Enchanting Alchemist



0"Don't worry, I know what's important." Bei Chenyue opened his mouth, his calm face gave others the power to calm down.    


Seeing this, Yun Jin was somewhat surprised, but she was still very pleased.    


In the cabin, Little Marten was lying on the floor, bored out of their minds.    


Hua Ruge walked in and asked: "Little Marten, is it very boring?"    


The Little Marten sat up and nodded heavily.    


"Then let's have something fun to do." Hua Ruge smiled, walked to his side, and sent a sound transmission to him.    


Hearing that, the Little Marten's eyes lit up: "Alright, I'll go right now."    


"There's no hurry. We have to wait until the afternoon. The sky is a bit late." Hua Ruge patted his shoulder.    


The Little Marten looked at Hua Ruge curiously, and said: "Elder sister, you're also a little naughty."    


"I'll just treat it as you praising me." Hua Ruge laughed and went back to his bed to sleep.    


He needed to be in good spirits. A big battle was inevitable two days later.    


Sable suddenly moved in the afternoon, flying on the sea surface towards the direction in which the Herba Flavescentis grew. Not far from the ocean waves were three warships.    


At this time, the two boats that Hua Ruge saw in the morning were approaching that place as well.    


Little Marten s were very fast, they arrived before the two ships and their eyes were locked onto the three ships.    


Whenever the afternoon cooled down, a thin layer of fog would rise up from the sea. The two ships could not see the boat in front, nor could they see the figure of Little Marten.    


Little Marten quietly landed on the boat, because they were afraid that some berserk beast would attack the boat, there were guards on the boat.    


The Little Marten walked up, without saying a word, and with a flip of his hand, killed those people. With another wave of his hand, all the boats were turned into dust by his power, and disappeared without a trace.    


He completed his task, pointed his foot at the sea, and quickly fled.    


As the distance from here to the island was only a few kilometers, it did not take much effort for Little Marten to go back and forth.    


As the two ships approached, they didn't know what was going on, but once the corpses and debris from the boats drifted into the sea, letting the combatants know that their retreat had been cut off, they would definitely charge up and fight with the people who had just destroyed their ship.    


Because in this place, if there was no boat, even if one obtained a Herba Flavescentis, it would inevitably be swallowed into the stomach of a ferocious beast, and one would die for sure.    


The final counterattack of these experts couldn't be underestimated.    


Hua Ruge was slightly relieved, but she did not forget to keep her eyes fixed on the distance. She planned to reveal her two ships from the sea, and only after fighting with these people would she be able to reap the rewards.    


The fisherman, however, was disappointed the next morning because there were no more ships coming.    


By the time the sky turned dark, everyone had already started to prepare. Hua Ruge even made a flat land in the middle of the mountain and pulled the boat to the top of the mountain.    


But even so, she still brought down two people from Purple Clouds Holy Land to watch over the boat.    


On the sea, a ship was everyone's life. They couldn't be careless.    


When dawn arrived, everyone had already changed into their night clothes and quietly dived into the water from the dark side of the mountain.    


These people all took Hua Ruge's pills that were refined for this trip. Under the water, they would be able to maintain their bodies' functions without breathing.    


If there were no pills, Soul Master would have no way to dive, and he would have to continuously output spirit energy, which would consume a lot of energy.    


In the past two days, the activity on the sea surface had become obvious, it was obvious that the war below was very intense too. Hua Ruge knew that his tactics had worked, now was the time to receive the results.    


Although it was already spring, the sea water was still cold. Hua Ruge had always been afraid of cold weather and couldn't help but shiver.    


Right now, she could use her spiritual energy to ward off the cold, but she gave up anyway. She didn't know what would happen during the upcoming battle. She couldn't waste her physical strength.    


The Little Marten realised and reached out to grab Hua Ruge's hand.    


Hua Ruge could feel a warm energy flowing through his body and couldn't help but be moved, yet she still shook her head towards him.    


This time, the Little Marten did not listen to her and insisted on pulling her hand and channeling spirit energy into her.    


Hua Ruge was both moved and helpless; it was difficult even for her to struggle free from this child's grasp.    


On the other hand, Yun Jin had already held Bei Chenyue's hand and transferred spiritual force to her, that was how the Little Marten learned it.    


The group of seven swam for a long time before feeling the aftermath of the battle in front of them. It was obvious that they were close to the people they were fighting.    


Hua Ruge squinted his eyes, and extended his hand out, indicating everyone to continue forward.    


According to Yun Jin's calculations, two days later, at noon, the Herba Flavescentis would mature. Therefore, they had to determine the location of the Herba Flavescentis before noon and protect it.    


They all had a map in their hands, with the same position of the Herba Flavescentis drawn on it. However, Hua Ruge's map was clearly more detailed, so she had always been acting as the leader, groping her way forward as she headed in that direction.    


But as they approached, they saw the battlefield.    


There were twenty to thirty people fighting in a chaotic battle, but if one looked closely, one would be able to tell that one group was wearing a variety of clothing, while the other group was clad in a unified black robe.    


Among them, there were more than ten people who were dressed differently, but the fact that they dared to fight with their lives on the line was a huge headache for the twenty-odd men in black.    


Not only did the black-clothed man have to face these people, he also had to face the attack from a huge turtle.    


Hua Ruge was also shocked when he saw the turtle. The turtle was around 100 meters long and 20 meters tall, even the turtle shell was as thick as a few meters. It looked even more indestructible than a tank.    


Hua Ruge understood it before, this type of spirit turtle was called the Black Turtle, and it was a rather unique profound beast.    


It was said that the fifty-meter long Xuanwu Turtle had the battle strength of a ninth level mystical beast. It was said that the 50-meter long Xuanwu Turtle had the battle strength of a ninth level mystical beast.    


It was no wonder that no profound beasts or humans could barge into the surrounding seas.    


Furthermore, this evildoer had always been guarding the Herba Flavescentis and there was only one explanation for it, and that was that it was the guardian spirit beast of the Herba Flavescentis.    



Hua Ruge subconsciously scratched his head, and then raised his hand and waved it to the back, signalling everyone to move back, to avoid the tip of the blade and to exhaust the energy of the black-clothed men.    


Everyone felt that this was a wise decision, but they were too optimistic.    


After the Black Tortoise spat out countless ice cones to force the black-clothed man back, its long neck turned around to look in the direction of Hua Ruge and the rest. Without saying a word, it opened its mouth and countless ice cones whizzed past.    


"Retreat!" Hua Ruge shouted out, he did not care about the sea water rushing towards his chest, and flew back with his people.    


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