Enchanting Alchemist



0Hua Ruge and Su Nianxia began to line up at the back of the crowd, but a Divine Hall junior disciple who recognized Hua Ruge walked up and said with a smile: "Brother Hu, why are you here as well, is there anything you need?"    


"I have something that I would like to ask to see the head." Hua Ruge replied truthfully.    


"Of course, the lord head is in the inner room, please follow me." The junior disciple led them inside.    


Walking to the door of the inner room, junior disciple knocked: "Head, there is someone requesting an audience."    


"Come in." A voice filled with vigor came out from the manager.    


junior disciple pushed the door and entered. Hua Ruge and Su Nianxia followed closely behind.    


The head was meditating with his eyes closed. Only when he heard who it was did he open his eyes.    


Hua Ruge saw that she also knew him. Previously, she went to the restaurant to drink.    


Seeing that it was Hua Ruge, the manager waved his hand to allow the junior disciple to leave, and just as he was about to speak, his gaze landed on Su Nianxia, and asked: "Little Brother Hu, this is?"    


"This is my cousin." Hua Ruge introduced.    


The chief nodded his head and knew that he was no longer an outsider. He got up from the praying mat and asked, "Did little brother encounter any difficulties when you came to my shrine today?"    


"Lord Head, you misunderstood. I have come to express my thanks." Hua Ruge laughed and said: "Master of Divine Hall is truly too wise, if it weren't for the brilliant decision of the higher-ups, I would definitely still be outside, not to mention the fact that the restaurant is open to business."    


When the manager heard this, he smiled and said, "So you're here to donate the incense?"    


"Lord Head is wise, you can easily guess it. I would like to see Hall Master personally hand the money to him. Back then, I expressed my gratitude to him, what do you think?" Hua Ruge asked.    


The head shook his head without even thinking, "Little brother, it's not that I don't want to help you, just think about it. The Palace Lord is too high up in the sky, how could he possibly personally receive a guest."    


"I have enough sincerity, what do you think about thirty thousand spirit crystals?" Hua Ruge asked.    


The head continuously waved his hand and said, "Although these thirty thousand spirit crystals are quite a few, it's not that many either. If I were to report it, I will be scolded back."    


Hua Ruge slapped his forehead and said: "It's not that I didn't make it clear, it's that I'm not talking about High-Grade Spirit Crystal s, but Exquisite Spirit Crystal s."    


She flipped her hand and took out a piece of seven colored Exquisite Spirit Crystal.    


With just one look, the manager calculated in his heart. These thirty thousand Exquisite Spirit Crystal were equal to thirty million High-Grade Spirit Crystal, the number was too big.    


"I just wanted to see him to express my gratitude and see if I could accommodate him." After Hua Ruge said this, he changed his tone, "If Hallmaster is unable to receive a small figure like me, you can let me see a Protector."    


The head's eyes lit up when he heard this. "You said it's okay to guard?"    


This was clearly less difficult than meeting with the hall master.    


Hua Ruge nodded his head: "As long as you bring me here as a protector, I am willing to donate these thirty thousand Spirit Crystals."    


"Go back and wait for news. I'll go to the hall and ask you." The manager patted Hua Ruge's shoulder and said.    


Hua Ruge laughed: "Thank you."    


After the patriarch arranged for junior disciple to send them away, he immediately rushed to the Sacred Palace. He knew that if he were to inform the hall master about this matter, they would not have to contribute much, but if this money was accepted by the Protector Liu, then he would show his face as a subordinate.    


Thus, he hurried over to the temple's mountain gate, and upon reaching the mountain peak, he reported the matter to the Protector Liu.    


Protector Liu's eyes lit up after hearing that. "There's such a thing?"    


"That's right, the Boss Hu said that she is deeply grateful to the Divine Palace. She must meet with you or the Hall Master and donate some incense to them." The manager said.    


Protector Liu immediately said: "Hallmaster will take care of the myriad of matters every day and see the random person. Bring her to my summit."    


He knew in his heart that although the money was meant for the shrine, whoever received it would be rewarded. He obviously did not want to miss it.    


"Yes. Protector, when you are free, I will bring the person over to you." the manager asked.    


