Enchanting Alchemist



0Before the old man could say anything, the soldiers nearby impatiently shouted, "What are you mumbling about? If you don't go to sleep now, go fight the Slate."    


The old man wiped his tears and said in a low voice after a while, "In short, if you see the City Lord go around it, then it's fine."    


Hua Ruge nodded as he received his instruction.    


The old man leaned against a tree and Hua Ruge could still hear him sigh in the middle of the night.    


She picked up a dogtail grass and put it in her mouth, then looked up at the starry sky.    


The water was unimaginably deep here.    


A cold wind blew in late at night, blowing the snow on the ground and blowing it on people's faces. It was bone-chilling cold.    


These laborers were shivering from the cold and were unable to sleep soundly.    


Hua Ruge had lost all of the spirit energy in her body, and similarly had no ability to resist the cold weather. There was a blanket in the air, but she was afraid of attracting more trouble so she did not take it out.    


She smacked her lips and wrapped her clothes around herself. She had suffered a lot, so it wasn't much.    


However, she was still not happy that her plan to recover had been interrupted.    


When dawn finally arrived, the soldiers on night watch went back to sleep. They swapped out a batch of soldiers who had eaten their fill and burped as they walked over with whips, calling for everyone to get up.    


Someone handed over a bronze coin. The soldiers accepted it with a smile and did not make a move again.    


The thing that Hua Ruge did not lack the most was money, but she did not give it to those people. It was because she knew that she had to keep a low profile since there was still a long time to go before that.    


When the old man stood up, Hua Ruge helped him up. When he looked up in gratitude, he saw that Hua Ruge's face and clothes were smeared with mud, as if he had accidentally fallen asleep last night.    


She smiled at the old man.    


The old man looked at her crafty eyes and immediately understood her intention.    


This would conceal her appearance and make her seem ordinary.    


He was indeed an intelligent child.    


When it was time for breakfast, the workers all rushed forward, and Hua Ruge was naturally one of them.    


She held a bowl in each hand as she rushed to the front of the group. Everyone looked curiously at the young man who seemed very weak yesterday.    


Soon, she came back with two bowls of hot porridge and two steamed buns. She then handed the old man his portion.    


"We are all miserable people, why must you fight with them?" the old man asked.    


Hua Ruge sat on the ground, sucked in a mouthful of hot porridge and innocently said, "I'm hungry, my body is very weak."    


The old man thought about the way she had squeezed him, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.    


Hua Ruge acted as if he did not hear anything.    


Although her spirit energy had not recovered yet, her body was still more or less recovered. Element Body was already strong, and had been nourished by spirit energy and pills for a long time, causing his body's quality to be much better than normal people.    


As a result, Hua Ruge had extra strength when working, the soldiers had to watch over everyone else. Only she had to work hard, and she had a lot of appreciation for her.    


When the officer asked her why she worked so hard, she always answered simply and honestly: "I want to get the money to go home and get a wife."    


The officers and soldiers were amused by her and enjoyed talking to her along the way.    


As a result, there was an extra weirdo in the group of strong men. Every time, he would rush to the front to work and eat, with a silly smile hanging on his face. He looked just like a married woman.    


On the second night, Hua Ruge sat under a tree and rubbed his face.    


While they were eating porridge on one side, the officers and soldiers had ordered the laborers to catch rabbits during the day. Now, they were roasting them while drinking wine.    


A laborer went to the snow to pick up firewood, but he came back a little late due to the difficulty of the journey.    


The officer went up and whipped the man, cursing him, "What the f * ck are you doing wasting your time? Can you afford to make me eat your meat?"    


"Yes, yes." That person obediently lied on the ground and hugged his head, not daring to say anything.    


"Billowing." The soldier went up and lashed out twice more, causing the man's expression to change. He got up and ran.    


"Honored officials, don't be angry. I'll go and pick up the firewood. It's not worth it to be angry to the point of losing your health." Hua Ruge walked forward with a silly smile, his face full of sincerity.    


"You're the sensible one. Come here, I'll give you an extra bun." A soldier threw a steamed bun to Hua Ruge from a paper bag beside him.    


Hua Ruge took it over and placed it in his pocket, and said: "Huo Wei is smiling a little, let me help to light the fire for the Masters."    


"Come here." Another officer called out.    


These labourers had been tired for two days, so they didn't have the strength to run. Naturally, they relaxed their vigilance.    


Hua Ruge went forward and helped them light a fire.    


"You're a nice guy." the officer said.    


Hua Ruge's fire was very hot, and the rabbit was quickly cooked. The five of them ate and drank together, chatting merrily.    


She backed up against the tree, her eyes slightly narrowed. It was night and no one could see her expression clearly.    


"It's fine for you to be like this. At least this group of people will not make things difficult for you." The old man sat down beside her.    


Hua Ruge did not answer, but continued to chat: "I should be a scholar."    


