Enchanting Alchemist



0"Then we can also change this time. If we become unknown to others, then we'll be safe." Xiao Jiu said.    


Su Nianxia shook his head at her: "In the past, since our identities were not revealed, we can do whatever we want. Now that we are the rulers of Four Territories and the actual owners of Eastern Continent have appeared in the West Continent, we have to respect our own statuses and cannot be looked down upon by others."    


"So complicated?" Xiao Jiu's mind was quite straight, he could not understand these twists and turns.    


Su Nianxia patted her head and said: "You'll understand after a while. We are just people who show off our beauty on the surface.    


Xiao Jiu nodded in confusion.    


Jun Tianxia looked at Su Nianxia's serious expression and said with a doting smile. "I find it strange that you would say such words."    


"Just because I didn't say that doesn't mean I don't understand. When I used my brain, didn't you all get tricked by me?" Su Nianxia said complacently.    


Jun Tianxia held her hand and said: "I'd rather you weren't that smart, and were still like this at the beginning."    


"Then how can I be worthy to be your empress, and be the mistress of this Five Continents?" Su Nianxia laughed.    


She felt that everything was a good arrangement. If she didn't experience some twists and turns, how could she be compatible with him?    


Jun Tianxia's ambition was aroused by her as he looked down at the Divine Domain. He then turned his head to look at her and said, "That day won't be too far away."    


Hearing the conversation, Hua Ruge was very pleased.    


Tuoba Rui tilted his head and looked at her, then asked: "What do you want?"    




"As long as you want it, I will give it to you." Tuoba Rui said.    


Hua Ruge thought for a while, then said: "I am a vulgar person, as long as I have money, it is fine, but there is no one else in the world that has as much money as me, I am satisfied."    


"Nothing more?" Tuoba Rui stubbornly asked.    


He felt that as a man, she had to have a certain value. If he couldn't fulfill her dreams, then he wouldn't feel like he didn't exist.    


Seeing his persistent look, Hua Ruge blurted out: "Then let's have another child. Little Treasure is too lonely after all, it's good that he gave birth to a younger brother and sister."    


Tuoba Rui immediately frowned: "No more."    


The last time Hua Ruge was pregnant, he could still remember it vividly. Half of the strength in her body had been sucked away by the child, and she was exhausted, so he did not want her to experience that kind of pain a second time.    


"Actually, we can get another one. Our family has so much money, and Little Treasure won't be able to spend it all by himself." Hua Ruge was already worried about his family's wealth.    


"Not yet." Tuoba Rui firmly refused.    


A child had already snatched away their family's Xiao Ge for a very long time, he even suspected that Hua Ruge would not have the time to care about himself if he had another child.    


Hua Ruge knew that even if he gave birth to a baby, it would not be now, so he did not argue with him, and said: "We'll listen to you, we won't have a baby anymore."    


"En, be good." Tuoba Rui was finally satisfied.    


Hua Ruge shook his head and laughed, thinking to himself, Isn't this just a child?    


For the next few days, the people on the boat remained highly concentrated. Even at night, there were a few people on watch, and the guards were completely on guard under Hua Ruge's warning. However, after ten days, they still did not make the slightest movement.    


Because they were being escorted by the Thunder God Temple, they had the privilege of flying above the Divine Domain, so they didn't need to go down. They were extremely fast, and would arrive in about five days.    


On the fifth day, everyone agreed that they should be on high alert, because those people would probably choose to act when their guard was down.    


In the end, after five days had passed, they all arrived at the seventh heaven's mountain range and saw the main hall located underneath the seventh heaven's mountain. They were stunned and did not see even a single bandit group.    


The others looked at each other in surprise. They all felt that the danger had not been resolved yet.    


The guard descended from the flying ship and stopped a few people before the entrance of the hall. He asked, "Who are you?"    


"We are rogue cultivators who want to enter the seventh heaven. May I ask if this is the place to pay?" Hua Ruge walked up and asked.    


That guard sized up the few people and then opened up a path: "That's right, this way please."    