Protector Liu thought for a moment, then said: "Tomorrow morning, I will be free."    


"This subordinate understands. I will definitely bring someone over tomorrow morning."    


"You can consider it your great achievement after this matter is settled."    


"Thank you, Protector." As the manager said this, he left the hall. His heart was filled with joy, but he had never thought that he would be able to do nothing but pick up a big bargain. This was simply a good thing that fell from the sky.    


He happily went down the mountain. Protector Liu was also very happy as he turned around to look at the heavily injured person that he picked up again.    


At this moment, the two of them were placed in the same hall. In the middle of the hall was a hall. There was an incense burner on each side of the tea table, and there were two bedrooms on each side of the table.    


Protector Liu had already invited the doctors from the Sacred Hall and the pill masters to come to diagnose the illness. Now that the pill refiners were not around, the medical officials left the room after some investigation.    


"How are these two doing today?" Protector Liu asked.    


"Reporting to Lord Protector, this young master living in the east is no longer in danger. It's just that his injuries are too severe. He should be able to recover in half a year using medicinal herbs."    


Protector Liu only felt waves of pain when he heard this. Medicinal ingredients and medicinal pellets were always the most expensive things, and it was already difficult for him to provide them for the better half of a year.    


"The situation on the west side is not good. Although it is not fatal, it is fundamental. To heal it, one can only use precious medicine from heaven and earth, or divine medicine." The medical officer continued.    


Protector Liu shook his head when he heard that: "This divine medicine Holy Son definitely won't give it to someone of unknown origin. As for those medicinal herbs, they are even rarer. Could it be that without these people, there will be no hope?"    


"Ahh, fighting for one's life is always the hardest. Not everyone has such a chance." The medical officer continued, "The Protector Liu has a merciful heart, but at this time, you are still not able to do it with human strength. Don't be too sad."    


"I understand. Thank you, Mr. Zhao." The Protector Liu said.    


Doctor Zhao nodded and turned to leave.    


The Protector Liu sighed and went to the east wing room. He wanted to see the man who had awoken, but unfortunately, he came as he slept.    


He then left the room and went to the west room. The man lying down looked even paler and didn't need the medical officer to say anything. He knew that this man's injuries were worse.    


'To have such a face and to have such a unique skill ? logically speaking, that should be a fortuitous encounter. Protector Liu said, but then he seemed to have thought of something and said: "Could it be that you were struck by a great opportunity and could not control it, and ended up dying prematurely?"    



Of course he could not understand the secrets of heaven, so he instructed the junior disciple to take good care of him before walking out.    


On the other hand, the of the divine hall had personally arrived at Hua Ruge's house on the same day to inform him that they would be going to the divine hall to see the Protector Liu tomorrow morning.    


Su Nianxia looked at King Head's expression, and laughed: "This place is truly useful to have money."    


Hua Ruge absent-mindedly nodded his head.    


"Elder sister, what are you thinking about? Haven't we finished planning everything that we need to do? " Su Nianxia asked curiously.    


"I was wondering what to wear tomorrow." Hua Ruge said.    


Seeing her serious look, Su Nianxia couldn't help but laugh. He didn't think that his sister, who had such a rough line, would actually think about this kind of thing.    


Hua Ruge thought for a while, and said somewhat despairingly: "Forget it, this men's attire doesn't matter what it is."    


"You look good in anything." Su Nianxia said sincerely.    


Hua Ruge laughed proudly, then said: "Now we can be considered to have succeeded halfway, tomorrow we will act according to the circumstances."    


"No problem." Su Nianxia nodded.    


The two of them got up early the next day, but in reality, they didn't sleep at night. Su Nianxia just went to Hua Ruge's room, and the two lied on the bed and talked for the whole night.    


The more they saw in the morning, the more nervous they became. This feeling of anticipation, but also fear that they might get bad news made them, who had seen great scenes before, unable to control it.    


In the morning, after the two of them had washed up and changed clothes, Hua Ruge was dressed in red, while Su Nianxia was dressed in green.    


When King Head saw the two of them, he was pondering how there could be such good-looking people in this world. Normally, he would not even see one of them, but this time, it would be two people.    


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