Enchanting Alchemist



0"Your room is in the front yard." Yin Zhou corrected him.    


"No, I want to live in the back, near the garden." Hua Ruge said as he planned to look for a place to stay.    


Yin Zhou had no choice but to follow behind.    


Soon, she found the back garden. It was summer, and all kinds of flowers bloomed beautifully. There were even pavilions and pavilions, and there was also a large pond with large lotus flowers blooming inside.    


"Not bad, not bad." Hua Ruge breathed in the fresh air and nodded his head in satisfaction: "That's right, this is where a person should live."    


Yin Zhou's lungs were about to explode, so how could they not be human?    


Hua Ruge strolled around again, and in the end, he found a courtyard that was relatively close to the garden, and had a nice scenery inside the courtyard: "This one."    


She loved to sit under the grape arbor in the cool, rocking chair eating grapes, simply beautiful.    


"Someone's staying here." Yin Zhou said.    


"Move it." Hua Ruge swept his eyes across him and said: "I'm going to the back garden to take a look. Before I return, give me a space."    


"Hua Ruge!" Yin Zhou called her name word by word, as his anger rose to the extreme.    


When the Devouring Beast heard his bad attitude, its eyes quickly swept over and cried out: "Ahhh!"    


Yin Zhou's teeth were about to shatter from her own bite, but what could she do in such a situation?    


Hua Ruge did not wait for Yin Zhou's reply. She just turned around and left, the recent days were too stuffy, it was as if she was taking a deep breath of fresh air.    


She saw a small boat in the lotus pond and wanted to jump on it, but thinking it would be difficult for her to get on it after she got on it, she didn't go. Instead, she found a pavilion and sat down to enjoy the wind.    


"We used to sail on the lake, but now I've been taken away. Who knows how worried he might be." Hua Ruge looked at the Lotus Pond and sighed softly.    


Seeing that she was unhappy, the Devouring Beast stepped forward and rubbed its small head against her face.    


Hua Ruge could not help but laugh, and caressed its head: "Don't worry, everything will be fine."    


The Devouring Beast was still rubbing against her.    


Hua Ruge held it in his arms and said: "Fortunately, you were still by my side."    


She looked strong, but she had always been weak in terms of emotions. It was better to have someone to rely on.    


He stayed in the garden for a long time, but the maidservants did not pay any attention to him. Furthermore, no one passed by. The manor was like an empty house.    


"It's a bit less lively." She went to the yard she had chosen, for she had been there long enough to think that she had packed it up.    


As expected, everything was replaced with new ones when she returned. Two maidservants were standing in the courtyard. When they saw her, they greeted her, "Greetings, young lady."    


"I understand now." Hua Ruge rarely praised Yin Zhou one sentence.    


By now, Yin Zhou had already left. He knew that even if he did not prepare a servant for Hua Ruge, she would definitely ask for it.    


She sat down in the room and sniffed. Then she said, "It smells like a woman. Was it a woman who lived here before?"    


The servant girl beside her who was pouring water hurriedly said, "It's Spring Flower's Aunt. That's one of our master's favorite concubines."    


"A concubine?" Hua Ruge's eyes turned around: So you're saying that this is not a temporary residence, but your family's devil's own residence?    


When the servant girl heard the words "Great Devil", she quickly corrected him, "It is our lord's house."    


"Bring me into his house. It's not as quiet as his." Hua Ruge laughed, as he laid on the carved bed made out of Nanmu wood, feeling comfortable.    


That night, she slept quite soundly. The Devouring Beast lay on her chest, and when she turned around, she would lie on a different place beside the pillow. She was always by Hua Ruge's side.    


The little guy was becoming more and more sensible. Knowing that his master was in the den of thieves, he had no choice but to be on guard.    


The next morning, when the sun shone in, Hua Ruge comfortably stretched a little. After washing up and walking into the courtyard, she could smell the fragrance of the flowers and grapes.    


That day, the servant brought some breakfast for her. After eating it, Hua Ruge laid down and ate the fruits under the grape arbor.    


