The Scars

C30 Chapter 30

C30 Chapter 30

0I held my breath for a minute, trying to figure out what reached my ears. It was a bad news I never expected to afflict one of my loved ones, not even a friend. It was like a thunderbolt which just attacked me. I absently subsided on the bench next to Vera.    


“Sorry to hear that. Who did it? Is it that man?” I regretted that I could not control what came out of my mouth.    


“That bastard, my aunt, and even my mom have ruined my life. I have no future.” I hugged her shoulder. I did not have words to say, speechless. “If only my parents did not divorce, if only my mom did not leave me with my evil aunt who traded me for money, if only that bastard did not come to our life, maybe I would not experience this hell.” I hugged her tighter. “That’s why I hate adults.” Tears started streaming down her cheek. “And I never believe in them.”    


“You have me.” She hugged me back. I let her weep and flooded my shirt with her tears. Nobody was in this area. So, she could express her feeling freely. “I won’t leave your side,” I said hoarsely. I was not the one who could mask the sorrow. At the end, I failed to stop my tears from flowing down. She let go of my arms. Slowly, she wiped her tears with a handkerchief. And I brushed mine away.    


“I am too melancholic.” She forced a bitter smile. It shattered my heart.    


“Nothing’s wrong with being melancholic.” I clasped her hands with mine. “Now, what do you want to do? Just tell me what can comfort you or make you better. I am here, all ears.” She was still mum. “Should we report this case to the police? Or you want me to accompany you to the hospital?” I was inexperience in how to hearten people who just got a sexual violence like Vera.    






“You have to work.”    


“I can work tomorrow, the day after tomorrow or even next week, next month, or even next year. I still have much time for work and more time for you.”    


“Thank you. But, I prefer being alone.” She got up and walked, leaving me behind. Instead of staying where I was, I trailed behind her.    


“Vera, you can see me anytime. I’ll be there for you.” She cared no more. “I’m your friend, forever.”    


She got into a public transportation. I was grateful that I had a little money to be able to take a public transportation which went to the same direction as the one that brought Vera.    


Vera’s address was far enough from the school. It was located in the downtown. The car arrived at a big apartment. After paying the fare, she swiftly proceeded toward to the gate. Ensuring that Vera was home safely, I went home.    


Unfortunately, with my less money, I could not afford the fare way back to my house. I had to resume my journey on foot..    


I ignored all the tiresome, what bothered me was Vera’s condition. With her situation, she could do anything including putting herself in danger. I was afraid that she thought of committing a suicide. Thinking about that scared me a lot.    


I could not even sleep at night. In my whole life, it was the first time I wanted morning to come earlier so that I could go to school and meet Vera, just to make sure that was still alive, safe, and sound.    


Begging my mother’s apologize for not being able to take care of the laundry, I ran to school. I could arrive at school fifteen minutes earlier than it should have been. Vera was my big motivation. I did not want to lose her no matter what happened.    


I stood in front of the gate, waiting for Vera after I could not find her in her classroom, editor’s room or even library. It had been ten minutes, she did not appear.    


“Whom are you waiting for? “ Reno asked in curiosity.    


“Vera. I am too worried that she doesn’t come. She is not the one who will be late. She is one of the most discipline students.”    


“Her car might be trapped in the traffic jam.” I knew that Reno was just trying to soothe me.    


“I hope so. I hope everything is fine.”    


“Sure. Don’t worry too much. She is a tough and smart girl.”    


“Vera!” I ran toward her after I realized that the girl who just dropped off from the taxi was Vera. Reno came with me.    


“Good morning Ilana.” She cheerfully greeted me as if nothing bad had happened to her, as if she never told me her heartbreaking story. She elegantly acted that her life was perfect. She was a hundred percent different from the one who cried on my shoulder yesterday. Was this really Vera?    


“Good morning, Vera.” It was Reno who responded. I was consumed by my speculations.    


“Hi, Ilana!’ she flicked her hands before my eyes. It pulled me back to reality.    


“Good morning! It was a bit strange that you are late. As far as I know you were never late.”    


“I overslept this morning. Studying hard for mid-term test was so tiring.”    


“Ilana, I think you have worried too much,” Reno commented. “As you can see, Vera is more than good.” Vera smiles bigger. She showed her white teeth this time.    


“Yeah, I am glad to know that. Well, let’s get to the classroom.” Vera had changed. I did not see sorrow that I saw on her face yesterday. She was tougher than I thought. She was amazing. I did not even have a word to describe how strong she was mentally.    


As always, she still enjoyed her days at school. My eyes were always on her to convince myself that she did not bother with what happened. She busied herself with the bulletin program and other school activities. At least, that pacified me.    


It was just after the last class was dismissed, I heard some students gossiping something when I just passed by the hall. In the beginning, it did not attract my attention at all until one of them mentioned Vera in their conversation.    


Doubtfully, I got myself closer. And what my ears could catch made me more than angry. I had no idea how the gossip started or who actually spread the gossip for the first time. It ignited my fury.    


“I did not expect that the smart girl like her did something bad. It was unbelievable.”    


“Are you sure that the news is true? I mean it is hard to believe that she works as a sugar baby.”    


I slammed the door. They all got shocked and turned to me in confusion. I did not know what came on my mind; I sacrificed myself to protect Vera. She had a very good record, both in academic and school life. She did not deserve to be hurt.    


“The girl is not Vera, but me.” They all glared at me.    


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