Enchanting Alchemist



0"I believe that we will work hard together." Hua Ruge gently caressed his back.    


She believed that as long as the two of them had the same mind and heart, there was no such thing as impossible to defeat. Even if heaven's will was to mess with them, they would still have to go against the heavens.    


Tuoba Rui hugged her for a while, then said: "Alright."    


Hua Ruge felt that this topic was a bit heavy, so he asked: "If you send a letter here, Young Master Wu Hen should have given the order, what about the Sky Mansion Academy?"    


"I was about to send someone to notify them." Tuoba Rui said.    


Hua Ruge raised his brows: "Then there is no need to inform them. Other than internal strife, what else do they have? I will immediately send someone to deliver a letter to the Principal."    


"That's fine too, you're the true head of the five peaks. Right now, I should leave returning Sky Mansion Academy for you to lead." Tuoba Rui said.    


Hua Ruge shook his head: "I'm too lazy to take power, I'm just afraid of them doing naughty things."    


So she wrote a letter herself and sent someone to deliver it to the Sky Mansion Academy, and informed that he had it.    


After doing all of this, Tuoba Rui pulled Hua Ruge and said: "Let's go, I'll bring you the reward."    


Hua Ruge laughed and said, "You actually have that kind of interest?"    


"I should at least coax my wife to be happy." Tuoba Rui said in all seriousness.    


Hua Ruge laughed, this person, is it alright for him to be serious when saying these words?    


Tuoba Rui brought Hua Ruge to the artificial lake, where a small boat had long been prepared.    


Tuoba Rui was the first to board the boat, and then, drag Hua Ruge along as he walked up, Hua Ruge said happily: "You're bringing me to row a boat? "It's too interesting."    


"This is your family's ship. Have you ever been on it before?" This time, it was Tuoba Rui who got curious.    


Hua Ruge shook his head: "It's too hot in the summer, I would rather sit in a ventilated room and eat ice watermelon."    


"You really don't want to leave at all." Tuoba Rui smiled lovingly.    


The two of them sat at the bow of the boat.    


"You can row?" Hua Ruge was a little shocked this time.    


Now, the boat was slowly moving forward on the water, surrounded by lotus flowers. The large green lotus leaves were surrounded by pink flowers, looking beautiful, and very pleasing to the eyes.    


Looking at this scene from afar was a very pleasant experience, but when one was in a real situation, it was a completely different experience. Such close contact with the beautiful nature made one feel especially relaxed and at ease.    


Hua Rui leaned against the deck, basking in the comfortable sunlight as he watched Tuoba Rui paddle the boat. Hua Rui felt that he was less ruthless and more natural than he was in the flowers.    


"So beautiful." Hua Ruge arrogantly stared at him, infatuated with him.    


Seeing her expression, Tuoba Rui smiled and asked: "Are you happy?"    


"I'm happy." Hua Ruge nodded, she was a person who didn't understand the meaning of life, so her daily life wasn't too rich either. Now that she had experienced it, she felt that it was very new.    


"I'll give you something new to do." Tuoba Rui put down the paddle, flipped his hand and took out a tea set.    


Hua Ruge pointed at his own nose. "Me?"    


"Why don't you row?" Tuoba Rui asked with a smile.    


Hua Ruge shook his head: "I think it's better if I make tea."    


If the tea was casually brewed, she could drink it. She definitely wouldn't be able to row the boat. At that time, it would be awkward if the wooden milk boat didn't move.    


Tuoba Rui took out a very complete set of things. He first arranged a few small sets of things, and then started a fire in the small charcoal stove. Afterwards, he poured some water from the water bag into an exquisite small copper pot, and started to boil it.    


She had seen Tuoba Rui make tea before, so she remembered the order. Although she was a little flustered because she had never made tea before, she looked very serious, just like an ordinary little girl.    


Tuoba Rui looked at her lips and smiled. His Xiao Ge was really cute.    


Hua Ruge didn't have time to pay attention to Tuoba Rui's gaze as he wholeheartedly focused on brewing the tea.    


When the boiled water rushed onto the tender green tea leaves, the fragrance of the Three Floating Pills assaulted Hua Ruge's nose, making him feel very interesting.    


She took it over to Tuoba Rui's side like a treasure, raised it to his lips and asked: "How about you try my tea?"    


Tuoba Rui took a sip, and said: "I shouldn't have given you these tea leaves."    


"Hey, hey, are you saying I wasted your tea leaves?" Hua Ruge was frustrated.    


Tuoba Rui could only follow up: "I should have gotten even better for you, in order to have more room to display myself."    


He felt that it would be wiser to change his mind at this time.    


"That's more like it." Hua Ruge sat down beside him with satisfaction, then raised the cup and took a sip.    


"It really isn't as delicious as the ones you cook. But I clearly came here in the first place." Hua Ruge asked curiously.    


"There's a lot of knowledge in the Way of Tea. It's fine as long as you cook. I'll cook it for you when you want to drink it in the future." Tuoba Rui said from the side.    


Hua Ruge took the opportunity to lean into his embrace, and suddenly had a strange thought: "You've paddled for so long, are you tired?"    


"You want to try?" Tuoba Rui heard her meaning from her words.    


Hua Ruge nodded, she could even make tea, so it shouldn't be hard for her to paddle boats.    


By now, the two of them had reached the center of the lake. Hua Ruge was enchanted by the beautiful scenery and became even more excited.    


"Sit in front of me, I'll teach you." Tuoba Rui had always been very patient in front of her.    


Hua Ruge sat in front of him as instructed, then held the wood pulp with both hands. Tuoba Rui's hands were in her hands as he swung her around.    


Hua Ruge tried to feel the power and direction, and silently remembered.    



Dozens of times later, Hua Ruge said, "Let me try it myself."    


However, the originally good paddle became useless in her hands. The boat circled the center of the lake for a while and injured a few lotus flowers.    


After that, Hua Ruge continued to practice rowing, but somehow, even with his natural talent in machine oil, he was unable to learn to row. If not for Tuoba Rui, who knows how many times he would have flipped.    


After a while, Hua Ruge was too tired to learn it, so she just laid on Tuoba Rui's lap and muttered: "This thing is not scientific, it's not fun."    


Tuoba Rui also put down the paddle, he caressed her face and said: "We can rest here for a while."    


It was just after noon. Although the weather was still hot, the sun was no longer poisonous. The wind blowing across the surface of the water made people feel extremely cool.    


Tuoba Rui also lied on the deck with her, allowing her to rest her head on his arm.    


Hua Ruge hugged him with both hands and feet.    


Ever since they had parted ways frequently, Hua Ruge felt that he relied more and more on Tuoba Rui.    


Seeing that, Tuoba Rui's heart was satisfied, after chasing for so long, his wife had finally taken the initiative.    


"By the way, when did you learn to row?" Hua Ruge asked curiously, she felt that Tuoba Rui was not the type of person who would do this.    


"Two days ago." Tuoba Rui then added, "Seeing this lake, I wanted to bring you out to play, so I went to find a servant to learn from you."    


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