Peerless God Emperor

C53 Dead place to save life

C53 Dead place to save life

0"You stupid animal. You're big and stupid. Do you really think I can't deal with you?"    


A loud laughter suddenly sounded, as if it was replying to the furious roars of the Golden Eyed Huge Ape.    


Qin Xuan finally understood that this giant ape should have been a powerful third stage Demonic Beast when it was alive, but he never thought that its soul would be sealed here by Yun Zi.    


Furthermore, his strength was no longer at the third stage of the Demonic Beast's strength. This space seemed to have a restraining effect on him as it could control his strength.    


In other words, this giant ape only had a gigantic body, but its strength was equal to Qin Xuan's.    


After understanding all of this, the corners of Qin Xuan's mouth hooked into a brilliant smile. Since that was the case, he knew how to deal with this giant ape.    


"Bastard, didn't you want to trample me to death? Come!" Qin Xuan cursed at the Golden Eyed Huge Ape with a loud voice, as if he was trying to anger the giant ape on purpose.    


Just as expected, the giant ape was enraged by Qin Xuan, its eyes turned red, and at the moment, it had completely entered a berserk state.    




The giant ape's huge hooves landed on the ground and dust filled the air. It opened its hands and a terrifying pressure fell down, causing Qin Xuan's expression to change slightly.    


This wasn't the end. The giant ape's arms crazily hammered its chest, as if it was trying to awaken itself.    


Its aura was rising crazily, and right now it had already reached the peak of the ninth level of the Origin Gathering Stage.    


"Bang, bang, bang!"    


One after another, terrifying palm prints fell down, forcing Qin Xuan to continuously change his position.    


However, his countenance was as serene as ever, with no fluctuations in his eyes, as though everything was under his control.    


The giant ape continued to attack without stopping. A wild and violent aura emanated from its body, making it impossible for people to approach it.    


It was as if he had boundless strength. Every palm strike he made would crack the heavens and the earth, creating a long ravine. It was a shocking sight to behold.    


However, he didn't notice that a white shadow was charging towards his incomparably huge body.    


When the white figure rushed to the bottom of the Golden Eyed Huge Ape, he suddenly stopped, a smile blooming in his eyes as he muttered: "It's my turn now right?"    


With that said, a gigantic sword emitting a majestic Sword Qi suddenly appeared behind the white figure. A grayish-white halo quietly floated behind him, as if it was protecting him.    


The Holy Sword continued to grow bigger, and as the wind blew, it quickly grew to the size of the giant ape.    


"Not good." A hint of panic flashed through the Golden Eyed Huge Ape's eyes.    


Although he didn't know what Qin Xuan was going to do next, he could vaguely sense that something ominous was about to happen.    


"One with the sword!" Qin Xuan's eyes flashed with a sharp light, after that he closed his eyes, and turned into a white light as he rushed towards the gigantic sword.    




The moment his body came into contact with the sword, the sword trembled and let out a low humming sound as if it was cheering in joy.    


A few seconds later, the giant sword rose up vertically, bringing with it a terrifying sword force. It was as sharp as the sword of a god.    


A white light flashed through the air and cut into the Golden Eyed Huge Ape's right arm at an extremely fast speed.    


The giant ape's right arm directly dropped down and heavily smashed onto the ground with a shrill cry.    


"My hand!" The Golden Eyed Huge Ape let out a heart-wrenching roar, shaking the heavens. Even the earth trembled, as if they could feel his rage at this moment.    


However, the Holy Sword was still high up in the sky, looking down at the Golden Eyed Huge Ape from above.    


had planned all of this in advance. The Golden Eyed Huge Ape's body was incomparably strong, and only if it attacked him when he was not on guard, would it be able to harm him.    


And it was precisely because of this that Qin Xuan kept drawing closer to him, and started to attack at the most suitable time.    


As expected, although this strike did not take away the life of the Golden Eyed Huge Ape, it still cut off one of his arms, greatly reducing the threat he posed to Qin Xuan.    


Currently, Qin Xuan was no longer looking at it with fear as before. The giant ape was missing an arm, and to him, it was no longer that hard to defeat.    


"Let's fight!" A resonant voice suddenly came from the Holy Sword. It was Qin Xuan speaking.    


The Golden Eyed Huge Ape did not roar this time, but looked at Qin Xuan with killing intent.    


In his mind, which was not that complicated, he had already ranked Qin Xuan as a dead person.    


The giant ape's aura had clearly weakened a lot since it was missing an arm. It could no longer exert that kind of terrifying force.    


On the other hand, Qin Xuan became more and more courageous as the battle continued, the Holy Sword ruthlessly slashing across its entire body, leaving behind many shocking scars.    


Even if the Golden Eyed Huge Ape's body was strong, it would still be very difficult to withstand the full power of the Holy Sword. Furthermore, Qin Xuan's consciousness was fused within the Golden Eyed Huge Ape, so the power he could unleash was simply unimaginable.    


Slowly, the Golden Eyed Huge Ape began to show its strength and it was not in the mood to fight anymore. It kept retreating, wanting to escape from the attack range of the Holy Sword.    


However, this could only prove that it was really overthinking...    


The Holy Sword's speed was extremely fast, just like a roc spreading its wings. Before the Golden Eyed Huge Ape could react, it had already left wounds on its body, leaving it with no strength to fight back!    