"Reading is useless. Twenty years ago, I was a High Scholar, but I still end up like this." The old man couldn't help sighing at the mention of himself.    


A High Scholar can be a substitute official. Even if he doesn't have a position, he has a good land and money. The family can live a very prosperous life." Hua Ruge said.    


The world was chaotic now, and the country valued martial arts dearly. It was not easy to get a name, but once you did, the treatment would be very good. It was unlikely that you would fall to your current state.    



"Previously, my family was considered to be the biggest families in the city, but now, my son has angered the mayor. I was the only one left in my family who was killed. Other than working as a laborer, there is no other way for me to survive." As the old man spoke, he began to wipe away his tears.    


Hua Ruge wanted to ask him what was going on with his son, but seeing the old man's appearance, she still said: "I'm sorry I caused your heart to hurt."    


"After so many years, I don't feel sad anymore. It's just that I'm too old to work hard and can't control my eyes." The old man comforted Hua Ruge on the other hand.    


While the two were chatting, someone suddenly said in panic, "He fell."    


Then, many people cried out in alarm.    


Hua Ruge looked up and saw that the five soldiers who were drinking and eating the rabbit just now had all fallen down at the same time, and did not make any sound.    


As the poisoner, she was not the least bit surprised.    


She would only be surprised if those people didn't die.    


If she, Hua Ruge, wanted to take revenge, how could she let these scum live?    


Those who were brave enough to go up and check their breath cried out in alarm, "They're actually dead! They're all dead!"    


More people jumped out of the darkness, screaming in disbelief.    


Usually, they would suspect that the last person was close to them, but no one would suspect that they were only thinking of Hua Ruge, the one who paid them to marry their wife.    


She also stepped forward with a look of confusion on her face.    


"Let's hurry up and run." Someone suddenly said.    


Everyone here had had enough of their lives.    


Hua Ruge felt that this was a very good idea, but the old man stood out and said: "No, once we run away from the City Lord, he will immediately assume that we killed him. If we bear the responsibility of doing so, we will be listed as wanted in the future."    


Most of these people lived in the city, so it was easy to find them.    


As a result, everyone fell silent. Someone asked, "Then what do we do?"    


"Send someone to report to the City Lord's Mansion. This way, they might be able to exempt themselves from punishment." The old man said again.    


Hua Ruge thought, as expected of someone who had read many books.    


If that was the case, then she couldn't leave. After all, she was the one who killed those people. If she left now, then she would implicate those people who had suffered so much.    


Everyone agreed with the old man and went to report.    


Everyone was worried about their future.    


Only Hua Ruge took a big gulp of their unopened wine and said: "Everyone drink a bit, to drive away the cold, Tian'er is too cold."    


Everyone looked at her blankly, thinking to themselves, this person really has a few strings missing. At this time, he's actually stealing wine to drink?    


"Won't you all drink? Then I'll have to drink it myself. " Hua Ruge was really rude as he raised his head and took another big gulp.    


Killing was like killing, drinking was like drinking wine, fast!    


Her alcohol tolerance was not that good. After drinking half a jar, she felt dizzy, so she put it beside those people and found a quiet place to sleep.    


Don't tell me she's warmed up a lot since she drank and fell asleep leaning on it.    


The old man didn't call her when he saw that she had gone far. With so many people, no one would be able to find out if they did. Besides, it didn't matter if they did.    


"This young fellow is really ?" "A man of character."    


The people around him racked their brains trying to think of a way to describe it, which suited Hua Ruge quite well.    


The old man nodded, he looked at the five dead bodies, then looked at Hua Ruge who was sleeping far away.    


The deaths of these five people were truly strange.    


If he had to eat something else, it might be food poisoning, but nothing could happen to a rabbit. Furthermore, five people were in trouble at the same time, and they died without even being able to groan.    


"Uncle Zhang, do you think we can escape this time?" A young man came forward to ask, interrupting the old man's train of thought.    


Hua Ruge actually fell asleep. In her half dream, she heard a commotion. She opened her eyes in a daze and saw torches lit up in the distance. Many soldiers had formed a circle, so she must have come to find out why.    


She lazily sat up, thinking to herself, "Of course it died from poison, but because it wasn't very potent, it was a chronic poison. It didn't mean it would kill people just by eating it."    


As a result, the medicinal properties of the pill were faint, and through Hua Ruge's method of refining, the ordinary coroners were unable to find anything about it.    


The coroner had only vaguely said that it was due to poison, but he didn't know the reason. Even the possibility of him eating a poisonous fruit was also included.    


Hua Ruge knew the result, so he did not go forward to take a look.    


In the end, there were only ten soldiers left, while the rest of the men carried the corpses away.    


He probably couldn't figure out the reason in such a short period of time.    


"All of you, go to sleep. Tomorrow, the mayor will come to check in. If you don't do it, don't even think about living." the officer shouted.    


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