The outside world was indeed colorful, who would have thought that they would hide underground?    


When she was done eating the fruit, she asked the maidservant, "Xiao Yu, how many people live in this mansion?"    


"Master has more than 30 people, the rest are all servants." Xiao Yu said.    


Hua Ruge slightly raised his brows. "What kind of masters are they?"    


"Our grandpa and thirty-two concubines." Xiaoyu replied.    


Hua Ruge was startled for a moment, and asked with some surprise: "You only married back thirty-two rooms?"    


Xiao Yu felt that she had said something wrong and quickly corrected herself, "No no, now including you, it should be the 33rd room right?"    


"What?" Hua Ruge was stunned hearing this.    


Xiao Yu continued, "Don't worry, young lady. Although I have the thirty-third concubine, this grandpa must love you the most. There are ten times more guards around you, but this grandpa still leaves you the best courtyard to live in."    


Right now, Hua Ruge's heart felt like it was being trampled on. What was this?    


Xiao Yu saw that Hua Ruge's expression was getting weirder and weirder, and continued to say, "Amongst these aunties, you're the most beautiful, you must be countless times prettier than those aunties, so you must be doting on them."    


Hua Ruge did not want to continue listening. She was going to be a concubine of the 33 Houses? This could not have happened in his dreams.    


"Stop, stop, stop." Hua Ruge immediately stopped the little girl's flattery, then asked her seriously: "Yin Zhou didn't tell you who I am?"    


Xiao Yu shook her head and then said, "There's no need to tell. Everyone knows."    


"You don't know anything!" Hua Ruge facepalmed.    


That scumbag must have brought back that pretty girl from time to time. It would have been fine once they set her up in the yard, and it would have been the same if he brought her back.    



Xiao Yu lowered her head, not daring to speak.    


Hua Ruge pointed to himself and said, "I am Hua Ruge, have Hua Ruge heard of me?"    


Xiao Yu shook her head before nodding and saying, "This servant understands. This is my respected name. This servant will definitely remember it."    


"You've never heard of me before?" Hua Ruge asked, not giving up.    


Xiao Yu then shook her head, "If a servant wasn't serving in front of me, I wouldn't have heard it even if I mentioned your servant."    


She thought that Hua Ruge was just like those other people, because he wanted to know the place he held in Yin Zhou's heart.    


Hua Ruge really wanted to curse right now, how should he explain that?    


"I am not your Yin Zhou's concubine, I was captured by him. I will temporarily stay here. Do you understand?" she said again.    


Xiao Yu nodded, "I understand."    


"That's right. I will tell others the same thing in the future. Did you hear that?" Hua Ruge looked at the two girls.    


However, the two obedient girls didn't nod this time.    


In the end, it was still Xiao Yu who said after some deliberation, "Miss, many of these aunts were also robbed, but now they're all living a good life here. It's best that you don't have too much of a personality."    


"I ?"    


Hua Ruge felt that this matter might not make sense.    


Xiao Yu's face showed sympathy as she tried to console him.    


"Stop." Hua Ruge hurriedly stopped her, then said: "Think what you want. Don't mention Yin Zhou in front of me, and don't mention the other aunts either, it gives me a headache."    


"Yes." Xiao Yu nodded, her eyes still showing sympathy.    


Previously, when she served him, she had been resistant to his orders, but in the end, she was still defeated. In her opinion, this girl had not come to grief, so she didn't know the power of her master.    


Hua Ruge looked at her with a gaze that was filled with panic, and said: "Let's not stay here, let's go take a look around the backyard."    


As she spoke, she stood up. She had never expected that not only did she not manage to get anything out of him, but she also caused trouble for him.    


She felt a little happier when she reached the back garden. Since she had nothing better to do, she started strolling along the small path.    


Just as she was about to stop in front of a clump of lilies, she heard a melodious voice say, "I thought a talented person would be able to enchant our lord. So he really has some looks."    


Here it comes again.    


Hua Ruge felt helpless. How could she be related to these women, and should she explain it or not?    


If she were to explain that the other party didn't believe her, she might even think that she was putting on an act.    


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