The Scars

C12 Chapter 12

C12 Chapter 12

0“Are you okay?” Reno startled me with his sudden existence at the food counter. Pausing from my activity, I gave him a shocked look. That spectacled boy looked straight into my eyes showing that he was a bit worried.    


“I’m fine,” I answered him nonchalantly. “Please, stay where you should be. Don’t act as though we knew each other,” I said harshly. My tongue couldn’t hold the word coming out of my mouth. It might twinge his hearth. I didn’t see offense in his eyes. He held up his empty glass, instead and asked me to pour apple juice into it.    


“Thank you,” quoth Reno with smile on his face. This boy perfectly hid what he had in his mind. Having ability to conceal what inside seemed to be one of his strengths.    


He walked back to his place, at the seat in the corner. Kevin and his mother sang a song along with the guests. The time ticked by quickly enough. After singing two songs, those mother and son had a talk with the MC. The MC wished Kevin a happy birthday and called Mr. Wijaya to join them on the stage. The stage was not big enough, but elegant. The balloons decorated that simple yet intriguing stage.    


Mr. Wijaya was standing on the stage while looking around. He tried spotting where Reno was. I turned my head to Reno sitting far from the crowd. He wasn’t there. He vanished because I found him nowhere.    


“Do you have a girlfriend, Kevin?” The MC’s question attracted all the attentions. Angeline confidently and proudly upheld her shoulder. A flash of haughty smile arose on her pretty face. She convinced that it was her name Kevin would mentioned before all the respected guests. She had no doubt that no other girl at the party deserved Kevin’s affection.    


“I don’t have a girlfriend. Could you get me one?” Kevin’s answer changed Angeline’s expression dramatically. Her cheek blushed. It was clear that mix feeling took over her, getting embarrassed and hurt all at once.    


“You must be kidding,” the MC continued. “It is impossible for the famous boy like you to have no a girl.” She kept teasing Kevin. The guests began commenting. Some replied with another tease.    


I saw Angeline sneaked out of the crowd with a sad face. She obviously concealed her broken heart by keeping her sight on the floor, leaving the event. She paused for a moment and looked me in the eyes. Her sharp look made me feel Goosebumps. I didn’t think we had something to argue with. Kevin’s confession had nothing to do with me. I wondered why she showed her hateful face to me.    


A soft voiced addressed to Angeline who almost disappeared behind the door. That voice came from Kevin’s mother. Angeline stopped and looked back toward Mrs. Wijaya. That middle age woman waved her hand. Angeline was standing still.    


“Let me introduce you to Angeline, Kevin’s close friend. They have known each other since childhood. Angeline, please join us here.” Applause cheered the girl who was proceeding to the stage. “Her father was also a donator of the Star High School,” the woman added.    


“As far as I know, Mr. Wijaya has two sons. Where is your another son?” The MC switched happiness on Kevin’s mother into aversion. Mr. Wijaya was compelled inviting Reno to affiliate with them. The glasses boy convincingly and calmly walked to the state. He wasn’t as cool as Kevin in alluring style yet he stole the audience’s notice due to his quirky look in their eyes. “It’s nice to meet you, Reno. You look different.”    


“Nice to meet you, too,” he responded firmly. His eyes focused on what was in front of him. His step mother’s threatening look didn’t bother him.    


“Do you also have a girlfriend, Reno?”    


“Of course! She is here, too.” It was Kevin who spontaneously spoke for Reno against his will. The entire guest were wondering who the girl Kevin addressed to. “She is one of the students in Star High School. Ilana. We should thank her tonight for serving us with delicious food. She is there at the food counter.” Automatically, all eyes went to me who felt like a suspect of the crime. If only I could do the magic I wanted dissipate in a blink.    


“How can Reno have a relationship with this poor girl?” one of the guests voiced, showing her care toward Reno as if he suffered from knowing me.    


“Is that right, Reno?” Kevin’s mother confirmed. Reno was just silent. He wavered whether to say yes or no. I could see that from the way he acted.    


“We can befriend with anyone no matter what their social status are. Ilana is just like us. We may be born in rich family. It doesn’t mean we have right to judge or even humiliate others.” The guests were stunned by his wise words. That boy always succeeded in silencing people with his words.    


“You’re right Reno. I agree with what you said. You’re a nice boy,” the MC complimented Reno who was still as calm as he was. A huff simmered on Kevin and his mother’s face. They looked uncomfortable with the situation.    


“All right, please enjoy tonight,” Mr. Wijaya switched off to another topic immediately. He himself threw me a malice glimpse. He vividly abhorred me. It was still questionable what successfully induced anger on Mr. Wijaya’s heart. Was it me or Reno his son? He did not directly evince it. His voice asserted that though. After this party, Reno might face obstacles. Would his father do to him? That was not my concern, yet a part of me worried about him.    


It had been mid night. The party had dispersed. Most of the guest had left Mr. Wijaya’s house. We tidied up and packed up everything. In the mid of cleaning the area of party, I had an urge to take a pee. One of Mr. Wijaya’s assistants explained to me where the toilet was.    


I passed room by room. However, I didn’t find a toilet. This house was huge and spacious. Many corridors led to many directions. I was even clueless where I was at the moment. No one I came across. Abruptly, I heard the conversation from one of the rooms. The deep voice sounded scolding the one who didn’t say anything. I knew it was Mr. Wijaya’s voice. What was he doing? Who was with him? Could it be Reno? Guilt overwhelmed my chest.    


“You are even worse than I could imagine. It’s no wonder if Reno has bad demeanor. It must be you who influenced him. You should be aware of who you are and where your place is.” Kevin’s mother had stood up behind me and stormed me with her nocuous words. Angeline trailed at her back. Her cynical look discredited me.    


I was even in the worst state when Mr. Wijaya appeared from one of the rooms. I might see my doom. It was their house, after all. And I got into the wrong place. I stayed still with a pale face while withstanding to take a pee.    


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