Enchanting Alchemist



0"Darling isn't in a hurry to please my father, but shouldn't we take a step further?" Gao Meilan said as he walked towards Hua Ruge.    


Hua Ruge suddenly stood up and retreated, frowning: "There's no rush, I feel that my relationship with the City Lord should be eased a bit, if not my heart will not be at peace."    


Gao Meilan thought deeply about how to get closer to Hua Ruge, and heard: "Then I'll bring my husband to Xing Yuan tomorrow, how about we go see father?"    


"Didn't you say that the City Lord's superior is here? Shall we go?" Hua Ruge seemed to be a little worried.    


"No problem, we'll go quietly." Gao Meilan said excitedly.    


She didn't think that Hua Ruge would actually be moved by her so quickly, and want to start a good relationship with her own family.    


Hua Ruge nodded, "Okay, then tomorrow."    


With that, she turned around and returned to her room.    


Gao Meilan looked at Hua Ruge's back in a daze, the servant girl beside him said: "Congratulations, Young Miss. From Young Master's appearance, you should be able to be with Young Master very soon."    


"You are the only one with a sweet mouth. Reward." Gao Meilan said with a smile.    


Hua Ruge fell asleep after dinner and touched his bed in the middle of the night as usual.    


The target was Aunt Zhao's room.    


She had analyzed previously that the city lord who was as cautious as an old turtle would only be at ease if his evidence was not stolen. Since there was neither a study nor a bedroom, then the only room left was Aunt Zhao's room, which he went to every day and which no one else would suspect.    


She was already familiar with all the city guards' patrolling time, and only took a short time to sneak into Madame Zhao's side courtyard.    


She pushed open the window of the gauze cloth, and before she could blow on the sedative, she was already in a situation that was inappropriate for children.    


The candlelight flickered in the room, and from her angle, she could see the two intertwined bodies on the bed.    


An unbearably clear voice resounded in her ears, making her feel as if she had been struck by lightning.    


At this time, the mayor wasn't in the manor.    


Hua Ruge stroked his red ears, and said teasingly: "The old turtle really became a turtle."    


The drug was sent through the window, and the creaking of the bed quickly stopped. The man's breathing turned into a weak snort.    


"What's wrong?" The woman wheezed and complained.    


"I don't know why, but I suddenly lost my strength." The man said weakly.    


Because Hua Ruge had only injected a small amount of knockout drugs, the two of them did not faint, but their bodies must be weak, probably not even able to shout loudly.    


He pulled out a black bandana and wrapped it around his face before kicking the door open and entering.    


"Who?" The two of them covered their bodies with blankets and looked at the door in panic. However, they heaved a sigh of relief when they saw that the one who entered was a black-clothed person.    


As long as it was not the mayor, it was better than robbing money or perverting women, it was better than taking one's life.    


The only reason Hua Ruge dared to barge in so brazenly was because he knew that they did not dare to reveal it.    


She had seen the man on the bed before. He was a head guard in the mansion, but she didn't expect him to come here to work part-time.    


She closed the door.    


"As long as you don't kill me, I'll give you anything you want."    


"I want the thing that the city lord whom you have turned green has to see every day." Hua Ruge said.    


Aunt Zhao's expression changed before she asked in confusion, "What is it?"    


"You're dishonest, right? Alright then, I'll bring the guards of the mansion here to observe for a bit." Hua Ruge said casually.    


"Don't." The guard leader was the first to speak, and then he said to Aunt Zhao, "Hurry and give it to him. If people find out about our situation, we'll be dead for sure."    


"If I hand that thing over, I'm dead for sure." Aunt Zhao blurted out.    


By the time she realized she had misspoken, she couldn't take it back.    


"Give me your things. You still have time to run, so you'd better think about it." Hua Ruge said unhurriedly.    


While Aunt Zhao was still hesitating, the guard leader advised from the side.    


In the end, Madame Zhao could only compromise. She put on some clothes and got out of bed to search for him.    


She pulled out a thick stack of items, wrapped in oilpaper, from a secret compartment in the floor.    


When Aunt Zhao thought about the consequences of losing this thing, her fingers trembled. Hua Ruge snatched the bag away and opened it on the table.    


This time, he saw that there were three accounts and a lot of letters coming and going.    


It was exactly what she was looking for these days.    


"I am truly sorry for disturbing the two of you. I'll be leaving now. You two can continue." Hua Ruge frivolously whistled, and in a flash, he neatly left the room.    


"What should we do?" Auntie Zhao cried.    


"I heard that Miss is taking that pretty boy to the shafts tomorrow. Let's take advantage of it and escape tomorrow." He knew that if he were to stay here, they would definitely suffer regardless of whether the matter was exposed to the public or not.    


Aunt Zhao nodded.    


At this time, Hua Ruge returned to his room and started flipping through the accounts.    


The old turtle's accounts were clearly remembered, every single corruption funds from top to bottom was recorded, and it was far beyond her imagination.    


This was because this was not an ordinary city, but a supply post for the northern border soldiers. They were in charge of the soldiers' pay and food, and they were greedy for food.    


And from what she knew, the northern troop was's direct army, they were absolutely loyal to him.    



