Enchanting Alchemist



0Protector Liu laughed and waved: "Everyone, let's move to the banquet hall."    


"It's better to obey than to be respectful."    


As they spoke, they followed Protector Liu out. The decorations of the banquet hall and the main hall were pretty much the same, but the roof wasn't that high, and it was a bit small.    


Protector Liu sat on the seat of honor, Hua Ruge and the rest sat on the lower seats, while the dishes and wine were already placed on the seats in front of them.    


"Young masters, it's fate that we're all gathered together. Let's toast!" The Protector Liu raised his wine cup as he spoke.    


The four of them also raised their cups, they also felt that this was a rare fate, just that they automatically blocked Protector Liu.    


After drinking the wine in the cup, they could finally move the chopsticks. Tuoba Rui and Jun Tianxia also symbolically picked up the chopsticks to eat some small stuff.    


Hua Ruge and Su Nianxia had always been delicious, but this time, because they had other things on their minds, they did not have the mood to eat.    


After three rounds of drinking, Tuoba Rui and Jun Tianxia looked at each other, and after the two of them paid attention to each other, Tuoba Rui took the initiative to raise his wine cup and said to the Protector Liu above him: "We will never forget Lord Protector's life saving grace, let me toast you."    


"Brother Tuoba is right." Jun Tianxia also raised his cup.    


Protector Liu watched as the two toasted, as if he had reached the pinnacle of his life. He didn't know what kind of evil he had met recently, even though he was clearly much stronger than the two of them, but he felt that he was inferior to them.    


Without hesitation, he picked up his wine cup and said, "You two are being too serious, I only raised my hand a little."    


As the three of them spoke, they downed a cup of wine.    


Tuoba Rui put down his wine cup and said again: "Lord Protector, the two of us would like to go down the mountain and recuperate from our injuries.    


Hua Ruge and Su Nianxia pretended not to notice as they continued to eat.    


On the other hand, Protector Liu said in astonishment, "Why do the two of you want to go down the mountain? Could it be that someone on the mountain is being negligent? "    


"Protector is too serious. We have been taken care of in every detail on the mountain these days. It's just that we are a rogue cultivator and are used to wandering freely. The mountain is more suitable for us." Jun Tianxia said from the side.    


Protector Liu cherished talent in his heart, but upon hearing these words he immediately advised: "Both of you are young talents, if you can join my Red Flame Temple, your future will be bright."    


King Head sat at the very bottom. At this time he also said, "That's right, if the two of you join the divine hall, you will be able to obtain resources that you cannot access.    


"Exactly." The Protector Liu nodded.    


"Thank you, Lord Protector, for your kindness. We would like to consider this matter, and we will give you our answer after you recover." Tuoba Rui said.    


He didn't want to agree, but he couldn't refuse at this time. After all, he was still injured, and if they were to break up, it would be them who would be in danger.    


Jun Tianxia nodded: "I also have that intention."    


Protector Liu naturally did not want to let them go. According to him, it would be better if the two entered the Sacred Palace, but if they did not agree to it, he could not force them.    


King Head saw through Protector Liu's thoughts, so he said: "The two of you can obtain the best care and medicine from the mountain, but it would be very inconvenient for you to establish your own sect at the foot of the mountain, it would be bad if it affected your injuries."    


Protector Liu felt that King Head's words were timely, and nodded his head repeatedly: "Right, this is also my intention. How about you two stay at my peak to heal your injuries before making any other plans?"    


Now, not only did Protector Liu feel that the King Head was cute, the four people below him also felt the same. They didn't know how to bring it up yet, but they had already brought it up to their mouths.    


Tuoba Rui then continued: "Hu Gongzi and I are friends at first sight. Hu Gongzi is also a doctor, I think it is possible for me to seek refuge with him."    


When he spoke, he looked towards Hua Ruge.    


"Yes, we have a good chat with these two brothers. It seems that they are willing to take us in for a period of time." Jun Tianxia looked at Su Nianxia.    


On the other hand, Protector Liu felt that there was no hope. Who would be willing to take them back home and spend so much money just for pills and medicine?    


