Enchanting Alchemist



0Hua Ruge was still wondering how it could have taken so long. When she turned around, she had already memorized a fifth of the books, no matter how fast she was, it would still take her so long.    


"It's very efficient. You can relax for a bit." Hua Ruge stretched his back, wrapped up his clothes and walked out of the library to find himself a room.    


He lit the fire and spread the bedding on the bed. Then he laid down on top of the bed and wrapped himself in the blanket.    


Originally, he wanted to sleep, but he habitually flipped open a book and decided to just lie there and read.    


The charcoal stove was burning brightly, and the room was soon warm from the heat. Hua Ruge felt very comfortable, his eyes were also constantly fighting.    


She held the book for a while longer, not knowing if she was able to read it or not, but after a while it fell to the side, and she rolled over and fell asleep.    


Although the resting effect of his cultivation was better than his deep sleep, Hua Ruge was addicted to sleep.    


After sleeping for an entire day and night, she practiced her movement technique outside for another seven days. After adjusting herself for a while, she entered the library.    


This repeated twice, and when Hua Ruge opened the door again, it was already snowing heavily.    


According to the medicinal pills she had consumed, she had stayed in the Danyang Peak for three months. Half of her book was on her back, and her strength had risen to the peak of the 2-star level.    


As she walked towards her own room, she thought that coming to the academy had been the right decision for her. Only here could she become stronger.    


Once he pushed open the door, Devouring Beast jumped into the room first. When Hua Ruge entered, he was shocked to discover that there was a person lying on his bed, covered with his blanket, sleeping soundly in the broad daylight.    


For a moment, she was unable to react, because other than her and Gu Mo, there was no one else at Danyang Peak. The first person however, had always been inside the pill room, and had never gone out before.    


She stepped forward and saw that her hair was tied up in a woman's bun. As she approached, she saw that the face beyond the blanket was a round pink one, one that had always been very cute and had always deserved a beating.    


"Hey hey, wake up, you really don't treat yourself as an outsider." Hua Ruge reached out and pinched her face    


Su Nianxia turned his body around in displeasure, and muttered: "Let alone your bed, even if there was you on it, I would still sleep with you."    


Hua Ruge was startled. Who did this little girl learn to be a hooligan?    


"Get up." Hua Ruge immediately went up to pick up his blanket.    


Only then did Su Nianxia reluctantly sit up, and said to Hua Ruge while looking at him: "Big Sister Ru Ge, you're stingy."    


"Tell me why you're here, and why you're sleeping in the middle of the day." As Hua Ruge said this, he sat on the bed and also stretched.    


"I have something to do." Su Nianxia rubbed his eyes and started to speak, "Bing-er had sent a messenger two days ago saying that the New Year would come in a few days, and wanted to bring us to the palace to participate in the Palace Feast.    


"When I received the news, I came to find you. As soon as I went up the mountain, the first seat appeared out of thin air in front of me, scaring me." Su Nianxia said with a face full of lingering fear.    


"Get to the point."    


"Oh, I told the first person that I was your friend and I had something to ask of you." Oh, I told the first person that I was your friend and I had something to ask of you.    


After Su Nianxia explained it all to her, she was completely awake.    


Hua Ruge caught the key word in these words. had once invited her to a palace banquet, but she had rejected it.    


"I won't be going to Palace Feast, let Bing'er take you there." Hua Ruge patted Su Nianxia's little head and said.    


She discovered that Su Nianxia had become thinner compared to other times. His facial features became more exquisite and beautiful, shaking off the baby fat that was on his body.    


"I want to go, but I'm too embarrassed to be alone." Su Nianxia said with difficulty.    


"I have Bing'er with you."    


"Xiao Binger is cold and noble in front of outsiders, so you can't talk to me. Let me ease my nervousness." Su Nianxia said bitterly.    


Lan Bing'er was the High Priest of the Da Yu. She had always been mysterious and sacred.    


She glanced at Su Nianxia and said, "No matter what, you are a dignified princess. Why are you so nervous to participate in the Palace Feast?"    


"I ?" Su Nianxia was actually stumped by her question, his head lowered, his face slightly flushed, looking a little nervous.    


Seeing this, even if she did not say anything, Hua Ruge knew what she wanted to do.    


Su Nianxia was a little shy on his side and said: "I wanted to explain to him that I like him."    


Hua Ruge patted her shoulder and said: "Well done, I think highly of you."    


Su Nianxia took the opportunity to pull Hua Ruge's arm and said: "Big Sister Ruge, just accompany me there. Give me some advice, so that I won't know what to say when the time comes."    


"Are you sure you want me to advise you?" Hua Ruge pointed at his nose, and asked with an expression of disbelief.    


Su Nianxia very quickly thought of how Hua Ruge was an emotional idiot, so he decisively shook his head.    


Hua Ruge felt that her reaction was normal, if not, how would she have any ideas.    


"Elder sister Ru Ge, you still have to accompany me. I won't be nervous with you around." Su Nianxia continued.    


Hua Ruge felt a headache coming, this girl was truly too reliant on her, but looking at her pitiful appearance, it was no big deal if he thought about it once, so he narrowed his eyes and said: "A delicious meal, please."    


"Deal." Su Nianxia said excitedly.    


She had been with Hua Ruge for a rather long time, so she was blindly confident in Hua Ruge. Not only did she believe in her strength, she also believed that she could bring him good luck.    


The snow outside was getting heavier and heavier. Hua Ruge took a glance outside, but did not turn back, and only asked: "How many days do you have until the new year?"    


"There are still five days. We will go down the mountain together tomorrow and Xiao Binger's carriage will pick us up from the outside of the courtyard." Su Nianxia said excitedly.    


She had always been looking forward to walking out, and this time, she would even be able to see Jun Tianxia.    


Hua Ruge's gaze was clear as he nodded slightly.    


Su Nianxia went over with a gossipy expression and asked, "Did Big Sister Ru Ge miss Battle King?"    


"We were originally going together for last year's Chinese New Year, but who would've thought that it still hasn't been achieved this year." Hua Ruge sighed with emotion.    



Su Nianxia sighed, "I still envy you two. At least, you two think about each other, unlike me, which you can only think about single-handedly."    


"How old are you to be in such a hurry to get married?" Hua Ruge teased her.    


Su Nianxia's face reddened, "I'm not in a hurry to get married, I am... "That's right ?"    


"Yes, infatuation." Hua Ruge smiled and added.    


Su Nianxia said with a dark expression and clenched fists: "Elder sister Ruge, I have levelled up again, do you want to fight with me?"    


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