The Scars

C76 Chapter 76

C76 Chapter 76



I was in the mid of the crowd, glancing around to make sure that Vera probably attended this reunion. The flock of people swarmed the area that I barely moved. This venue was wide yet the number of the visitor was over capacity. What made them so enthusiastic to get to this event? That was not something I cared about. My only goal was to find Vera among the people here. She was my only best friend. Reno was also counted in as one of my friends. However, it was like there was a distance that we could not get through.    


I had been walking around almost for a half-hour yet Vera was nowhere to be found. I decided to rest in one of the seats in the corner as it was more comfortable sitting alone far from others. When I was about to take a step toward one of the chairs, someone called my name. She was a cute girl with long braided hair.    


"Are you Ilana, right?" I never met this girl before. She seemed to know me. I was not that surprised as she might read my book.    


"Yes," I answered as politely as possible.    


"Glad to meet you here. My name is Anita, one of your book's fans. I have bought all of your books. I can't wait to read your next book. I hope it would be launched soon." She was talkative. Nonetheless, her enthusiasm about my book brought delight to my heart.    


"Thank you so much for purchasing and reading my book. Your support means a lot," I admitted sincerely. I could not hide my excitement.    


"Are you one of Star High School's alumni?" I just ducked my chin." The school must be proud to have you as one of its graduates."    


"I'm not sure," I mutter in a very soft voice.    


"What did you say?" Her question asserted that she did not believe in what I said.    


"No. Are you one of the alumni as well?" That sounded like a stupid question. She was here. It should not have been questioned that she was a part of us.    


"I just graduated from school last year. Studying at Star High School was one of the best things that happened in my life."    


"I’m happy to hear that." My comment just showed how hypocritical I was. That school was like a hell for me that I had been through and I would not have any interest to go back no matter how much people would pay me to do so.    


"May I have your signature?"    




"Thank you," she said while handing me a book where I then signed on it. "Would you join us?" She was pointing to the group of people chatting merrily.    


"I am waiting for a friend." I was not lying. I wished that Vera would come.    


"Alright." She got back to her group.    


Only once I had settled in one chair, I noticed that many gazes set on me. I just ignored it though some people around whispering. I heard my name out of their mouth. Minding my own business, my focus was only on my mobile phone. My manager notified me that the detective contacted her yet she did not receive the call for she was doing something and her mobile phone was not with her. She would call me back in ten minutes. It had been ten minutes; I had not gotten her call. Her call mattered to me as the detective had something urgent to tell her about. I let the detective reach my manager as soon as he found information about my mother.    


"Hi, may I have your attention, please?" The MC was opening the event. "First of all, on behalf of the committee, I thank all friends here who have taken their precious time to reunite with other alumni tonight." She took a breath before she resumed. "Well, it has been ten years. And I can see all of you here have changed a lot." She gazed at me. "We have a special guest tonight. Do you still remember Ilana? Now, she has transformed to be a famous writer. Now I believe that people can change. They revolve around their orbit. Ilana proves that. She is here, over there." She directed her finger at me, followed by other people's eyes. And their applauses were the only things I could hear for a moment. I stood and bowed as an appreciation. "I would like to take this time to express my apology. I have been so cruel toward Ilana during high school." The MC girl could not hold back the tears dropping down her cheek. "I hope that Ilana forgets about the evil things I have done to her." When she removed the hair masking half of her face, I just realized that she was Eva. And a scar painted her forehead. It was like she got an accident or something. "This is me, Eva. I'm sorry."    


She ran out of the venue afterward. All the people could only whisper, wondering what happened. Most of them were our juniors. Only a few of the people I recognized. An urge to go after Eva drove me to leave the venue.    


"Eva...wait!" I shouted her name once I was near her. That girl stopped and marched toward me. In a second, she hugged me.    


"I'm sorry," she confessed. She pulled herself off my hug.    


"Listen! I have forgotten everything you did to me. That has been so long, after all."    


"Thank you," she mumbled. "I have to go. I hope I can still see you one day." She was in a rush to the cab waiting. I intended to chase her, yet someone cut my steps.    


" it you?" A very familiar man emerged before my eyes. Kevin. Age did not take his handsomeness away. He was still the same Kevin I had ever known. The only difference was he grew a thin mustache. He was just older than Reno and me even though we had nearly the same age. He was even three months younger than Reno. Overall, he was still charming and fashionable like he used to be. A gray luxurious tuxedo coated her brawny and tall body.    




"Thank God, you still recognized me," he spoke happily.    


"I...." I could not continue my sentence as my mobile phone was ringing. "Sorry, I have a call." I stayed away from him, walking toward a bit quiet place.    




"I know where your mother is," my manager's voice trembled.    


"Tell me where....where is she?" I impatiently asked her in both excitement and worry.    


"She is in the mental hospital. She got crazy as soon as she knew that your father sold you and those people took you away." My mobile phone fell and my knees landed on earth. My manager kept calling from another line. Yet, I didn't care. I felt devastated. My world wrecked into pieces. The tears streamed down my face.    


"Ilana...what's wrong?" I opened my eyes and looked at someone who had squatted right in front of me. "Are you okay?" I could detect panic in his voice and expression.    


"Reno..." That was the only word I spit out.    


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