Therefore, he looked towards Hua Ruge and Su Nianxia, and asked: "What do you think of the two of you?"    


"Sure, I'm the most hospitable person here." Hua Ruge agreed without thinking.    


Protector Liu was startled, then looked at Hua Ruge's relaxed and calm face, his face seemed to have two words written on it: "Foolish people with a lot of money".    


King Head remembered now, it was not because this person had a lot of money, or else why would he be so generous with his money, and with so many restaurants open, his family's business was flourishing, it would not be an exaggeration to say that he was making money every day, taking in two people was not a burden to her.    


Su Nianxia also nodded his head: "Cousin brother, you are right. We will definitely take good care of both of you on behalf of Lord Protector."    


Protector Liu's undeveloped brain did not manage to come up with an idea even after a long time, as if there was no other way other than to use force.    


His eyes swept across King Head, but King Head did not know what to say either. The other party had already said everything without leakage, and if he wanted to keep on threatening him, he could only do so.    


In the end, the Protector Liu could only sigh and say: "Forget it, since the two gongzis prefer to live in a playworld, it's good to stay outside to recuperate."    


"Thank you, Lord Protector." Tuoba Rui and Jun Tianxia cupped their hands and thanked him.    


Things went unusually smoothly, causing both Hua Ruge and Su Nianxia to become a little dazed. It seemed like they had a despicable heart, the reason Protector Liu saved them was to do good deeds, if they could recruit the best, then they wouldn't force it.    


"You two, take good care of yourselves. If you need anything, just look for me." Protector Liu continued: "I still have to say, I don't want to miss out on talented people, and I still hope that you two will consider the matter of joining my Red Flame Temple more and more."    


"I am indebted to the Lord Protector for her kindness. We will." Jun Tianxia nodded.    


After hearing this, Hua Ruge suddenly felt his appetite increasing, just that he did not want others to know where he came from, so he still ate very little, but Su Nianxia on the other side was different.    


After a meal, Tuoba Rui and Jun Tianxia stayed behind to pack up and set an agreement to leave the mountain tomorrow.    


On the way back, King Head said to Hua Ruge: "I say Hu Gongzi, you two and those two gongzis aren't acquainted, why did you invite them to your residence? It would be a waste of a lot of money to pay these two people."    


"Money is just money. If you don't have it, then just earn some. If you have everyone to spend it with, then don't worry about it." Hua Ruge said heroically.    


King Head shook his head: "Sure enough, rich people like you speak differently."    


Hua Ruge laughed: "King Head, you have enough time to marry me and drink."    


"I know you're generous, then I won't be polite."    


"Isn't this relationship of ours just slapping me in the face?"    



King Head laughed and said, "I will be at the street in front. I will take my leave first. You two take care."    


"King Head, please." Hua Ruge watched as he left.    


Su Nianxia walked over from the snack bar and handed over an oily paper bag to Hua Ruge.    


Hua Ruge received it and said snappily: "It's fine if you gave it to me, but aren't you full after eating that much?"    


She saw that Su Nianxia had already eaten.    


"Their food really isn't that good." Su Nianxia said with dissatisfaction.    


"Say, you should keep your mouth shut. Don't complain about her after eating so much." Hua Ruge didn't know whether to laugh or cry.    


Su Nianxia thought for a while, then raised his head: "That's right, then I won't say anymore."    


Although neither of them brought up the matter of Tuoba Rui and Jun Under Heaven's return, it was clear from the state they were in that they were much more cheerful.    


The next day, Hua Ruge felt that it was not good to take a leave of absence from the Public Office, thus he did not stay home to wait for Tuoba Rui, but changed into his uniform and went to the Public Office.    


Zhao Tou saw her and said, "Brother, why are you always on leave these days?    


"That's right. If anything happens to you, just tell us. We'll help you think of a way." The bailiff on the side said as well.    


Hua Ruge smiled and said: "Alright, you guys hope that I'll be alright, I'm really fine."    


Everyone laughed when they heard her words, and started to maintain order. As early as a few days ago, the competition had already started, and the Divine Domain had set up dozens of arenas, where those who wanted to enter would fight on stage after a round of tests.    


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