena.    


She quickly thought of the strangeness of this matter and wondered what kind of trick she had come to the Hua family to pull. She wondered what she had planned to do this time.    


Very quickly, she remembered the slip of paper that Su Nianxia had given her earlier.    


While everyone was focused on Eunuch Wang, Hua Ruge flipped his hand and took out the slip of paper. Opening it up, he saw around a hundred delicate and pretty words, with one glance, he knew that the writer was extremely cautious.    


After she finished reading it, she couldn't help but laugh out loud. Then, she put the paper away and stood up herself.    


"The young master of the Hua family wrote to the emperor. He said that there were demons in the Hall of Sages who had entered the hall using an unorthodox method. His Majesty ordered this old servant to come and investigate." Eunuch Wang cleared his duck throat.    


The deacon's face changed when he heard this: "That's impossible, the disciples of my Hall of Sages are all dragons and phoenixes among men, how can they allow others to slander them as they please."    


As he spoke, he stared at Hua Ruyan.    


The other people in the Hall of Sages were also like this. They were originally the reverends that everyone respected, but now, they had been provoked by the Hua Family.    


Hua Ruge never thought that the collective sense of honor of the people here would actually be this strong.    


When Elder Wang saw that People From The Hall of Saints was angry, he did not casually speak anymore.    



What a joke, they were a bunch of people who were not to be trifled with. If they were to make a ruckus and make a move, the emperor could only turn a blind eye and not punish them.    


At that time, the only thing he could do was admit his bad luck.    


"This junior did not intend to offend Hall of Sages, it's just that I can't rub sand into my eyes, and I don't want to see a mouse poop ruin Hall of Sages's reputation." Hua Ruyan said at this time.    


He had been in the upper echelon for so many years, so it wasn't difficult for him to speak the official language.    


The deacon pondered for a moment before asking, "Who are you talking about?"    


He was also afraid that he might really make a mistake and let others laugh at him.    


Hua Ruyan proudly looked at Hua Ruge who was behind the deacon, and before he could say anything, Hua Ruge had already walked over, and said with disgust: I was wondering why I met Crow this morning, it turns out that I saw someone who isn't a jinx like you.    


"Who're you calling a jinx?" Hua Ruyan was unhappy.    


"Do you really want me to scold you again? Your hobby is really special. " Hua Ruge ridiculed.    


Hua Ruyan was furious, he did not know what to say.    


"Ru Ge, don't deal with your personal grudges for now. Who is the demon that you want him to call a demon?" As the Enforcer said this, his attitude towards Hua Ruge and Hua Ruyan was clearly different.    


Hua Ruge nodded: "Yes."    


Hua Ruyan pointed at Hua Ruge and said angrily, "It's her, she's just a fake name, and doesn't live up to her name."    


Everyone was startled. Wasn't this too much of a coincidence?    


"I say, you shouldn't make such a big joke about avenging a personal grudge right? Are you the one who fought those matches for me?" Hua Ruge looked at him in disbelief: "Your brain isn't working properly, it's not good to come out and disgrace yourself."    


Everyone was clear from Hua Ruge's reminder that this Hua Ruyan was obviously avenging the clan for his personal grudges.    


"Don't think that your glib tongue can confuse us." Hua Ruyan said angrily: "I admit that there is a personal grudge between you and I, but no matter how foolish I am, I will never use something that completely has no basis to question you."    


"You were stupid to begin with." Hua Ruge calmly struck back.    


The crowd burst into laughter, but their hearts were still full of doubts. The Hua family was arrogant, but they still had their own brains. If it was completely impossible, then they wouldn't muster up such a large group of people and even spout such outrageous words; that would simply be slapping themselves in the face.    


"What are you trying to say?" The deacon spoke to Hua Ruyan.    


He was curious to know if Hua family wanted to prove his theory.    


Hua Ruyan was furious with Hua Ruge for a moment, and then said: "To be able to grow to the seventh stage of Soul Master at the age of fifteen, this should be an ability only super genius possess. Moreover, Hua Ruge has cultivated a lot in the Soulcast, which makes me suspicious."    


"Everyone must be guessing what I suspect. Let me tell everyone, Hua Ruge's mental talent is not only not a genius, it can't even be compared to an ordinary person." After Hua Ruyan finished, he took a look at everyone's shocked expressions.    


"What a joke, he's even inferior to the talent of an ordinary person. How could he have today's cultivation, and even enter our Hall of Sages?" Some people were puzzled.    


Hua Ruyan nodded her head and said, "That's exactly the case, which is why I felt that she was strange, as though she was controlled by the power of an evil spirit."    


This hat that did not need to be responsible was placed down, if Hua Ruge was able to sit still, he would directly be tied to the cross and burned to death.    


"If you are strong, you are being controlled by the Evil Spirit? Is there something wrong with your head? " Hua Ruge raised his eyebrows.    


This bastard really knew how to make up a story.    


This time, the People From The Hall of Saints did not make a sound, because this matter concerned the evil spirits, no one dared to rashly believe it.    


A hundred years ago, the Church of Falling Sun made a deep impression on the continent, even though the story of that year was still being passed on.    


The fear of evil spirits was deeply rooted in one's heart.    


Just then, Hua Ruge heard A Erqi's angry grunt from within his body.    


"Hua Ruge, if you don't agree, then let's test it out." Hua Ruyan took out the Essence Testing Stone and asked, "Can you prove to me what kind of talent you have right now?"    


"Of course I can prove it, but why should I?" Hua Ruge taunted: "Just because you have some stupid words to say? I say, if you're not a man, why don't you take off your pants? "    


"You are making things up." Hua Ruyan shouted in anger.    


"Seeing how excited you are, why do I feel like I'm telling the truth?" Hua Ruge rubbed his chin, looking to be deep in thought.    


People From The Hall of Saints laughed again. If it wasn't for the fact that they were in this situation, he would definitely have taken off People From The Hall of Saints's pants.    


"Quiet." Eunuch Wang finally spoke.    


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