When they entered, they saw five people in the main hall. Two of them were seated at the bottom of the hall, and the books were placed in front of them. There were two people opposite the two of them, and a register was placed in front of them. The person opposite them should be the one who was collecting the money.    


Hua Ruge first reported the names of eight people, then said to the middle-aged man in the front seat: "Sir, if I pay too much money, can I return it when I come out?"    


The person receiving the money saw that they were still young, so he replied in a disinterested manner: "If you want to enter the Seventh Heavenly Layer, each person has to pay one million High-Grade Spirit Crystal per day for at least three days. If it's less than three days, you will not retreat.    


"That's the theory." Hua Ruge nodded his head and said: "Then how much of the eight of us should pay for three months' work?"    


After she finished speaking, the five people in the hall were all stunned. Only after a long while did the person who had been collecting money ask, "How long did you say it was?"    


"Three months." Hua Ruge smiled and said it again.    


She felt that it wasn't easy to make this trip here. At the very least, she would need this amount of time.    


The person who collected the money and the person who registered on both sides looked at each other to confirm if what they heard was true or not. After exchanging a few looks, no one denied it.    


Even the people from the various halls were limited to at most half a month, and most of them stayed for a few days to break through. How could they have imagined that a few rogue cultivators would open their mouths and say that they would be staying for three months, or even eight people?    


Where did this rogue cultivator come from?    


"Quickly calculate, how much is it?" the deacon asked the two bookkeeping men.    


The two of them reacted rather quickly and immediately replied: "Reporting to Lord Enforcer, seven hundred and twenty million High-Grade Spirit Crystal."    


The deacon wanted to swallow his saliva. He had never received so much money in one go.    


Hua Ruge took out the Spirit Crystal Card after hearing what she said. Because she had so many Spirit Crystals in her storage space, when she came out, she had stored them in her silver badge and took out a Spirit Crystal Card.    


The deacon got down from the main seat and walked over with a spirit crystal card in his hand. Hua Ruge then touched the spirit crystal card with the deacon's card, and an imprint was transferred from the spirit crystal card to another card, which was exactly two hundred and twenty million.    


The deacon's spiritual will checked and found that there was no mistake, so he got someone to write it down. He then asked: "Forgive me for being stupid, but where are you cultivating?"    



"We don't have a fixed place to stay. We had stopped at the Thunder God Temple for a while, so let's try living here for a while." Hua Ruge said humbly.    


The deacon wasn't even able to understand her modesty. Who said that they would stay for a while?    


"Everyone, please wait a moment. The jade plates can be made very quickly." As the deacon spoke, he looked outside the hall and saw the guards of Thunder God Temple. Inwardly, he was still doubtful; since when did Thunder God Temple escort a group of rogue cultivators.    


Soon, someone from the back hall came over and gave them a jade token. The deacon explained, "This must be your first time here. This jade token records the time and will automatically send you out when the time arrives. You must wear this jade plate, otherwise you will be excluded from the formation."    


"Understood, thank you Lord Enforcer." Hua Ruge and the rest took the jade medallions.    


After a simple examination, one could understand the principle. There was a great formation in the seventh heaven, and this jade tablet was filled with power that was not repelled by the great formation. These people would input different amounts of power over time, and when their power was depleted, they would be automatically sent out.    


"There's no need to be so courteous. From today on, count the time. Everyone, quickly enter." The deacon reminded.    


Hua Ruge nodded at him and then led the group out.    


The deacon and the other four people were still thinking about the possible paths for these people. It was only when Hua Ruge let the Thunder God Temple guards leave and walked into the Seventh Heavenly Layer that a person spoke out of nowhere, "These people are all young and talented. They all came from the Thunder God Temple.    


After reminding the deacon, he suddenly opened his eyes and slapped his forehead, "Why didn't I think of it? Other than those few rogue cultivators, which other cultivator would be able to take out that much money?"    


"The one who paid for it just now should be Hua Ruge, right? I heard that her Nine Regions Chamber of Commerce is spread throughout the boundless domain other than our West Continent, and she is the richest person in the world. This amount of money really isn't much to her." The other person once again reasoned on this basis.    


They thought about it and felt that it made sense. Who needed money couldn't possibly be lacking.    


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