Enchanting Alchemist



0It would be impossible for him to defeat Hua Ruge using the Instant Cast Soul Art, he could only make time to prepare for the big scale soul technique.    


But the Sacred Ranked Soul Master's soul skills were unquestionably terrifying. If he used it, Hua Ruge would definitely not be able to take advantage of it.    


"Your calculations are not bad, but unfortunately, your opponent is me." Hua Ruge swept his pole across the summoned beast fiercely, causing it to tremble as it was smashed by the powerful explosive force.    


She took the opportunity to soar into the sky and slightly moved her mind.    


At the same time that they received her command, blood-red runes appeared on the three summoners. The terrifying red light surrounded them in an instant, and violent energy bombarded them.    


Xuan Yuan sensed that something was amiss. When he opened his eyes, he saw the three summoners that he had used all his strength to summon sink into the formation.    


After the three summoners fell, the patterns on the ground disappeared, and as if they had been absorbed, the three summoners also disappeared.    


Xuan Yuan was so shocked that he almost peed his pants.    


The rumors said that the Sky City was an extremely vicious place. He did not believe it at all and upon entering, he believed it even more, but after seeing all these, he did not dare to not believe it.    


Hua Ruge had accidentally used this formation to take the lives of a lot of people after obtaining the Sky City.    


She landed on the ground and looked at Xuan Yuan who was lying on the ground with a smile: "Did you see the power of the Sky City? If I wanted to, I could make you instantly turn into nothing more than a pile of bones. "    


This time, Xuan Yuan was truly frightened, and did not even dare to casually answer the call.    


Hua Ruge approached with the stick in hand, and continued: "Do you know why I didn't directly kill you?"    


"What do you want to do?" Xuan Yuan took a deep breath, trying his best to remain calm as he asked.    


"I don't like your attitude." As Hua Ruge said, he suddenly swung the pole right at his face.    


Xuan Yuan did not expect her to suddenly make a move, and dodged to the back, but Soul Master's movements was not very nimble, and was even able to strike a solid wall with it.    




Xuan Yuan spat out a mouthful of blood and a few teeth.    


"You dare humiliate me?" Xuan Yuan flipped backwards, and immediately stood up from the ground.    


He could be considered to be of high status in the Profound Yin Sect, since when was he ever humiliated by someone?    


Hua Ruge raised his eyebrow: "If you don't want to, then do it, today I will use this rod to entertain you."    


Xuan Yuan roared, he waved his staff and a row of black fireballs flew towards Hua Ruge.    


Hua Ruge squinted his eyes and ignored the flames. His toes pushed off the ground and his entire body slid forward. He was actually using his body to resist the flames.    


When the black flames arrived in front of him, the purple colored Destructive Flame released from Hua Ruge's body and all the black flames around him were burnt to nothingness.    


Xuan Yuan waved his staff again and again. The fireballs, fire dragons, and fire walls were all blocked by him.    


Hua Ruge had the protection of the Destructive Flame, so these flames were basically useless against her.    


Xuan Yuan watched in horror as Hua Ruge slid his body through the fire wall in front of him. He was still unharmed, and he quickly placed a fire shield in front of him.    


Hua Ruge arrived in front of him in an instant, and used his pole to smash at the black fire shield.    






Two sounds from the front and back, one was when the fire shield was broken, and the second sound was when the pole fell down, smashing Xuan Yuan's breastbone.    


With a body like Xuan Yuan's, his breastbone broke, and his entire chest caved in.    


He cried out miserably as he fell to the ground. He stretched out his hand and took out a healing pill from his spatial space, about to swallow it.    




Hua Ruge's hand that was holding onto the pill dropped to the ground, but before he could even open his mouth, his wrist had been smashed.    


Ah!" Xuan Yuan let out a miserable howl. However, there was no one here. No matter how loud he shouted, he would not be able to attract anyone over.    


Hua Ruge squatted beside him, and asked teasingly: "Don't you only have one hand left? Why didn't you continue taking your medicine? "    


"I know that you won't be able to survive after falling into your hands, but don't be happy too early. This is the demonic sect's encirclement, you can't escape." Xuan Yuan said hatefully.    


Hua Ruge raised his index finger and shook it: "Even if you all were to ask me to go, I will not go, killing you is just a gift from me to the Demonic Sect."    


"What a joke, who do you think you are?" Xuan Yuan said angrily, but his body was currently injured, after saying those words his face twitched.    


"Who am I?" Hua Ruge laughed as his face turned cold, "I was the one who had my ring and order badge stolen by you, to the point where I had to blow my life away to escape, have you forgotten about me?"    


Xuan Yuan was stunned by the sudden coldness in Hua Ruge's eyes, and did not say anything for a long time.    


Hua Ruge said with a smile on his face, "Back then when I was being forced out of the city gate, you didn't expect this day to come, did you?"    


Xuan Yuan's face was ashen, but he did not dare to speak. He had never dreamed that Hua Ruge would become so strong in such a short period of time.    


Furthermore, he hadn't expected him to be seriously injured without the slightest resistance, and there wasn't even room for bargaining.    


Seeing his expression, Hua Ruge already knew what was going on, so she used a rod to pat Xuan Yuan's face and said: "I already said that day, if you offend me, you will pay with your life."    


"If you want to kill me, then kill me." Xuan Yuan also held hope for life.    


"Of course I want to kill you, but I need to ask you a few questions first. I won't kill you until you answer them properly." Hua Ruge laughed innocently.    


Xuan Yuan coldly snorted, "Both the left and right is death, why should I tell you?"    


"If you don't say it, I will deprive you of the chance to reincarnate. I will make you disappear from this world for all eternity." Hua Ruge slowly explained.    


When Xuan Yuan heard this, his expression became even more disdainful: "That's a skill only Shinto of The Falling Sun can use, you can't do it."    



"Of course not, but he will." As Hua Ruge spoke, he flipped his hand and took out the Soul-Sealing Talisman. A Erqi's figure also quickly appeared.    


When Xuan Yuan saw this scene, his entire body felt cold from the inside out. He knew that he had no way out and he couldn't even save him if he died because this kind of person would seize his soul to torture him.    


Seeing that he had achieved his goal, Hua Ruge kept the Soul-Sealing Talisman and slowly asked: "What about now, do you want to answer my question?"    


"I'll tell you anything you want to ask me." Xuan Yuan was immediately terrified.    


When he saw the state of his soul, A Erqi, he knew that he wouldn't be able to keep his secret, so he might as well explain it to him.    


"That's good. Remember that I only give you one chance each time. If I find out that you lied to me, then I will steal your soul to ask you." Hua Ruge said coldly.    


Xuan Yuan repeatedly nodded, and said: "I will definitely tell the truth."    


"Why didn't you cooperate earlier?" Hua Ruge said, and started to ask: "Who did you give my Dragon Mark Ring to after stealing it?"    


This was a crucial question. She had to find out in order to reach the core of this conspiracy.    


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