"Damn it, damn you, human!" The Golden Eyed Huge Ape released a sorrowful roar. It was no longer as earth-shaking as before.    


At this moment, a hint of sadness actually appeared in its huge eyes. It was as though it was recalling its glorious past and how mighty it commanded countless lesser demons.    


But now, it was a completely different story. Its soul had been extracted from its enemy with a supreme divine ability. This was already an extremely cruel humiliation to it.    


The hateful thing was that its soul had been sealed within this deathly still space for hundreds of years, and it became a tool for future disciples to cultivate. Not only was its cultivation suppressed, but it was also unable to completely release its consciousness.    


The most infuriating part of its being humiliated by that person's descendant was not only having one of its arms chopped off, but it didn't even have the qualifications to run away. This was its greatest humiliation!    


Every time someone entered this place, it would mean that someone would be killed. It would either be a giant ape or a challenger.    


But of course, if the soul was strong enough, even if one's consciousness was destroyed, one wouldn't truly die.    



Suddenly, a ruthless look flashed across the eyes of the Golden Eyed Huge Ape, as if it was planning something.    


Qin Xuan controlled the Holy Sword to keep getting closer to the Golden Eyed Huge Ape, and decided to give it a fatal strike, and take its life.    


His current strength was at the eighth level of the Origin Gathering Stage. He could at most rely on Holy Sword Source Spirit and the Profound Sky Sword Technique to unleash the strength at the peak of the ninth level, and it would not be able to last for long.    


After all, he was fighting with ideologies. Without the Stellar Wanxiang Diagram, his strength would have been greatly reduced.    


However, what Qin Xuan did not understand was that even though the Holy Sword was getting closer, it did not make the slightest movement. It even closed its eyes, as if it was waiting for death to come.    


"Is this surrender?" Qin Xuan asked with doubt in his heart.    


But even if he did not understand the intentions of the Golden Eyed Huge Ape, he would not relax his guard in the slightest.    


This concerned his life. The moment he was killed by the Golden Eyed Huge Ape, his consciousness would very likely be damaged, which would definitely have a great impact on his future cultivation.    


Just as the Holy Sword arrived in front of the Golden Eyed Huge Ape's gigantic body, the Golden Eyed Huge Ape suddenly opened its eyes and grabbed onto the Holy Sword with one arm.    


Suddenly, Qin Xuan only felt a terrifying power descending on his body, it was like a mountain pressing on him, causing him to be unable to breathe.    


Qin Xuan's face flushed red, he gasped for breath, while the Holy Sword was trembling frantically, but was unable to break away from the gigantic hand of the Golden Eyed Huge Ape.    


Fresh blood splashed onto the ground from the giant ape's palm. It was as if it was a bloody waterfall.    


Even though the giant ape's Qi was decreasing rapidly, it still refused to let go and kept the Holy Sword in place.    


"This animal is quite vicious. He actually dares to fight me with his death. Perhaps he also knows that if he can't kill me, I will kill him." Qin Xuan's thoughts raced as he thought about how to deal with the giant ape.    


The sword and the beast were in a stalemate, no one willing to let go.    


But the Golden Eyed Huge Ape still had the upper hand. After all, his body was strong.    


Qin Xuan had only borrowed the might of the Holy Sword, so his endurance was still much weaker than the Golden Eyed Huge Ape's.    


The Holy Sword was trembling more and more violently. Qin Xuan who was amongst the Holy Sword was no longer able to stand. His entire body was curled up into a ball and his eyes were bloodshot.    


"Die!" The Golden Eyed Huge Ape seemed to have sensed that Qin Xuan was already powerless, and couldn't help but to let its guard down, and fiercely smashed the Holy Sword onto the ground, with the intention of directly throwing Qin Xuan to death!    


However, the moment after it made such an action, it immediately regretted it.    


Just as the Holy Sword was about to land on the ground, it suddenly stopped.    


Then, the Holy Sword turned and transformed into a white light, shooting upwards with unimaginable speed.    


At this time, starlight was blooming, as though they were receiving the radiance of a scroll in the sky. Countless powerful Sword Qi were being released.    


The Golden Eyed Huge Ape's pupils suddenly shrank as an intense look of fear flashed past its eyes.    


Just as it was about to speak, it saw a flying past its throat, and then it realised it could not make a sound.    


The second sword of the Profound Sky Nine Swords, one sword to seal the throat.    


There was only a rumbling sound as the Golden Eyed Huge Ape's huge body fell to the ground. The fear in its eyes had not disappeared.    


Before it died, it would probably regret its foolish actions. It was this action that had caused it to die.    


This Golden Eyed Huge Ape had also been killed before, but those disciples were at the eighth or ninth level of the Natal Opening Realm. Their strength had already reached a certain level.    


But today, it had died in its eyes like an ant. It was truly unreconciled.    


It could be said that this was the most humiliating battle he had had in hundreds of years, and the most tragic death he had ever suffered.    


When Qin Xuan's consciousness walked out of the Holy Sword, he was already extremely exhausted. Before he had even rested for a moment, his eyes unexpectedly felt another wave of dizziness.    


Opening his eyes, he found that he had returned to the small world, and his consciousness returned to his body.    


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