Enchanting Alchemist



0Seeing her boldness, the few of them smiled.    


The food was quickly, Hua Ruge opened the seal and poured wine for them. The sweet aroma of the wine pervaded the air, just by smelling it, it made people feel relaxed.    


These people drank the wine one bowl after another, slowly letting it go.    


Hua Ruge's eyes became hazy as he drank, his entire body reeking of alcohol.    


"Hai Yang, this is good wine. Your bowl of wine looks like it's filled with water. It makes my heart ache just by looking at it." Xiong Yanqing said with a pained expression.    


"Burp ~" Hua Ruge burped and stuck his tongue out: "Good wine needs to be drunk more. Come, come, this brother will toast to you."    


With her character, she was more of a hooligan than a hooligan.    


As they drank, the atmosphere became more lively, and the chatting became more and more intense. Hua Ruge himself drank two jars of wine, he leaned on the table and squinted his eyes, and occasionally added a sentence.    


"These days are like human life. I really want to come out and drink every day if I can." Cui Hao said.    


The three of them had pretty good alcohol capacity, and they didn't drink as much as Hua Ruge. Although they were a little drunk, they were still pretty much clear-headed.    


Leng Yunping waved his hand, "Only by relaxing for a few days, we'll be at the Alchemist Tournament in five days. Do you think we stewards have the time to be idle?"    


"Isn't it so? When the time comes, I will have to busy myself with serving those pill refiners." Xiong Yanqing shook his head.    


Hua Ruge, who was lying on the ground, did not reveal any expression on her face when she heard these words, but her heart was full of activity. She did not have a good alcohol tolerance, but she would naturally not get drunk after taking a pill first.    


Under such a tense situation, a war was on the verge of breaking out. What was the use of holding the Alchemy Tournament?    


Thinking of this, she pushed herself up against the table, drank another bowl of wine, and asked with her tongue hanging out, "Why do we still need to compete? Aren't we just going to leave?"    


"You don't know? The three great sects are holding a competition for pill masters, but the competition is only for the competition spots." After drinking a bit, Leng Yunping was no longer as cold.    


Hua Ruge nodded his head as if he understood something, but he felt it was even weirder. When one's Three Great Demons reaches the Profound Beast Forest realm, they have to open up their Feng Shui channels, when that time comes, all the pill refiners will be able to refine pills, what else can they do?    


"Then why are the three great sects competing?" she asked again.    


Cui Hao shook his head: "We do not know about this, we only heard that there will be extremely generous rewards if we win."    


The more he didn't know, the more interested Hua Ruge became.    


Things that she didn't know were definitely central to her plan. She needed to pay more attention to them.    


After they finished eating and drank their fill, they went back to the Swallow Spring Pavilion. One of them carried two girls in his arms and went back to the private room to continue drinking.    


She had picked the ones beside Hua Ruge, they were all relatively pure, but the servants were not sloppy, one was pinching her back, the other was pouring wine for her, feeding her fruits.    


Hua Ruge leaned on his chair in enjoyment.    


After the three of them embraced the girl, they also started floating.    


After Xiong Yanqing kissed a girl's face, he said to Hua Ruge: "Brother Hai Yang, brother didn't drink your wine for nothing. I got some good wine yesterday, and today I will bring it out for all of you to taste."    


As he spoke, he took out a small wineskin from his waist and passed it to the young lady beside him. "Go, pour a cup for all the lords."    


When she was in Hua Ruge's cup, she understood why Xiong Yanqing said that this was a good wine.    


It wasn't because the wine was old, but because the wine was made from spiritual herbs. The clear, medicinal fragrance mixed with the wine's fragrance would make one feel refreshed.    


According to Hua Ruge's judgement, this wine could also increase spirit force. Although the effect was small, but drinking it would make people feel strong and comfortable.    


She got interested when she saw this wine. Why didn't she think of brewing wine this way?    


With her attainments in this area, she would definitely be able to create a wine that could increase her cultivation level. At that time, not only would she be able to drink it, she could also replace cultivation.    


"Spirit medicine wine, it's really something good." Cui Hao said as he took a small sip, not willing to drink it all.    


Hua Ruge drank the wine in one gulp and gave a thumbs up, "For Senior Brother Xiong to be able to take out and share such a good thing, you sure are loyal."    


"You have to slowly savor this wine. How can you drink it all at once?" Xiong Yanqing felt pain even when he saw Hua Ruge drinking.    


Hua Ruge rubbed his hands and laughed: "Brother is a boorish person, I don't understand so much."    


Leng Yunping took a sip of wine and asked, "Where did you get this elixir wine from, Senior Xiong?"    


"It's all because that brat Yang Peng's hands and feet were dishonest, and he let me see for himself that he broke the rules. For the sake of letting him go, he gave me a little bit." Xiong Yanqing said.    


"No wonder. I heard that alchemist always likes to make all kinds of medicinal wine. Yang Peng is on good terms with the alchemist's medicine boy, so it's not strange that he could get his hands on this wine. It's just that it's a little too little." Cui Hao said somewhat regretfully.    


"You're not satisfied yet, it's good enough for you to have some drinks." Xiong Yanqing scolded.    


Hearing that, Hua Ruge squinted his eyes, and suddenly had an idea.    


She rolled her eyes and said, "Since this Yang Peng can get this kind of good wine, why don't we get on good terms with him? If we can get some more, that would be for the best."    


Cui Hao and Leng Yunping were still in high spirits as they spoke out in agreement, "Brother Dahai, you are right."    


"Senior Xiong, hurry up and make an appointment with that Yang Peng. It's fine if we have one more person to play with." Cui Hao said.    


Hua Ruge immediately answered: "All the expenses are on this little brother's shoulders."    


"Sure, I invited him out to give him face. I'll take care of it." Xiong Yanqing did not even bother to take it seriously.    


Hua Ruge lowered his head and ate the grapes offered to him by the girl in front of him.    


It seemed like the money she had spent tonight wasn't in vain. She finally had a clue.    


The following entertainment project was simple. After they finished drinking, they brought the girls back to their own rooms. Hua Ruge carried the two girls from left to right and entered the room as well.    


"Master, how do you want us to accompany you?" Lady Qingyi leaned on Hua Ruge's body and asked softly.    


Hua Ruge laughed, holding the two of them, her charming eyebrows raised up as she smiled and asked: Do you want to earn money?    



"If this grandpa rewards us, we will naturally be happy." Another girl in green said.    


"As long as you want money." Hua Ruge laughed and put down his hands that were holding onto the two girls. He flipped his hand and took out a money pouch, passing it to the green clothed girl and said, "The two of you, divide up."    


When Lu Yi opened the money bag, she discovered that there were dozens of purple coins inside, equivalent to several thousand gold coins.    


The two girls stared at the money pouch and raised their head to look at Hua Ruge, at a loss of what to do.    


Hua Ruge sat down and poured himself a cup of tea, drinking while saying: "What you guys want to do is simple, I'll sleep on the bed, you guys sleep on the floor, but I won't let anyone else know about this."    


"Why is that?" Qing Yi asked curiously.    


Hua Ruge drank a cup of tea, raised his head and looked at the two women, then said with a sorrowful expression: "It's because I can't, but I don't want my brothers to know."    


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