"The old turtle is quite bold. He is greedy for money to the point of killing the gods. He really hates living for too long." Hua Ruge threw the account book onto the table and started to look through the passing letters again.    


Because it was also recorded in the accounts that the money didn't end up in the old turtle's hands.    


She noticed that almost half of the letters were in a single handwriting, instructions to the old turtle, including how much he had to deduct, and how much money he had to ask for from him.    


A thick stack of such letters lasted for three years.    


It was also the fact that Old Turtle and the important figures behind him had tricked Tuoba Rui's army for so many years.    


There was no signature at the bottom of the letter, so he guessed that it was true. Such a confidential matter, wouldn't it be stupid if he signed it?    


But Hua Ruge did not give up and continued to open even more letters.    


These were the correspondence between the old turtle and the other officials. It was also obscure, but she found traces in it.    


More than one letter contained the words' Duke of Hua ', which indirectly indicated that the old turtle was from the Duke of Hua.    


Hua Ruge put down the letter and squinted his eyes.    


This clearly showed that Hua Shengxiong had been scheming against Tuoba Rui the entire time, doing something to his soldiers' rations, and putting the huge amount of stolen money into his own waist pouch.    


"No wonder a small city lord has so much courage, so there's someone holding on in the middle of the court." Hua Ruge's gaze turned cold as he opened the letter again.    


She was determined to interfere in this matter.    


In the latest envelope, there was even an order to kill her.    


She felt a chill down her spine as she looked at the murderous intent between the lines. At that time, if she had revealed her identity, what awaited her would have been an unpredictable crisis.    


She broke out in a cold sweat and said fearfully, "You must look good at the critical moment. If you're ugly, you'll have to be reincarnated."    


When she had finished reading the letters, she put them back in their box, wrapped them in two separate bags, and put them back in their space. Whenever she reached Xing Zhu and saw the old turtle's immediate superior, she would hand them over.    


Otherwise, if the Governor saw that the old turtle had been ordered to do this by the Hua family, he probably wouldn't dare to punish him.    


As for these letters, she didn't mind handing them over to the Emperor when she returned. At that time, it wouldn't end well for the Hua Clan.    


As long as this matter went smoothly, not only would she be able to cure Tuoba Rui of the tumor, she would also be able to eradicate the Old Turtle Family and injure the Hua Family.    


It truly was killing many things at once.    


She happily finished her calculations and sat on her bed to meditate. Now that her strength had recovered to the Soul Master's third step, she should be able to protect herself in a small crisis.    


The next morning, Gao Meilan packed his stuff and brought Hua Ruge to Xing Yuan to quietly stay, to find an opportunity to meet the City Lord.    


Hua Ruge was looking for an opportunity to meet with the Governor.    


That morning, the Old City Lord accompanied the Governor for some unknown conversation and lunch before he left.    


Gao Meilan found out about the news and went to Hua Ruge's room. He wanted to ask her to meet the mayor, but no one opened the door for a long time.    


"Darling might be asleep again. Knock on the door and call him." Gao Meilan called a servant.    


The attendant noticed that the door was unlocked, so he pushed the door open and walked in. However, after searching around the room, he did not find anyone.    


"Miss, Young Master isn't here." The attendant turned around and said.    


"Then what are you still standing there for? Hurry up and look for him." Gao Meilan said loudly.    


She was still having beautiful dreams of flying with her sisters. If Hua Ruge was not there, she felt that she would go crazy.    


Hua Ruge, on the other hand, had already walked to the main yard. She felt that the Governor should be living here, but as soon as she arrived, she was stopped by someone at the entrance.    


"No idlers are allowed to enter the Governor's residence." the guard called.    


Hua Ruge looked around and said softly: "I am here on orders to look for the Governor."    


"On whose orders?" The guard asked, his voice becoming softer under Hua Ruge's influence.    


"It's like this. This little brother has some medical skills and specializes in curing some hidden ailments." Hua Ruge waved his hand mysteriously.    


The two of them approached her curiously as she continued, "The Governor has secretly sent someone to look for me this time. Do you understand?"    


"You say the governor has an unspeakable illness?" One of the guards looked surprised as if he had found some big news.    


"Brother, it's good that you know about this in your heart. It's not good for you to know too much." Hua Ruge whispered.    


The two guards looked at each other and faintly nodded their heads.    


"For the sake of the two of you, it's best if you don't spread the news. After all, this matter cannot be publicized." Hua Ruge acted as if he was doing this for your own good.    


"Thank you brother for thinking for us. Let's go in." The two of them made way for her.    


Hua Ruge casually walked in.    


The two guards were still laughing secretly. They did not expect the Governor to be so big that he would not be able to do it in such a way. It was really funny.    


Hua Ruge cursed and walked into the main hall. He called out: "Governor your excellency?"    


"Who is it?" A rough voice sounded, full of vigilance.    


Hua Ruge bowed slightly, "A person who can relieve the Governor's worries."    


"How did you get in?" The governor was clearly more interested in this.    


"Big brother heard that I was here to help you, milord. So he let me in." Hua Ruge's lies were never more true than they were.    


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