Enchanting Alchemist



0In Dong An City, the Young Master Wu Hen stood on top of a city wall and looked at the gradually rising imperial city. He then said to his disciples, "Get ready."    


"Yes." The disciple obeyed his orders and left the city.    


In Wu Ding City, Little Marten saw the flying city, her eyes revealed a light of excitement, and was ready to attack anytime.    


As Hua Ruge stood on the Heaven's Altar and watched the sky approach, the fighting intent in his heart grew stronger and stronger.    


She was somewhat impatient to see what the might of the heavens actually looked like.    


As he was thinking, Jun Tianxia lowered his hands that were lifted, and the imperial city stopped rising. At this moment, the people in the city had the illusion that they could reach out and touch the sky.    


But they knew that the sky was still far away.    


Jun Tianxia opened his eyes and opened his right hand, revealing the Heaven Splitting Axe that was emitting a golden glow in his palm.    


The Heaven Splitting Axe now was different from the past. Just by holding it in Jun Tianxia's hand, one could feel a supreme might.    


had seen that terrifying aura from a divine tool from the Sword of The Falling Sun before, but the Heaven Splitting Axe now was more than ten times stronger than the previous Sword of The Falling Sun.    


She suddenly thought back to what Jun Tianxia had said when he was fighting Tian Yu, the man holding the Sword of The Falling Sun. As long as the time was right, killing him would not be enough even if he had countless Sons of the Falling Sun.    


At that time, Hua Ruge did not understand, but now she finally understood.    


The Heaven Splitting Axe needed to be activated using the Dragon Qi, but the Dragon Qi came from the Dragon Bloodline. At that time, the world was not yet unified and the Dragon Bloodline had not been broken through, so the power released by the Heaven Splitting Axe was not great.    


But now that all the conditions had been met, the might of the Heaven Splitting Axe was naturally extraordinary.    


Sky Splitting Axe, Sky Splitting Axe.    


Hua Ruge muttered, he suddenly understood.    


It turned out that this name wasn't just for the sake of being awe-inspiring, but that this axe really could open the sky.    


With the Heaven Splitting Axe in his hand, the aura around Jun Tianxia's body started to increase continuously, the Emperor's Qi and the Heaven Splitting Axe started to show their unparalleled might, and started to increase along with Jun Tianxia's power.    




The sound of thunder in the sky seemed to have noticed something.    


As the aura in Jun Tianxia's body explosively increased, his body actually also gradually grew taller. The dragon aura around him, suddenly transformed into a giant in the blink of an eye.    


"Monarch! That's a Monarch! Heavens, how did he become so tall?" When the onlookers saw this, they began to cry out in alarm.    


"That's right, what is the Monarch trying to do?"    


The commoners were all terrified just by this sight.    


It was simply too terrifying.    




Dark clouds covered the entire capital, and the lightning flashing within the dark clouds was actually stronger than any lightning bolt that Hua Ruge had ever seen.    


"What a powerful Celestial Tribulation. But it seems as though the Emperor isn't about to undergo it." People from some sects began to discuss amongst themselves.    


After all, there were too few people who knew how to split heaven and earth. It was normal for them to not be able to guess it.    


At this time, the power behind Jun Tianxia's body had already become extremely strong. Without waiting for the thundercloud above him to smash down, he waved the giant axe in his hand towards the sky.    


The huge axe was like a giant golden blade as it flew towards the thunderclouds in the sky, bringing with it an earth-shattering power.    


Wherever the golden axe passed, space itself crumbled and a black hole appeared in the sky.    




The axe blade collided against the thundercloud, and the two violent energies collided, producing a loud collision sound that could be heard on the entire continent.    


The space where the thundercloud was was trembling and twisting violently.    




With another explosive sound, the thundercloud on the spot disappeared, and an incomparably large black hole appeared out of nowhere.    


In just a moment, the thunderclouds were completely destroyed.    


This caused Hua Ruge to be a little apprehensive. She was truly unable to estimate just what kind of terrifying strength the current Jun Tianxia possessed.    


There was no need to mention the rest of the officials from the Da Yu and the commoners below, when they saw this scene, they were all dumbstruck. Without saying anything further, they kneeled down and shouted, "Long live the Emperor!"    


Right now, the entire mountain and river region was filled with such cheers. At this moment, they felt that their Monarch was the most dazzling deity.    


Who wouldn't be proud of having such a Monarch, and sincerely feel a sense of security and belonging?    


At this moment, there was no one in this world who did not feel their blood boiling. Although they did not know what the Monarch was trying to do, they could all tell that this was definitely something very extraordinary.    


At this moment, there was a huge change in the sky. The black hole in the sky was being filled with the power of space and disappeared.    


At the same time, the clouds in the sky began to cover the sky above the imperial city once more. From within the clouds, a loud rumbling sound could be heard.    


Soon, everyone could see lightning flashing through the dark clouds. However, this time, it was not a blue lightning, but a purple dragon-shaped lightning. It was condensed into a large piece of lightning, bringing with it a destructive power that no human had ever seen before.    




The huge sound produced by the rolling lightning shook the entire Land of the Nine Prefectures. It was as if the sky was angry and roaring!    


When the commoners below saw this terrifying lightning flash, they were so scared that their legs turned soft. This was the first time they felt the tremendous deterrence of heavenly might.    


Everyone could not help but have a thought. That was, he was too small, as small as a speck of dust in front of the might of the heavens. They could not even have the slightest thoughts of resisting.    


Now, Hua Ruge could tell that the heavens were enraged.    



Tuoba Rui still did not move. With an indifferent look in his eyes, he did not intend to attack.    


Jun Tianxia stared at the thundercloud in the sky, disdain flashing past his eyes. He flipped his hand, took out his Nine Dragon Seal and turned to look at Hua Ruge.    


Hua Ruge nodded, and took out the Phoenix Queen Seal from his Da Yu.    


The two of them closed their eyes and the seal in their hands floated in the air. As the two gathered their dragon and phoenix auras, they released an incomparably resplendent golden light.    


The commoners below could see the two Seals rising into the air, closing in on them.    


There were nine golden dragons hovering above the dragon seal, and a phoenix was gradually taking shape on top of the seal.    


"The empress's seal? How could anyone control Phoenix Imprint? My Da Yu doesn't have an empress. " The commoners shouted in unison.    


"That's right, and it's said that if the Imperial Empress' fate did not match, she wouldn't be able to condense a phoenix. But now, not only is there someone controlling the seal, the phoenix is also condensed. This ? "What the hell is going on?"    


When the commoners saw the imperial seal rise into the air, none of them understood what was going on.    


However, they did not know that it would not affect the progress of the matter. Hua Ruge had thought that drawing in the phoenix energy would be extremely difficult, she did not expect that she would merely need to think about the phoenix energy between heaven and earth and continuously rush into the Phoenix Imprint.    


It was also at this moment that Hua Ruge understood why Jun Tianxia always wanted her to become the empress.    


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