Enchanting Alchemist



0Su Nianxia played with the sword in his hand: "Big sister Ru Ge, from Protector Liu's words, you should be receiving gifts these days."    


"Receiving gifts is a good thing. However, if I want to get rid of these people, I'll have to use my wits. I'm truly too lazy to interact with them." Hua Ruge shook his head.    


Su Nianxia sympathetically smiled at her.    


After that, Hua Ruge did not go out for more than ten days. She was afraid that the Palace Mistress would send more people to persuade them to join the Sacred Palace, so she did not let her down.    


The first wave was another Protector. She also prepared a present that was similar to the one from last time, so of course she would directly reject it.    


The second batch was led by a Master Matter, and had a few common principals under his command. Their gifts had also doubled, and they were also crazily trying to persuade him otherwise. Hua Ruge's eyes lit up when he saw the presents, and he also rejected them very straightforwardly.    


In the third wave, an elder with a lotus mouth came over with even more gifts. Hua Ruge roughly calculated that these gifts were worth at least ten million spirit crystals.    


Sure enough, after this shrine took her money, it became obviously more extravagant.    


This time, Hua Ruge not only rejected, he even got the elder to bring back a gift. The elder was helpless, he advised very well, but he could do nothing about it.    


It was possible that Master of Divine Hall saw the gift of return and felt Hua Ruge's determination. After that, in the next ten days, he did not send anyone over.    


Hua Ruge heaved a sigh of relief.    


After more than 20 days, the competition on the stage had become much less intense. Hua Ruge felt that he could finally leave.    


After Tuoba Rui showed his face, he became even more unwilling to go out. He really did not like people sneaking peeks and discussions wherever he went.    


After going out, the two of them realised that although the temperature was not as high as it used to be, the people were still very passionate towards Hua Ruge. It was because she was used to being a official and was a friendly person, so she knew a lot of people.    


In the past, these people had only greeted her, but today, they couldn't help but praise her whenever they saw her again. It wasn't good for Hua Ruge to ignore the praises of others, so she had to answer every single one of them whenever they came up to speak.    


Let alone her, even Su Nianxia who was beside her had nothing to live for.    


In the end, Hua Ruge had no choice but to reduce his courtesy and walk over with a smile and a nod, which saved some time.    


Her eyes lit up when she saw what she was doing. She had done too much for the temple, and people were probably thanking her. She would go to her theater to listen to the play.    


As long as she drank tea, she would definitely go to the Nine Prefectures teahouse. Drinking wine would naturally go to her restaurant, which resulted in her earning more than twice as much as before over the past twenty-odd days.    


Looking back at the gifts she had received and the money she had earned, Hua Ruge said with a sigh: "This kind of doing good things is worth repaying."    


Su Nianxia, who was gnawing on the chicken leg in front of her, nodded his head.    


The restaurant that the two of them were staying in was precisely the restaurant that Sun Batian was in charge of. When this brat saw Hua Ruge coming, he also followed him upstairs and said to Hua Ruge: "Elder, you are really capable.    


Hua Ruge waved his hand: "Cut the crap, get back to work."    


"Didn't I come up to pay my respects to you, old man? I'm going down now." Sun Batian smiled and went downstairs.    


Su Nianxia said: "He's really obedient."    


"He has good eyes. How could he be wrong to follow me?" Hua Ruge said very confidently.    


Su Nianxia nodded.    


In the past, this Sun Batian was just a delinquent leader. Although there were a portion of the commoners that were afraid of him, those with higher cultivation did not put him in their eyes, and he did not have a lot of money in his pocket.    


And since he had followed Hua Ruge, not only did his pocket swell, when others heard that he was a subordinate of Hu Yue, Hu Little Hero, no matter how strong they were, they had to give him some face.    


After the two of them had eaten their fill, it was already late and there weren't many pedestrians left on the road. As a result, the journey was relatively smooth and they didn't have much time to rest. Soon, they arrived at home.    


Hua Ruge rubbed his fat belly as he walked back into the small courtyard. At this time, Tuoba Rui had already coaxed Little Treasure to sleep, and was sitting in the courtyard drinking tea. It looked like he was waiting for her.    


