Enchanting Alchemist



0Hua Ruge's casual look made the waiter relax a lot. He said, "This little one went to get some hot water this morning, but when I pushed open the door, I found the girl lying on the ground dead."    


"How long has she been here?"    


"I've been here for a month, and said that I'm here to participate in the Sky Mansion Academy examination." The waiter continued to answer.    


"Does she usually go out a lot?"    


"This girl rarely goes out, I even bring her breakfast every day." The waiter replied smoothly.    


"Alright, you may leave." Hua Ruge nodded his head, expressing that he understood, and continued to eat his buns and drink his porridge, with the same attitude as always.    


The officials cried out helplessly. Was this girl here to interrogate them or to get breakfast?    


Not to mention that they didn't know what Hua Ruge was thinking, even Su Nianxia, who was with him everyday, couldn't think of anything at all.    


After eating half a plate of steamed buns, an official finally came in and reported, "Miss, your subordinate has found the Ruyan Family."    


"Speak." Hua Ruge was just finishing eating, he took out a handkerchief and wiped his mouth.    


The official looked around, clearly feeling that it wasn't appropriate to say so in front of so many people.    


However, Hua Ruge did not express anything, and could only say: "Ru Yan is surnamed Liu and lives in the Liu Family Town which is two days away from here. There is an old mother in the family, and the family relies solely on the academy's assistance.    


She is a genius with a talent of the seventh level, and has a strong affinity to the wind element. She has been placed in high hopes by the academy, so she came here to participate in the Sky Mansion Academy entrance examination, and also entered the inner courtyard.    


After he finished speaking, Hua Ruge yawned, and casually said: "Not bad."    


It was clearly a compliment, but it made her feel that it was perfunctory. It was truly because Hua Ruge's attitude was very carefree, and did not seem like he was asking a single question.    


The official then stepped back gloomily. The other official who had gone to arrest the person who had left had also returned. He mobilized the city guards to bring back the eleven people who had left so that they could be interrogated.    


Su Nianxia could not help but say: "Big sister Ru Ge, why don't you ask me about it?"    


"Alright then, I'll ask." Hua Ruge nodded. It was time.    


Everyone was dumbfounded. There was no need to force it.    


Hua Ruge turned his head and glanced at the eleven people who had been brought back, who were still in a state of shock. Then, he swept his gaze across the fifty odd people inside the shop and indifferently said: "All of you, cooperate a bit. Hua Ruge pointed to the counter and said.    


Although no one knew what was going on, they all stood forward.    


It was a small shop with poor facilities, so most of the people who stayed here were commoners. Brokers of the martial arts world had a large turnover, so most of them had been staying recently. After 11, there were more than 30 people.    


Hua Ruge's gaze swept across the thirty odd people. Just as everyone thought that she was about to ask something, her eyes fell on the remaining eleven odd people that entered the residence.    


This time, her gaze stopped for a very short time. She barely glanced at them before she pointed to a short man with cloudy eyes and said, "Come, capture them."    


While the short man was still in a daze, his hands were tied by the official on both sides, pressing forward.    


No one understood what was going on.    


The short man asked with a panicked expression, "Girl, I didn't do anything. Don't you dare accuse a good person."    


"If I'm not wrong, you live near Ru Yan's room, and it's very likely that you checked in on the eleventh." Hua Ruge said indifferently.    


The short man was shocked. "How did you know?"    


The storekeeper flipped through the account books and said, "It was half a month ago, on the eleventh day."    


"That must be it." Hua Ruge said, staring at him: "You were the one who killed him."    


This time, not only the short man, but everyone in the hall felt that this was too outrageous.    


Since Hua Ruge entered, everyone had only seen her eating buns, how could she know who was the culprit?    


The short man struggled to answer, "You are slandering me without any proof. How can you just say that I was the one who killed them?"    


"If you want to know, I'll tell you." Hua Ruge cleared his throat and then said immediately: "First, this is a conspiracy. You two use her to achieve your goals, then kill her and silence her."    


"As for how to deduce this point, it's very simple. I checked the room's window, and locked it from the inside, so the murderer didn't enter through the window, so only the door was left."    


Since there was no sound that night, no one else could have barged in. Instead, the deceased opened the door, indicating that she knew the culprit, and she, a genius Soul Master, was killed in one move.    


"And this person can only be in the inn."    


Su Nianxia could not help but ask: "Why?"    


Everyone in the hall also had a puzzled expression. There might be a lot of people killing here, so why did it have to be someone from the inn?    


"The coroner found that the deceased died last night at midnight, two hours after curfew. Everyone is aware of curfew, which means no one is allowed to walk on the streets of the city, as well as soldiers constantly patrolling the streets. If anyone is found on the streets, they will be treated as bandits and they won't be able to get in and out of the inns."    


Everyone subconsciously nodded as they listened.    


"When I reduce the target, it will be easier to find. I checked the footprints on the floor before going in, there were three people, one of them was like smoke, and the other one was a waiter I found in the morning, so there was only one left."    


"This footprint was left by a cloth shoe. It is bigger than a woman and slightly smaller than a normal man. I determined that the killer was a man from the size of the footprint but was skinny. I roughly determined that the killer was not tall from the size of the footprint."    


When everyone heard this, they all swallowed their saliva. This was a bit too heaven defying right?    


"Because the size of the murderer's steps in the room are equal, it means that the murderer is not in a hurry and his mentality is very good, so he must be good at camouflage. For further confirmation, I have chosen to turn the tables."    


"When I purposely set my eyes on those people behind you, I had been paying attention to you out of the corner of my eye." When I deliberately set my eyes on those people behind you, I had been paying attention to you out of the corner of my eye. Hua Ruge looked at him and asked.    


The short man pretended to be calm as he said, "When is the punishment you want to commit?"    


Hua Ruge picked up the letter from the evidence tray and continued:    


"This is a letter that Ruyan's mother wrote to her. Logically speaking, it is very normal, but I found six tear stains on it. The illegibility of the words under these tears is different, so it's obvious that it didn't fall onto her at once."    


"Moreover, this letter is placed next to his pillow and the letter is very wrinkled, meaning that Ruyan often takes it out to read. What can make your daughter so sad every time she sees her mother's letter?" Hua Ruge walked to his side and said:    



"The only explanation is that you used her mother to threaten her to work for you. This letter isn't from an ordinary family letter, it was delivered by you into her hands just to let her know that you have an old man in your hands, and make her obediently listen to you."    


The short man's face turned ugly.    


"The date on this letter is the ninth. Earlier, an official came to report that the capital is two days away from Ruyan's home, so this is the eleventh."    


The important thing is that you will show the letter to Ruyan on that day. I asked the waiter before, Ruyan rarely goes out, so you must come to the inn to meet her. It is also convenient for you to threaten control and silence her.    


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