Enchanting Alchemist



0"This matter will be decided by me. My beloved officials, you may withdraw."    


After a while, Jun Tianxia's voice was firm.    


The ministers all understood that their Monarchs knew what to do, and when the responsibility to remind them was fulfilled, they all excused themselves.    


This was the first time these elders had seen a woman outside of the imperial study, and they couldn't help but be a little dazed.    


"Hua Ruge pays his respect to all of you." Seeing that the elders had revealed a curious expression, Hua Ruge directly took the initiative to greet them and introduced himself.    


Upon hearing this name, all the old men bowed and said, "So it's the dean. My apologies."    


As one of the three giants of the continent, Hua Ruge's status was even higher than the Monarch Daoyu's.    


"My lords, you are too courteous." Hua Ruge replied with a smile.    


After they exchanged greetings, Hua Ruge entered the imperial study and the elders left to discuss: "I had long heard that the Principal of Sky Mansion Academy was a dragon and phoenix amongst men, this meeting is indeed out of the ordinary."    


"That's right. But we, Monarchs, have never tried to put on airs with any woman. Why is it that the principal is even able to enter the Imperial Study?"    


An old man stroked his white beard with an indescribable smile on his face. "Could it be ?"    


"Haha, it seems like Monarchs aren't in a rush to establish themselves. Old men like us shouldn't get involved." Another old man said.    


"Master Zhou's words are reasonable. Hahaha."    


When these people said this, their previous worries had now completely vanished.    


Who didn't know that besides his own excellence, Hua Ruge also brought along such a transcendent power. If he could enter the main Da Yu harem, his Da Yu would simply be like adding wings to a tiger.    


Hua Ruge knew that these old men would gossip about her like this, so she would never take the initiative to greet them.    


Fortunately, she did not hear what had brought peace to the world.    


Upon entering the imperial study, she saw Jun Tianxia looking at her with narrowed eyes, his originally frowning brows slowly relaxed.    


"Why did you think of me?" Jun Tianxia said as he walked down the imperial table and stood in front of her, smiling at her.    


Hua Ruge's eyes turned as he said, "There's something I want to talk to you about."    


"Oh?" Jun Tianxia laughed: "Why don't you let me guess what it is?"    


Hua Ruge shook his head: "I'll just say it myself, it would be too embarrassing if I were to be guessed."    


"As you wish. Let's talk somewhere else." Jun Tianxia said as he took the lead.    


Hua Ruge followed them and entered Jun Tianxia's sleeping quarters. The two of them sat in the side hall and drank tea.    


Now that the lights were on, this hall that was illuminated by the candles made Hua Ruge feel a little warmth for the first time.    


"Go ahead." Jun Tianxia said after drinking the tea.    


"I came over from the Pine Temple and learned a few things. I wanted to confirm something with you." Hua Ruge said.    


Jun Tianxia amiably nodded. "Go ahead."    


"Young Master Wu Hen said that what you and Tuoba Rui are planning to do is actually the same thing, so you two can avoid conflict, right?" Hua Ruge asked.    


"Yes." Jun Tianxia said as he looked at her: "So you want us to work together to resolve this war?"    


"I think we can give it a try. If there's a better way, why fight this hard battle?" Hua Ruge said.    


"You mean to say that Tuoba Rui can give up the competition and let me complete this task?" Jun Tianxia raised his eyebrows and asked.    


Hua Ruge nodded his head, "Anyway, all he wants is to treat illnesses."    


"What about you? Will you give it to me?" Jun Tianxia asked, and shook his head: "It's impossible for him to agree."    


"Of course he wouldn't agree. That's why I came to find you." Hua Ruge paused for a moment before continuing, "Is there any other way?"    


"Nope." Jun Tianxia answered without hesitation.    


This time, it was Hua Ruge's turn to frown: "Are you sure you don't want to think about it? If you really want me to add you, then you are destined to be unable to succeed on this step. "    


Jun Tianxia's pupils contracted slightly.    


"Regardless of whether you win or lose, I will never marry you. Thus, your final goal is impossible." Hua Ruge continued.    


Jun Tianxia took a deep breath, clenching his fists tightly, he did not say anything.    


She was asking herself, if she were to defeat Tuoba Rui, possess the entire world, gather all the power from the dragon veins, would he be able to kill Hua Ruge and force him to do so?    


In front of Hua Ruge and his Grand Hegemony, how should he choose?    


Hua Ruge did not speak, and only waited quietly for his answer.    


After a long while, Jun Tianxia took a deep breath and said, "It's not that I don't want to think of the appropriate timing, it's that I can't think of any other way."    


This was a compromise.    


Hua Ruge heaved a sigh of relief, and said: "How can there be such an absolute thing in this world. You want to marry me because of how can I help you?"    


"I need you to control the Phoenix Queen Seal from the Great Yu Dynasty. Only you can help me take that final step." Jun Tianxia released his breath.    


Hua Ruge's eyes turned as he said, "Does that mean you actually need my strength to do something for you?"    


"It's because of your Divine Empress's fate." Jun Tianxia corrected him.    


"Then I won't marry you, why don't you lend me the Phoenix Queen Seal for me?" Hua Ruge said. As a modern man, she knew how to break the rules and find a different path.    


Jun Tianxia shook his head, "Right now, you still have no way to wield the seal. If you want to receive the Emperor Seal, you will need to conduct a Heaven's Sacrifice ceremony and enter my Great Yu Dynasty 'Qi Book."    



Hua Ruge scratched his forehead, a little confused.    


"In other words, you and I do not need to be husband and wife. We can just use our name." Jun Tianxia said as he retreated.    


Hua Ruge repeatedly shook his head, "That won't do. I can't possibly be together with Tuoba Rui in the name of an empress in the future, right? He's so arrogant, I won't agree even if I die."    


Jun Tianxia also thought that there would be such an answer and frowned, not saying anything.    


Right now, he also really wanted to resolve this matter, but he truly had no other choice.    


Hua Ruge held his chin and thought hard, could there be another way?    


Jun Tianxia's gaze vaguely fell on Hua Ruge's face, his mind was in a mess.    


The path of an overlord lay within the heart of heaven and earth. And now, he had actually stepped into such a state of compromise.    


He heaved a long sigh in his heart.    


Before facing the real choice, he thought that he loved the world, but it turned out that it wasn't ?    


"Got it."    


Hua Ruge suddenly clapped his hands, and said: "That means I am going to be in charge of the Phoenix Imprint, and even enter that Qi Book. That way I can help you, right?"    


Jun Tianxia nodded.    


"Who are those people that are able to enter the Destiny Decree?" Hua Ruge asked.    


"All important officials of the Zheng, including me, are here." Jun Tianxia replied.    


"What's the use?" Hua Ruge continued to ask.    


"The current usage is not great, but when the world is unified and unified, the stronger the rank, the stronger the assistance one can get." Jun Tianxia explained.    


"Isn't that simple? Why don't you just assign me a random official position? Then, won't I enter your Destiny Decree?" Hua Ruge said again.    


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