"Did it go well?" Tuoba Rui asked.    


Hua Ruge repeatedly nodded his head: "It's so smooth, all the shops have earned twice as much money as before, I finally saw some money going back."    


"You already saw it when you were selling it, didn't you?" Tuoba Rui asked.    


"I forgot about it." Hua Ruge drank a cup of wine and asked, "Is there anyone who came to find me today?"    


"The officials from the government office have come. I said I won't send them off anymore." Tuoba Rui replied indifferently.    


Hua Ruge smacked his forehead and said, "It must be that Director General wants me to go back."    


"What are you going to do?"    


"I thought about it, but I still couldn't go back. Previously, I offended that guy surnamed Zhao, so he definitely wouldn't dare to make things difficult for us, but now that I have provoked Blackwater Shrine, he might just retaliate. If I go back, I might even implicate the people around me." Hua Ruge shook his head.    


After Tuoba Rui heard this, he laughed: "So you're saying it's very difficult to go back?"    


"What do you mean?"    


"Have you ever been out of trouble?" Tuoba Rui asked jokingly.    


Hua Ruge waved his hand repeatedly: "To the heavens and earth, I am only doing good, I did not take the initiative to cause trouble."    


"Alright, our hero. It's already late, time to sleep." Tuoba Rui stood up and also pulled her up from the stone chair.    


Hua Ruge nodded.    


When he returned to his room, Little Treasure was already fast asleep. Recently, when he grew up, some of his hair had already grown to his ears, making him look very adorable with his fluffy fur.    


She kissed her son on the cheek and said, "Logically speaking, you should avoid provoking trouble for the sake of your child. It's just that I'm a warm-hearted person. When I see someone in trouble, I always want to pull them out."    


"Do what you want. With me here, no one will be able to hurt you and your son." Tuoba Rui pulled her into his embrace and kissed her on the forehead.    


Hua Ruge smiled and said: "It's better to have you around."    


When she thought of his absence, she was more cautious than she was now.    


The next day, Hua Ruge personally went to the Public Office, and explained to Director General the reason why he could not come over. The Director General sighed, he had a premonition that they were going to go further and further away, and this small Public Office was not able to keep up with his footsteps.    



Hua Ruge and Director General drank a round of wine before leaving. When they left, they were also very emotional, but at night, Tolerants came to find her and drank a round.    


In the following days, the hall master of the Red Flame Temple did not send anyone else over to persuade Hua Ruge. The Protector Zhao also did not come looking for trouble again.    


She had only heard the news that's two prodigies of the fourth stage and fifth stage had been crippled, resulting in him losing two matches in the competition at the other shrines was also a complete loss of face.    


When the citizens of Crimson Flame Divine Region heard this, they were overjoyed. Hua Ruge however, rubbed his nose and felt that his Blackwater Shrine would definitely blame this on himself. Even if he did not act out now, there would still be danger.    


Tuoba Rui was also aware of this point, so she initially did not want Hua Ruge to wander around, but wanted him to let her cultivate at home.    


Hua Ruge was the lazier one, he definitely had to cultivate again. He felt a headache and argued: "I'm already very powerful, if I continue to cultivate, I will surpass you. By then, how much face will you have?"    


"How about this, let's compete. If you win, you don't need to cultivate." Tuoba Rui said.    


Hua Ruge clearly knew that he couldn't beat Tuoba Rui, but he was very tempted by the thought of being able to compete with Tuoba Rui, so he said: "If you want to come, then let's do it. I don't believe I can lose to someone of the same level."    


The two went to the training grounds in the backyard, Hua Ruge took out the new steel rod that the shrine had delivered, while Tuoba Rui used a wooden sword.    


Hua Ruge felt that using true sword was nothing, he wouldn't be able to injure her unless she missed too much, but Tuoba Rui persisted and used wooden sword.    


Su Nianxia and Jun Tianxia were spectating by the side, seeing this, Jun Tianxia could not help but shake his head.    


"What did you see?" Su Nianxia asked while chewing on a melon seed.    


"When he competed with me, he used the True Sword." Jun Tianxia laughed.    


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