Enchanting Alchemist



0Tuoba Rui held her little face with both hands and muttered: "I'm not dreaming, are you really Xiao Ge?"    


When Hua Ruge saw that he was pleasantly surprised, yet panic-stricken and afraid of his empty and happy appearance, she reached out and patted his back in pain. "Tuoba Rui, everything's alright, I'm really back."    


Being patted twice by her soft, small hands, Tuoba Rui inexplicably felt at ease.    


His eyes revealed a look of ecstasy as tears welled up in them. He was so excited that he was like a child.    


Hua Ruge leaned into his embrace, her hands continuously patted his chest and comforted him: "Alright, alright, it's all over."    


She could feel that Tuoba Rui's emotions were slowly calming down. Just as she wanted to raise her head to look, she felt the world spinning around her. By the time she reacted, she was already pressed under her body.    


Tuoba Rui bent over and fiercely kissed her on the lips, and didn't let go for a long time.    


Hua Ruge closed his eyes, feeling the lingering feelings of reuniting after a long period of separation.    


Tuoba Rui felt that no matter what words he used to express his joy, it would all be useless. He only wanted to go one step further with her.    


Hua Ruge's reckless hands stopped him.    


"Tuoba Rui, we can't do it here." she whispered.    


His turbid eyes gradually became clear.    




Indeed, it was impossible!    


It was not because they were in the wilderness, but because Hua Ruge's body could not take it anymore.    


She was his medicine, and he couldn't do anything about it.    


But even so, he was happy enough.    


"Xiao Ge, you really came back." Tuoba Rui caressed her face and repeated her words.    


The winter's ground was bone-chilling cold. Hua Ruge hadn't worn much in the first place, but now that he was hit by the cold air, he very quickly began to cough.    


"Cough, cough."    


With this cough, her face became even more pale.    


"Xiao Ge, you're not in good health?" Tuoba Rui panicked and immediately picked her up from the ground.    


"It's nothing serious. I just need to rest for a while." Hua Ruge shook his head, indicating that he did not need to worry.    


Tuoba Rui frowned, he grabbed her by the waist and walked back.    


"Wait a moment." Hua Ruge pulled his collar, indicating for him to put him down.    


Tuoba Rui frowned at her: "What's the matter?"    


"Put me down first." Hua Ruge persisted.    


Seeing her unsightly expression, Tuoba Rui complied and put her down.    


"I beg of you." Hua Ruge looked at the commoners behind him and said, "Let them go so that they can celebrate the new year as well."    


Seeing her serious expression, Tuoba Rui relaxed his eyebrows and said: "I will just listen to what you have to say."    


The soldiers and civilians were shocked.    


A small matter?    


In his eyes, the life and death of several hundred thousand people was a small matter?    


Then what was the big deal?    


If Tuoba Rui had to answer, the answer would be very clear.    


Whether he lived or died, it didn't make much of a difference to him.    


"Listen, release them." Hua Ruge said to General Li who was at his side.    


No one present wanted to cause this massacre. Upon hearing that the Battle King was releasing the authority, the princess ordered the people to be released, and one by one, they began to untie the ropes tied around the citizens' necks.    


"It's New Year's. It seems like every household doesn't have time to prepare. Let's take out the noodles and meat so we can have some dumplings together." Hua Ruge suggested again.    


Tuoba Rui only stared at her face, and nodded his head: "Anything you say is fine, you don't need to ask me."    


Black Panther looked at the gentle and loving eyes of his prince, his face full of astonishment.    


Isn't that a little too fast?    


Hua Ruge patted his hand, and turned to face the people: "Everyone is startled, I will apologize to everyone here, and this will never happen again."    


The commoners knew that they did not need to be crazily happy at being killed, but hearing Hua Ruge's promise, a huge weight in their hearts finally fell to the ground.    


Everyone knew that in Battle King, other than being brutal, there was no one else who could compare to him. As long as he did not kill anyone, they would be able to live a good life here in the future.    


Tuoba Rui saw that Hua Ruge was looking at them with displeasure, so he asked: "Is there anything else?"    


Hua Ruge thought for a moment, then shook his head: "No."    


"Then let's go, let's not worry about what they do." Tuoba Rui said as he carried her by the waist and walked towards the carriage.    


Along the way, Hua Ruge gave a brief account of what had happened to him and what had happened after.    


"Young Master Wu Hen, consider this my debt to him." After Tuoba Rui finished listening, he said.    


Hua Ruge, who was wrapped in his embrace, raised her head and said: "I owe you this favor."    



"What I owe is what I owe. I will repay him in the future, so don't even think about it." Tuoba Rui insisted.    


This time, Hua Ruge finally understood. He did not want himself to have anything to do with the Young Master Wu Hen, right?    


Isn't this a little too narrow-minded?    


"You think I'm stingy?" He seemed to be able to read the thoughts in his head as he said this to her.    


Hua Ruge immediately shook his head: "How could that be?"    


"I am petty, you are mine, only mine." Tuoba Rui whispered as he held her tightly in his embrace.    


Hua Ruge laughed: "You, you are just like a child, can't I run now?"    


"Who asked you to be so kind? There are so many people coveting you." Tuoba Rui said with some dissatisfaction.    


"Who would covet me? You're overthinking it." Hua Ruge comforted her.    


Tuoba Rui's expression did not soften in the slightest as he said, "Other than that Young Master Wu Hen, there was also Jun Tianxia. Otherwise, he would not have attacked so fiercely."    


"He wanted to marry me, but he just liked me." Hua Ruge explained.    


Although Jun Tianxia had said something about being tempted by her before, she felt it was just an impulse.    


Jun Tianxia would never do anything emotional.    


"Better." Tuoba Rui muttered.    


"I say, we finally reunited with each other after so much difficulty. Aren't you jealous? Isn't that too silly of a scenery?" This time, it was Hua Ruge who was dissatisfied.    


"You mentioned the Young Master Wu Hen first."    


"You let me talk about the process. That can't be avoided." Hua Ruge looked wronged.    


"True." Tuoba Rui thought for a moment, then said: "Then let's do something that doesn't ruin the scenery."    


As he spoke, he supported the back of Hua Ruge's head and began to kiss it.    


"?" Hua Ruge.    


The two of them made their way to the temporary Duke Palaces affectionately. Only then did Tuoba Rui let her go and said happily, "It's great that we can celebrate the new year together."    


"I think so too." Hua Ruge also had a satisfied smile as he hugged him back.    


After waiting for three years, this day finally arrived.    


"From now on, we always celebrate New Year together." Tuoba Rui said.    


"Alright." Hua Ruge nodded.    


This was what she had hoped for in her heart.    


Tuoba Rui jumped down from the carriage, and then said while holding her in his arms: "I'll cook dinner for you, go to your room and wait patiently."    


Looking at his pale and exhausted face, Hua Ruge could not bear to see him. She shifted her gaze and said, "The two of them are just too lonely.    


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