The Cold CEO is My Husband

C189 When the President Is Good

C189 When the President Is Good

0Mo Yanann fiercely shook off Ann Tianhao's hand. A layer of hatred instantly appeared in her eyes, "Ann Tianhao! You are too much! I really misjudged you! I didn't expect it to be such a person! I'm too disappointed in you! You still want to step on so many ships! You wish! Humph! Pooh pooh pooh! "    


As she spoke, she even pretended to drool. It was as if kissing him just now had made her feel disgusted.    


This action of hers immediately stimulated Ann Tianhao. In the past, he thought that she was a little sheep, but he did not expect that if he angered her, the little sheep would also become a big lion. It seemed that if he didn't tell the truth, this lion would probably eat people, and even swallow him alive.    


Ann Tianhao had lived for thirty years and had always stood at the top. Those who faced him would always obey his orders.    


This was the first time he felt someone he could not control. This was the first time he felt powerless.    


This little wife of his was really powerful.    


Looking at her angry face and fierce eyes, Mo Yanann looked like she could bite anyone at any moment. Ann Tianhao finally sighed and showed an expression of admitting defeat.    


"You are really too powerful..."    


Ann Tianhao had not finished his words. He wanted to say, When her imagination was so rich, Mo Yanann had already begun to misunderstand the first half of his sentence.    


She thought that he wanted to say that she was so powerful and actually discovered that he cheated on her. She thought that he wanted to show his cards to her.    


She thought, Okay, let's lay our cards on the table and leave!    


At most, she would be a single noble!    


Anyway, they don't have any love for each other when they get married!    


"Yeah, I don't want to be so powerful. If I'm not so powerful, Mr Ann, you can keep your secret forever." Mo Yanann revealed a cold smile and looked at him in a ridiculous manner. Anyway, her heart was already dead because it was so painful that she could not breathe.    


She tightly clenched her fists and bit her lips. She kept telling herself that she could not cry and could not cry in front of this man!    


After that, she turned around and pretended not to care. "I will pack my own things and leave. Mr Ann, I will not take any of the things you gave me. Also, I owe you money. I'll give it to you as soon as I've saved enough!"    


Mo Yanann picked up her bag and left without saying a word. However, she had just stepped out of the bedroom door. When she thought that she might leave this place forever, her heart began to ache again and her tears could not stop flowing down.    


In just a few seconds, Mo Yanann 's tears were like a tap of water. They kept flowing down and could not stop no matter how hard she tried.    


"Damn it!" Ann Tianhao wanted to explain to her clearly. He did not expect her to misunderstand so quickly. He cursed himself and immediately stepped forward and hugged her from behind.    


As soon as he hugged her, Ann Tianhao felt a drop of warm liquid on the back of his hand. He looked at the drop of clear liquid and felt a pain in his heart. He should have told her clearly from the beginning. He should not have joked with her. This way, she wouldn't be so sad.    


It was all his fault.    


"Don't cry." Ann Tianhao's low and charming voice rang in her ears. Mo Yanann did not know why, but when she heard his voice, she felt even more sad and cried even harder.    


Ann Tianhao was a little flustered as he raised his hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes. He could not help but kiss the tears on her face. This kind of her was really heartbreaking.    


"Get lost! You take your dirty hands and your dirty mouth! Don't touch me! Wuwuwu! " Mo Yanann violently twisted her body and kept resisting. Seeing that he was not willing to let go of her, she even pinched and bit his arm.    


Although Ann Tianhao's arm was very strong, it could not withstand her torment. She used her nails to forcefully cut his arm and there was a bloody scar on it. It was a shocking sight.    


She was the only one who could hurt him.    


Seeing Mo Yanann like this, Ann Tianhao, who had always been calm, started to panic. His eyes were full of regret and guilt. For so many years, no matter what he encountered, he could face it calmly. There was never a trace of expression on his face. But now, because of Mo Yanann , he could no longer control himself.    


Mo Yanann struggled as she grabbed his arm. She did not show any mercy at all. He refused to let go of her and she continued to torture him. Later on, she did not know what happened. Maybe she really grabbed him too hard. She actually heard Ann Tianhao moan in pain.    


"Hiss -"    


Mo Yanann was absent-minded. She stopped in an instant. She looked down and found that her grip on his arm was already in a mess. The horrifying scratches were complicated and intertwined. Her nails were stained with blood.    


She looked at her hand guiltily and turned back to take a look. Only then did she realize that Ann Tianhao's handsome eyebrows were tightly locked together. It seemed like he was in great pain.    


The moment she turned her head, Ann Tianhao took the opportunity to kiss her lips.    


Mo Yanann originally wanted to resist, but when she saw the guilt and pain in Ann Tianhao's eyes, she suddenly forgot to resist. She just allowed this handsome lawless person in front of her to kiss her wantonly.    


When he stuck his tongue in, Mo Yanann twitched and moved a little. In the end, she did not resist, but she did not take the initiative to respond to him. He saw that she did not react and did not charge forward. Instead, he was very patient and kissed her gently.    


He reached out his warm and wide palm and gently stroked her crying red cheeks. He wanted to wipe away all her tears.    


Mo Yanann , who was originally determined to leave this man's heart, actually slowly fell under his gentle kiss.    




She could not do this.    


I can't be fooled by him anymore.    


Mo Yanann wanted to resist but the current her did not have the strength at all. Every time she kissed him, it was as if she was going to use up all of her strength.    


In order to prevent her from sliding down, Ann Tianhao tightly hugged her and made her lean against his body. Only when she was about to suffocate did he reluctantly leave her lips.    


He gently lifted her chin, making her blurry eyes look at him.    


Ann Tianhao's dark eyes revealed his heart and determination, "Don't say you're leaving so easily next time. I will never let you have the chance to leave me again."    


At that time, Mo Yanann was in a daze and did not listen carefully to why he said that again.    


When did she ever leave him once...    


Mo Yanann slowly panted and only reacted after a long time. After she calmed down, her eyes suddenly became cold. She raised her hand and wiped her lips with force. It seemed like she wanted to wipe away the marks left by him. She took a deep breath, as if she had given up her most beloved thing. He said in extreme pain, "Mr Ann, I really can't accept it. I only have one heart. Please don't play with me anymore, okay?"    


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