Enchanting Alchemist



0"What about the power of the soul?" Luo Yi asked curiously.    


The white-robed man pondered for a moment before saying, "His soul is inherited from his parents. This boy's background is definitely extraordinary. I keep having the feeling that something is wrong with him as long as you pay attention to him."    


Li Shang nodded and said, "I understand."    


As the white-robed man spoke, he stood up and opened the barrier with a wave of his hand. Then, he walked out.    


Li Shang and Luo Yi bowed as they left.    


"Junior Brother, I received news yesterday that the three great forces have joined hands. We will arrange for a negotiation with them in two days. You should represent Profound Yin Sect." Li Shang instructed.    


"Understood. I will try my best to delay the path of the righteous path and buy time for us to seize the vein." Luo Yi immediately said.    


Li Shang patted his shoulder and said, "That's right, we need to stall for time. It's all thanks to you."    


"Rest assured head senior brother, I am most adept at flirting." Luo Yi patted his chest and said.    


"Then I am relieved." Li Shang said as he walked into his own stone room.    


On the other side, Hua Ruge entered the stone room and the maid called Qing'er poured her a cup of tea.    


Hua Ruge received it and said: "You can go now. I'm tired and I want to rest."    


"Then Qing`er will accompany Lord Protector to rest." As Qing'er spoke, she walked forward with pursed lips and reached for Hua Ruge's belt.    


Hua Ruge jumped in fright, raised his eyebrows and said: "I'm not used to being served by others, you can leave."    


"In that case, Sir, please rest. Qing`er will be waiting for you here." Qing`er retreated a step.    


Luo Yi instructed her to stall the protector, as she had no choice but to do so.    


Hua Ruge reacted and asked with a fake smile as he stared at her innocent face: "But why do I feel like you're monitoring me?"    


"This servant doesn't dare, this servant will be yours from now on. How would I dare to do such a thing?" Qing`er was so frightened that she hurriedly knelt on the ground, her little face was ashen white.    


It was obvious that this Lord Protector was unhappy. If he were to vent his anger on her, no one would be able to protect her.    


"My people?" Hua Ruge raised his almond-shaped eyes, extended his finger out and hooked up with the person on the ground, and said: "Come here."    


Qing`er immediately stood up and walked to Hua Ruge's side, then kneeled down and asked: "What instructions do you have for me, Lord Protector?"    


"It's nothing important, I just have two sentences for you." "I've always had a bad temper, so you'd better obey my rules. Otherwise, I won't be able to guarantee that I'll be angry at you." Her voice was very calm, but the contents of her words were enough to make this little girl tremble in fear.    


"This servant obeys. This servant will do whatever Lord Protector says." Qing`er hurriedly replied, her expression showing traces of fear.    


"If you understand, then go down. Don't disturb me when I sleep." Hua Ruge said as he started to take off his clothes.    


"Yes, your servant will wait outside." After which, Qing`er stood up and left.    


Although this Lord Protector was young, her temper was not small, and she did not dare to provoke her.    


When she came out of the stone room, she saw that Luo Yi had finished his discussion.    


Luo Yi saw that she had come out so quickly, and said strangely: "I asked you to serve Lord Protector, why did you come out so quickly?"    


"The Lord Protector said that he wants to rest, and told me to come out and stand guard." Qing`er replied.    


"That kid is probably too tired. Just wait and see. Don't let anything go wrong, okay?" Luo Yi warned.    


Now, this person had a Sky City in his hands, it was a treasure wherever he went.    


"Yes." Qing`er replied.    


Luo Yi nodded and returned to the stone room.    


Hua Ruge did not immediately go to sleep. Instead, she laid on the stone bed as she pondered deeply.    


Now that she had snuck into the upper echelons, the next step was to get closer to the core and find the place where the devil sect's experts and alchemists were sent to.    


She had a premonition that as long as she could find that place, she wouldn't be far from the plot to destroy the Devil Sect.    


To achieve this goal, she had to proficiently control the Sky City and let others know of her uses.    


It seemed like tomorrow, she would have to visit the Sky City.    


Thinking of this, she covered herself with the blanket and fell asleep. Although it was almost daybreak, she could still catch up on her sleep.    


The next morning, before she could wake up, the door of the stone room opened. Qing'er stood by her bed and said uneasily: "Lord Protector, I know that I shouldn't have disturbed you, but Lord Sect Leader has called for you to go attend the meeting. Do you think it's time to wake up?"    


Hua Ruge pushed away the blanket and looked at her in a daze, "Alright, get ready to help me wash up."    


Qing`er turned around and left. Only then did Hua Ruge unwillingly get up and mutter, "When there's nothing else to do, I'll definitely have a good night's sleep."    


After she washed up, she changed into a new set of white clothes. When she walked out the door, she saw Li Shang and Luo Yi waiting for her.    


"Lord Sectmaster, Elder Luo, your subordinate has come late." She stepped forward.    


Li Shang waved his hand: "It's fine, I have something to discuss with Protector."    


"If Sect Master has any orders, feel free to speak." Hua Ruge said in a well-mannered manner.    


"It's about Sky City, it's said that it's an extremely powerful magical equipment, it shouldn't be an inanimate object that can only stand still. Since you're already the master of that city, you should go and study it for a while, and help us use it as soon as possible." Li Shang said directly.    


"This subordinate understands. This subordinate will go right away." Hua Ruge replied.    


Li Shang nodded and said to Luo Yi: "You follow Hai Yang, in case he can't handle this by himself."    


"Yes, head senior brother." Luo Yi complied.    


"Thank you, Sect Master." Although Hua Ruge said this, he could not help but call Li Shang an old cunning fox in his heart.    



As for what he wanted to do, he would send someone to inspect her. She had originally wanted to retrieve the command medallion and study it a bit, but now she was at her wit's end.    


After Li Shang left, Luo Yi handed a black jade tablet over to Hua Ruge and said: "This is your identity jade tablet. The two of you almost know each other, take it and act conveniently."    


"Thank you, Elder Xie Luo." Hua Ruge said as he accepted it.    


"We're all on the same side, there's no need to be polite. Let's go." Luo Yi said as he took the lead and walked out of the cave.    


Hua Ruge watched his back and had no choice but to follow.    


After exiting the cave, the two of them walked in the direction of the Sky City. Luo Yi thought of the soul that the white clothed man had mentioned and asked: "Hai Yang, who are your parents?"    


"Our ancestors did business, but when they came to our parents' place, they fell. They were normal people, and because they were sick, they went early." Hua Ruge said casually.    


Luo Yi nodded his head: "That surprised me."    


"What does Elder Luo mean by this?" Do you think that my parents have some sort of background? " Hua Ruge asked, she kept having the feeling that Luo Yi seemed to know something.    


Luo Yi waved his hand: "No, I'm just thinking that it's strange that ordinary people would be able to make you look so good."    


Seeing that he did not say anything, Hua Ruge did not continue asking. She laughed: "I can barely see through this pair of skin."    


She felt that this person knew something. It was most likely that she had heard it from the white-robed man. If she had the chance in the future, she would capture that Highest Elder and ask him about it.    


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