Enchanting Alchemist



0A Erqi tied this soul to the treetop, and a faint green flame ignited below the soul.    


Duo Luo's extremely miserable voice sounded incessantly, and his expression was warped to the extreme. Just looking at it made one feel extremely pained.    


The other party in the mirror was so scared of Hua Ruge that his face turned pale, thinking that he shouldn't offend Hua Ruge in the future.    


Hua Ruge did not even look at the treetops as he walked out with empty eyes. Suddenly, he blacked out.    


Lan Bing'er went forward to support her, and called out, "Big sister."    


She looked over, Hua Ruge's face was pale white, with his serious injuries and heart injury, no matter how strong his willpower was, he would not be able to resist.    


Lan Bing'er called out to her a few times but he did not hear a reply. He extended his hand to summon the Driving Palanquin and supported Hua Ruge up the Driving Palanquin: "Return to Priestess Palace.    


Very quickly, no one was left on the stage. The spectators of Dueling Platform looked at each other in dismay. This was the first time they had seen something like this after all these years.    


Seeing that they had injured Tuoba Rui, Shang You knew that they had caused a huge disaster, and all of their faces were ashen.    


There were people on the Zheng's side who were worried for Tuoba Rui, but most of them were worried for the results of the competition.    


Tuoba Yu and Su Nianxia had long since lost their patience, upon seeing this, they stood up, and walked towards Lan Bing'er's Priestess Palace.    


Tuoba Ze stood up at this moment, and held a folding fan in front of Tuoba Yu's chest as he said, "Fifth Royal Brother, the outcome of our bet has yet to be decided. You're not trying to run away, are you?"    


"Scram!" Tuoba Yu bellowed, and with a flick of her sleeve, she swept him and her fan away.    


Tuoba Ze was immediately enraged, and what responded him were the unfriendly gazes that Tuoba Yu and Su Nianxia shot over at the same time.    


These two were both soul masters. One wind and one flame complemented each other. If they worked together, Tuoba and his guards would still be no match for them.    


So he subconsciously took a step back, Tuoba Yu and Su Nianxia coldly looked at him, and then left.    


Tuoba Ze's heart was filled with unwillingness as he glared hatefully at the two's backs.    


This time, both sides' soldiers were completely wiped out. However, the Great Zheng side had broken the rules, so their chances of winning were obviously not high. Thus, his chances of winning were relatively higher.    


Thinking about how they were going to take over Tuoba Yu's three cities, they felt a burst of joy in their hearts.    


At this moment, everyone was waiting for the two people on stage to make their decision. The Sky Mansion Academy Enforcer was obviously hesitant, and looked up at Young Master Wu Hen.    


Young Master Wu Hen stood up, his gaze sweeping across the entire competition grounds. He had a graceful bearing, his expression aloof and elegant, but he was emitting an invisible pressure, causing people to not dare to think about going against him.    


"The Upper Nether Dynasty disregarded the system of the competition and sent their Superstrong to destroy the competition, causing the destruction of the competition and causing the arbitration to be injured. They are truly guilty of heinous crimes."    


The Upper Nether man's face became even more ashen.    


"The general's heart is as sharp as an arrow. If it wasn't for the traitor, it wouldn't have been a tragedy. It was this arbitration that won the battle. The remaining twenty-eight cities were handed over to the general without a mistake."    


If every country were to send their Superstrong into this war, then why would they need ordinary soldiers?    


Initially, he only wanted Da Luo to use a small method to kill Hua Ruge without exposing himself. As long as Hua Ruge died, Da Zheng would definitely lose.    


Now that their personal grudges had been resolved, they would be able to win nearly thirty more cities back to the east.    


But who would have thought that Hua Ruge was not weak himself, and in the end, even Tuoba Rui appeared. Da Luo had enmity with Purple Clouds Holy Land, and that could not be dealt with now.    


The Young Master Wu Hen did not sit down after he finished his sentence. Instead, he paused for a moment and said with a slightly more severe tone:    


"In addition, the royal family of Upper Nether Realm dared to protect the survivors of the Falling Sun, and within three days after handing over the land, the entire family committed suicide to apologize. Otherwise, the entire world would fall together!"    


There were very few times when he was tough, but at this moment, his face was tinged with anger and worry, and his mind was a little different from his temper.    


This time, everyone was shocked. They never thought that the seemingly peaceful Young Master Wu Hen would issue such a strong order.    


Emperor Shang You hurriedly stood up and explained to the platform, "Lord Arbitrator, please inform me that this Emperor was deceived by him and does not know his true identity. Lord Arbitrator, please let me through."    


"The Pine Temple Command Tablet is like a mountain, it never changes, there is no point in speaking any further." Young Master Wu Hen's voice was still calm and indifferent, but it was exactly this kind of voice that made people feel like it was fate that judged people, and that they did not have any thoughts of resisting.    


The Upper Nether Emperor's face was ashen as he fell back into his throne. It was as if he had aged ten years in an instant.    


Pine Temple had always been a common belief on the continent, reclusive in the outside world, practically disregarding worldly affairs. However, once an order was given, it would have a thunderous effect, if one did not obey it, the Shinto of The Falling Sun that was exterminated a hundred years ago would be the result.    


No one present dared to question him.    


Su Yingxue, who was behind Emperor Shang You whispered: "Father, could it be that we really have to listen to him and commit suicide?"    


"There's no other way." The emperor of Upper Nether Realm laid out on the dragon throne, his entire body devoid of life.    


Su Yingxue almost slipped down from the chair she was sitting on, she was stunned, she was just waiting for Hua Ruge to die, she did not expect that in a blink of an eye, the person who was about to die turned into herself.    


She was unwilling ?    


Upon hearing Young Master Wu Hen's judgement, the deacon for Sky Mansion Academy nodded his head and said, "Young Master Wu Hen is wise."    


The previous arbitration of Sky Mansion Academy was changed because he had offended the Young Master Wu Hen. He did not dare to repeat the same mistake.    


Although he did not know what kind of identity the Young Master Wu Hen had, just by looking at how he gave the order, he knew without hesitation that he was definitely an important figure in the Pine Temple.    


Young Master Wu Hen unnoticeably nodded, then flicked his sleeves and left.    


When he got on the Driving Palanquin, a servant beside him asked: "Young Noble, how are you feeling?"    


"It's nothing, I'm just a little weak. Go to the Priestess Palace." The Young Master Wu Hen spoke out.    


The Priestess Palace was a palace that was independent of the outside of the palace, and was separated into an inner palace and an outer palace. The inner palace had a divine altar and a Priest temple, which was the most sacred place in the entire Da Yu, and other than the priests, no one could enter.    


The Outer Palace was where they lived. Although it was extremely mysterious, it was not a place that was impossible to enter.    


At the moment, inside the Outer Palace's Main Hall, the High Priest Lan Bing'er was lying on her bed, unconscious. An imperial physician had already been invited to come and take her pulse.    


Lan Bing'er, on the other hand, was standing in front of the bed worriedly, looking at the imperial physician's expression.    



After the imperial physician checked his pulse, he heaved a sigh of relief, and got up to bow to Lan Bing'er.    


"It's fine if you're fake, but what happened to my sister?" Lan Bing'er pulled his sleeves, stopping him from bowing as he asked.    


The imperial physician was flattered and retreated a step, "High Priest, this girl's injuries are not serious, but her mind is damaged. This official will prescribe some medicine, and she will recover in a few days."    


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