Enchanting Alchemist



0"I will send someone to take you there. Go find the elder of my Profound Yin Sect, there will naturally be someone to protect you." Li Shang explained.    


Hua Ruge now had confidence in himself, but instead spoke with a face full of pride: "Sect Master, now that the war is imminent, how can I retreat? I request my orders to be on the battlefield."    


"As long as you have this mindset, then it's fine. Right now, it's just a war of attrition. Both sides are using up some energy, so you don't have to fight." Li Shang said.    


Hua Ruge heard and nodded: "This subordinate will follow your arrangements."    


"En, rest well tonight. There will be an elder to pick you up tomorrow." Li Shang explained.    


"Yes." Hua Ruge replied.    


When the two of them returned to the room, Hua Ruge heaved a sigh of relief. After waiting for so long, she was finally able to enter the core region.    


Once she got there, she wouldn't be far from discovering the secret of the Devil's Gate.    


"Where do you think you'll take us tomorrow?" Tang Qian said uneasily as he laid on the bed.    


"Listen to the sect head's words, this is a safe place. With me here, you don't have to worry." Hua Ruge said in a very responsible manner.    


Tang Qian nodded in the darkness and did not speak.    


Hua Ruge lied on top of the fur, closing his eyes, he was still a little worried about Tang Qian. Although he helped her escape this calamity, if his identity was exposed, this girl would be in danger.    


Even if she didn't expose herself, she would tear off her dignity sooner or later. She had to find a suitable time to send her out of here.    


The next day, Hua Ruge finally woke up early for once in her life. She was so excited that she couldn't sleep anymore.    


Very quickly, someone knocked on the stone door. Tang Qian opened the door and saw an old man's face.    


"Junior Li Dahai greets senior." Hua Ruge immediately stepped forward, the courtesy in his heart was never slow.    


This person's face was cold, he sized her up and said: "I'm an array dao elder of Profound Yin Sect, I hope that you can come with me."    


"Yes, sorry to trouble you, Senior." Hua Ruge said as he walked out of the door with Tang Qian.    


He swept a glance across Tang Qian's body with his eyes, and frowned but did not say anything.    


After exiting the cave, he took out a Eight Trigrams Disc and threw it towards the sky. The disc suddenly grew larger and floated up.    


Hua Ruge pulled Tang Qian and also jumped up.    


The Eight Trigrams Disc flew at a low altitude, heading deeper into the Profound Beast Forest.    


Because of this big battle, the Profound Beast Forest had become exceptionally calm, and even profound beasts were rarely seen. Hua Ruge couldn't help but wonder what the Little Marten was currently doing, and whether it could possibly be in the vicinity.    


However, thinking about it, he shouldn't be here. Otherwise, he would have sensed her aura long ago and would have come looking for her.    


The three of them flew for the time it took an incense stick to burn before they arrived at a cove. Inside the col was a hidden small cave.    


Because this place was remote and the cave was small, if one did not look carefully, they would not notice it.    


However, Hua Ruge was suspicious of this place. Was this place the secret base? Isn't it too inconspicuous?    


Her skeptical gaze swept over Zhi Xin. She had already made her preparations. If this old man were to scam her, she would definitely send him to Hades.    


Cang Yi took out a black token, and the guards inspected it before allowing him pass.    


The two of them followed inside. When they entered, they found that the inside of the cave was much smaller than the outside. There were no facilities inside, but there was a teleportation formation on the ground.    


Hua Ruge finally understood that they had to use this teleportation circle to get to the secret base. The devil sect had done all they could to keep this a secret.    


Even if others could find the teleportation circle, they might not know its coordinates. And even if there was a traitor who brought outsiders here, judging by the size of the teleportation circle, they could only go through a few dozen people at a time.    


As long as they reacted, they would quickly destroy the transmission array, and the people here would no longer be able to pass through. As for the dozen or so people who went by, they were probably not enough to deal with one person with a stick.    


This would also have the advantage of not knowing the exact location of the base even if the people who entered the base did not know, which would prevent it from being leaked out.    


This was indeed a good method.    


She was extremely glad that she had chosen to be a spy. Otherwise, she would never have imagined that the Devil's Gate would play such a trick.    


The three of them walked to the center of the teleportation formation. The person beside them filled in the crystal, entered the coordinates, and activated the teleportation formation.    


Hua Ruge felt his vision go white, and when he opened his eyes, he discovered that he was standing in another teleportation circle. There were many guards around, and he seemed to be prepared for battle.    


Only after showing his order badge did Su Yun be allowed to enter. When Hua Ruge walked out, his eyes went straight to the point.    


In front of her were many majestic palaces of varying sizes. The scale of the palaces was very large, and the architecture of the palaces were the same as the ones she had seen before.    


Just by looking at her surroundings, she knew that this place was definitely not that much smaller than the palace. The most unusual thing was that while the palace was on the ground, this place was actually underground.    


The surroundings were all lit up with Illuminating Pearl s, it was as bright as day, with one glance, she saw a group of people in black armor passing by, all of them had killing intent, their faces were pale, and some of them even looked green, like ghosts.    


But Hua Ruge could tell, these were all people, it was just that they had not seen sunlight for a long time.    


Tang Qian had never seen such a strange situation before, he stood behind Hua Ruge in shock.    


Hua Ruge was also shocked, regardless of the buildings or the people, it was not difficult for them to see that this palace had existed for a long time, it meant that the master had been planning something for a long time.    


However, she also felt that something was amiss. Previously, the Three Great Demons were scattered and did not have any organisations, hence they gathered together after stealing her ring. That was the reason why she suspected that the devil sect was planning something.    


But now, it seemed like it wasn't like that. Either this Three Great Demons had been planned beforehand, or it was being controlled by another powerful force.    


She felt that the possibility of the latter being higher. After all, if the Three Great Demons had caused such a commotion a long time ago, it would have been impossible to hide it from the three great forces.    


After discovering all of this, she started to panic. It seemed like there were quite a few things she didn't know about. She needed to get to the bottom of this as soon as possible.    


Hoping that he did not have any intention of introducing them to them, he directly headed towards the north. Over there, there was a small group of palaces, which should be where Profound Yin Sect resided.    


As Hua Ruge followed him, he used the mental message Devouring Beast: "Use your mental energy to scout this place out. See who's living here, don't forget not to expose yourself."    



"Yes, Master." The Devouring Beast's straightforward voice came into her mind.    


After a while, the Devouring Beast's voice sounded again:    


"Master, this place is very large. With my spiritual power, I can only inspect a few dozen palaces nearby. All of them are inhabited, and the energy within most of them is nefarious."    


Hua Ruge frowned and asked: "Any other discoveries?"    


"Eh? I saw a person, someone you know, Master. " The Devouring Beast's surprised voice came out.    


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