Enchanting Alchemist



0Because the Gambling Competition was also living in the palace back then, they found it easily. After taking out the name scroll and revealing their identity, the guards then brought the two people towards Tuoba Yu's residence.    


"Are the envoys from the other countries here yet?" Hua Ruge and the guard were chatting casually.    


"Reporting to the Marquis, all four envoys have arrived." The guard said meticulously.    


Hua Ruge felt that he was missing one. It was only after thinking for a while that he remembered that Shang You had lost all his land at Gambling Competition.    


"Right, has the royal family of Upper Nether truly committed suicide?" To think that the one who asked this question was Su Nianxia.    


"Yes, Pine Temple Overlord. Even if Upper Nether Realm had the guts, they would still not dare to go against it." The guard spoke with reverence.    


Hua Ruge nodded slightly, feeling that the identity of the Young Master Wu Hen was not simple.    


"Ru Ge?" A slightly raised voice sounded, carrying along its owner's uncertainty.    


Hua Ruge turned around and saw that Jun Tianxia was dressed in blue robes, and was still as oppressing and luxurious as ever. What was even more eye-catching was her dazzling appearance and her extraordinary bearing.    


If one were to say that when Hua Ruge saw him, she was even more confused, Su Nianxia's gaze became slightly uncertain.    


"You came to see a friend?" Jun Tianxia's eyes turned, and he guessed the reason for Hua Ruge's visit.    


The two eunuchs behind him did not move an inch away. Only when Jun Tianxia raised his hand did they retreat.    


"Monarchs are truly sharp, but I wonder why Monarchs have come?" Hua Ruge laughed and asked.    


After going to the Profound Beast Forest together the last time, their relationship had already eased up quite a bit. Hua Ruge felt that it was still fine to be friends that didn't harm their relationship.    


"This sovereign came to meet with the ambassadors of the four nations and personally delivered the Palace Feast's invitation to express my sincerity." Jun Tianxia answered, his gaze still ignoring Hua Ruge.    


Hua Ruge nodded, extended his hand and pulled Su Nianxia to his side, introducing him: "Monarch, this is my friend, I have admired you for a long time."    


The moment she opened her mouth, Su Nianxia felt like his blood was about to congeal. She looked at Jun Tianxia, her gaze somewhat sluggish.    


Jun Tianxia turned her head and looked straight into her eyes. Her thin lips moved slightly as she asked, "Is this the princess of the Great Su Zheng Palace?"    


"Yes, my name is Su Nianxia." Su Nianxia continued.    


Her nature was lively and she wasn't shy. Although her heart was still madly changing songs, she was still able to answer them fluently after getting used to them.    


"Yes." Jun Tianxia replied and did not say anything else.    


Su Nianxia then asked curiously, "How did the Monarch know about me?"    


"We met two years ago when Prince Su sent out his Da Yu." Jun Tianxia said and then looked at her: "You've grown up."    


Facing his deep gaze and hearing his low voice, Su Nianxia only felt her heart beating even faster. She had difficulty regaining the ability to speak, and said: "Monarch actually remembers me."    


Jun Tianxia did not say much, but this time he said it again for the first time, "Mn, I remember."    


"I also remember you. I always wanted to see you again." Su Nianxia's excitement was written all over his face.    


Hua Ruge rolled his eyes and said: "Coincidentally, we are here to look for Fifth Prince to eat. If Monarch is free, we can eat together."    


Su Nianxia's face was full of anticipation.    


"Palace Feast, are you going?" Jun Tianxia asked Hua Ruge, but he did not directly reply, so the two girls could not clearly see what he was thinking.    


Hua Ruge truthfully said: "I'll go."    


"I'm free." As Jun Tianxia said that, the corner of his mouth curved up slightly.    


Su Nianxia was unable to contain his excitement, and his face was slightly flushed.    


"It's not good for the Monarchs to move. I'll have to trouble the Monarchs to wait here. I'll come look for the Fifth Prince once I get there." After Hua Ruge finished speaking and left, Su Nianxia subconsciously followed suit.    


Hua Ruge felt that this girl's IQ would be lost the moment she met Jun Tianxia, so he could only say: "Xia Xia, you stay behind to take care of the Monarch."    


It was only then that Su Nianxia woke up from his dream and retreated back to Jun Tianxia's side with a blushing face.    


Jun Tianxia was very tall, but because he was young, his height only reached his shoulders.    


She looked up at him, feeling as if he were in the sun, as if he were glowing.    


How wise were Jun Tianxia's thoughts? Before Su Nianxia could understand what he meant, he had already guessed it. He really wanted to frown, but looking at the little Su Nianxia in front of him, he just couldn't hate her.    


"Monarch, what do you like?" Su Nianxia lowered his head and asked softly.    


Jun Tianxia asked without even thinking, "What do you mean?"    


"For example, what kind of small items do you like?" Su Nianxia continued to ask.    


Normally, he would appear to be on high and mighty, domineering and domineering beyond compare. This was the first time they were being alone together, so she was very excited but also very nervous.    


Jun Tianxia looked in the direction where Hua Ruge disappeared to, and said indifferently: "No."    


Su Nianxia's thought of giving her a gift was completely shattered by these two words. For a moment, she couldn't find any words to say.    


Jun Tianxia was naturally not a person who had anything to say.    


The two of them didn't stand there for too long, but Su Nianxia felt that a century had passed. It was the first time in her life that she felt this kind of excited, nervous, and at a loss of what to do.    


She clearly had so many things she wanted to say to him, but why couldn't she say a single word right now?    


From afar, fake mountain Hua Ruge and Tuoba Yu who was dressed in white clothes were already walking over.    


Su Nianxia realized that he did not have much time left, so he gathered his courage and looked up at Jun Tianxia: "Monarch, I like you."    


The usually calm Jun Tianxia was slightly startled when he heard this. Although his mind was meticulous and he had long noticed it, he did not expect Su Nianxia to actually say it like this.    


"I've liked you for a long time. Can you try to like me?" Since Su Nianxia was going all out, he might as well finish it at once.    



In the distance, Hua Ruge felt the atmosphere and secretly pulled on Tuoba Yu's sleeves, indicating him to slow down.    


Tuoba Yu had already known about Su Nianxia's secret crush on him, and he instantly understood what was going on when he saw the look in Hua Ruge's eyes.    


Jun Tianxia slightly paused once more.    


At this time, Su Nianxia's heart was extremely perturbed, his hands tightly gripped the corner of his clothes, as he awaited his reply.    


She knew she was being reckless, but she didn't have much chance of seeing him.    


"Miss Su, I know that rejecting you will make you very sad, but you know that this is very sudden." Jun Tianxia tried his best to be tactful.    


He didn't know why he was so soft-hearted. If it were anyone else, he would have long since ordered his men to pull him down.    


Su Nianxia's heart sank, but the result was within her expectations. After all, this was the first time the two of them had spoken, so if Jun Tianxia agreed without thinking, then he would no longer be the calm and collected Jun Tianxia.    


"I can accept it." Su Nianxia nodded, and asked somewhat nervously: "Then do you have any girls you like?"    


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