Enchanting Alchemist



0Hua Ruge stared at the pill that was releasing the killing intent, his eyes firm.    


"Little Ge, don't be so playful, go back." Tuoba Rui's voice was soft and nervous, afraid that something would happen that she did not want to see.    


Hua Ruge knew that he was truly afraid of something happening to himself, but she had no choice but to do so. The interior of the great formation contained the lives of the three of them, so she could not just let things go.    


"I'm sorry." Hua Ruge opened her mouth, her voice choked with emotions. Under this kind of half-conscious situation, she was unable to control her emotions very well, and it was mostly out of instinct.    


She really couldn't bear to part with him.    


Tuoba Rui's emotions fluctuated too much and his consciousness was invaded by the evil aura. He held his head and struggled, wanting to find some time to persuade Hua Ruge.    


Seeing that, Hua Ruge did not delay any further.    


Jun Tianxia and the Little Marten had already opened their eyes, but it was too late to say anything.    


Hua Ruge then leaped up to the top of the pill, and then started to drop down, at the same time opening his mouth.    


Aren't pills meant for consumption? she thought.    


"No." Jun Tianxia and the Little Marten said in unison.    


This pill was extremely dark and evil, with a murderous aura that reached the heavens. It was not something that any human could handle. If she swallowed it now, she would only become its owner. Once the pill tore apart her soul and left her body, she would be finished.    


Mr Shen guessed that the pill had not been completely refined, and removing the Evil Qi should be the last step.    


The instant she swallowed the pill, all the infernal energy below the ground disappeared and the array formation disappeared as well.    


On the ground, the Sky City was trapped in an unprecedented crisis because this time, the undead's strength was very strong. The Sky City had long been lost, and more than half of the sect's disciples had died.    


In the last moment, Hao Shou protected Ye Wanrou, and after receiving attacks from majority of the undead, his internal organs were all damaged, and he fainted.    


"Fatty, wake up ?" Ye Wanrou shook Hao Shou's body and shouted. She had never felt such pain or helplessness before.    


But this time Hao Shou was not joking around with her. He closed his eyes and did not open them again.    


"Fatty, you can't fall asleep. I still have a lot of things I haven't told you. Wake up ?" Ye Wanrou cried until he lost his voice.    


The other people's situation was also not as good as theirs. Lu Bin was torn into two parts by the undead, and one of Luo Qingqing's arm was torn off, causing her to scream in pain.    


The people here were all treasures that the various sects were holding in their hands. All of them had high expectations, but at this moment, they discovered that no one was able to fight back.    


Blood flowed like a river from the Sky City, corpses wreaked havoc on the ground. The sect disciples panicked to the extreme, and most of them could only run away.    


Hao Shou's aura became weaker and weaker, and no matter how you looked, there were no signs of it waking up. Ye Wanrou was finally angry, she wiped away her tears and stood up, and said to the people who were escaping: "If we can't escape this crisis, then we will die with no dignity."    


At this moment, her eyes were firm and full of fighting spirit. No matter how she looked at it, she didn't look like a girl in her twenties.    


Even sect disciples would be willing to listen to what she had to say when they saw her gaze.    


Kong Xiu watched on from the side and silently sighed at how people could always grow at a rapid pace when they were at the edge of life and death.    


"As the favored children of the various sects, how could we let these people, who were neither human nor ghost, so easily succeed? After all, death is death, so why not be a little more proud?" Ye Wanrou raised the sword in his hand and said: "Fight them to the death!"    


"Let's go all out." Kong Xiu agreed.    


The people from the Da Yu also raised the weapons in their hands. "Right, whoever can kill one will be one."    


People were always easily affected. Seeing that a little girl had such courage, they could not afford to be left behind. Thus, they all let out heaven-shaking cries.    


Even if they died, no one would be able to take away their pride as geniuses.    


In the next moment, murderous shouts shook the sky. No one wanted to escape anymore and took the initiative to attack the undead. No matter what kind of opponent they faced, they would not retreat, and would not retreat.    


After a long while, half of the sect disciples were injured, and the ones that were still alive were also severely injured.    


Ye Wanrou fell into a pool of blood and was no longer able to do anything. The only thing she could do was lock her gaze onto Hao Shou as her body slowly moved towards him.    


"I regret it." Ye Wanrou said, "If I had told you earlier, perhaps we wouldn't have stayed behind."    


The eyes of those who could still fight were still shining brightly as they raised their weapons, ready to fight to the death.    




It was unknown who shouted, but people once again rushed over, the long sword in their hands was aimed at the undeads.    


Under normal circumstances, undeads would usually move around flexibly, but this time, the undeads' eyes were even straighter, and their bodies were motionless as they let people kill them.    


Moreover, it was not just one but all the living corpses.    


Everyone was shocked after they killed a group of undeads. He raised his head to look at the sun. It was still early in the morning, so it was still early in the evening.    


The next scene shocked them even more. They saw the undeads slowly fade away as if they were going to melt into the world. After a few breaths, all the undeads turned translucent and disappeared.    


Whether it was the undeads or the corpses of undeads, all of them disappeared in an instant.    


The survivors looked at each other.    


All of this happened too fast. If it weren't for the piles of human corpses underground, they would have thought that the battle these few days was just a dream.    


Da Yu officials reacted and said, "It's underground. Monarch and the others must have solved the crisis."    


Everyone nodded their heads. This should be the only answer.    


The plot was in the underground, and it must have been sabotaged by the group of people from the small world.    


Ye Wanrou fainted beside Hao Shou. Kong Xiu frowned, this time the crisis was no small matter, for the upper management to fight to such an extent, the situation below must be even more dangerous.    


The majority of the lucky survivors did not cheer for their survival. Everyone looked at each other, worried for the few people below.    


After all, they had experienced life and death together, so they wouldn't be so indifferent towards this.    



All the corpses on the ground had disappeared, and it was the same underground. The ones that did not crawl out of the crevices would no longer have the chance to crawl out, and all of this happened after Hua Ruge swallowed the pill.    


The pill was immediately bitten into Hua Ruge's mouth, she was channeling all the energy in her body in an instant to digest it.    


However, she did not know whether the pill had digested it or not. She only felt an extremely violent baleful aura rush straight into her soul. She had prepared beforehand, but the moment the baleful aura entered her body, it completely destroyed all her preparations. She did not even have the chance to struggle before she fainted.    


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