Peerless God Emperor

C77 Couple

C77 Couple

0In the next two days, Qin Xuan stayed in the restaurant that Yue Meng had prepared for him and cultivated in silence, waiting for the feast to come two days later.    


And in these two days, the Heavenly Star City had reached an unprecedented flourishing world.    


The marriage of a rare peerless genius and the number one beauty in the Tianyu Country in five hundred years was undoubtedly the most exciting feast. In the future, it might even be recorded in the annals of history and become a legend passed down by future generations.    


It was not an exaggeration to say that the feast this time had stirred up the entire Tianyu Country.    


The first to make a move was the Four Great sect s. On the day before the banquet, the majority of the elders of the Four Great sect s left the sect together, bringing the peak disciples of their respective sect s with them as they rushed towards the direction of the Heavenly Star City.    


After that, the first-rate, second-rate, and even third-rate families from each city brought their most outstanding disciples over. They all arrived in a grandiose manner just for the sake of increasing the number of the later generation.    


Even the people living in the backwater of the city had come thousands of miles away just to witness this grand occasion!    


With this move, the entire Tianyu Country trembled. The entire nation celebrated as well as this kind of celebration. Countless people looked forward to that day.    


However, at the same time as the Heavenly Star City was bustling with noise and excitement, only a few people with truly high positions, who had access to the core information, were able to detect a trace of unusualness within this bustling place.    


Perhaps, this time's banquet would not be as peaceful as he had imagined.    


Very few people would associate this feast with a youth from a year ago, a youth that once blossomed with a brief radiance. He rose up like a comet, peerlessly beautiful, but in the end, his radiance was short-lived, vanishing from the line of sight of the crowd.    


Even so, there were still people secretly waiting, waiting for that person to arrive.    


Great Elder Murin and Second Elder Qiu Yuan were guarding the sect, as to prevent any mishap from occurring, so Mo Fei, as the head of the core disciples, would be able to attract many outstanding core disciples.    


This time, it could be said that they had gathered all their forces as they headed towards Heavenly Star City with great power.    


The Cloud Sky Sect was thousands of kilometers away from the Heavenly Star City. The Yuanfu Stage Cultivator had condensed the Genuine Essence's sword and was riding on it. The disciples of the Natal Opening Realm with weak cultivations followed behind their senior brother or elder.    


Dozens of gigantic Genuine Essence swords streaked across the sky like shooting stars, extremely gorgeous.    


Countless people cast gazes filled with reverence and worship towards their faith, and there were even many who reverently knelt and worshipped them, treating them as gods.    


This was the might of the Four Great sect s. To be able to enter the Four Great sect s, one must become a dragon and phoenix amongst men in the future!    


When they were still five kilometers away from Heavenly Star City, the sword of the Genuine Essence at the very front suddenly stopped, and the people behind them also stopped in the air.    


"We are not allowed to fly in Heavenly Star City, let's get down." old man Yunshan instructed.    


With that said, all the Yuanfu Stage Cultivator s controlled the Genuine Essence s to descend, and then everyone began to walk.    


Other than the Four Great sect s who could fly with the help of a flying sword, the other forces of the other clans had all come over on mounts, so their speed would be slower by quite a bit.    


However, even more people walked over. They did not have any background, nor did any Yuan Coin buy mounts.    


They only saw a long line of people moving slowly towards the Heavenly Star City city gate, and in the middle of the line, there was a middle-aged couple supporting each other, their expressions difficult.    


"Shuixin, you should leave first. Don't miss the time of the feast." The middle-aged man said.    


He had a head of black hair half covered with white frost, and his face was lined with wrinkles, but from the outline it could be seen that he must have been a handsome man in his youth.    


However, he seemed to be forced by the pressure of life and had a head full of hair. Despite being in his middle age, he was as weak as an old man. Every step he took caused him to be out of breath and break out in a cold sweat.    


The middle-aged woman by his side still maintained her pretty face, but her brows revealed a tiredness that could not be concealed.    


"If my cultivation was still there, I wouldn't have caused you so much pain." The man touched the woman's cheek, a hint of shame and self-blame appearing on his face.    


"Brother Ley …" The woman wanted to say something but hesitated. In the end, she sighed and a hint of heartache flashed in the depths of her eyes.    


If they hadn't been harmed by the adulterers, they wouldn't have been in such a sorry state. How could he have become like this?    


"What are you saying? After so many years, would I abandon you?" The woman said reproachfully.    


In these past four years, they had experienced countless hardships and had no money at all. If they didn't rely on each other's encouragement and support to not abandon each other, it would have been extremely difficult for them to make it this far.    


"I wonder how Xuan Er is doing. Last time, I accidentally heard the word 'Qin Xuan' coming up from my mouth. I wonder if it was him." The man said weakly.    


"Regardless of whether it is true or not, we still have to come to this Heavenly Star City to take a look. Didn't you also want to know if Xuan Er would appear again?" The woman knew what the man was thinking and replied.    


The man nodded and said with a wry smile, "I hope it's not him."    


If Liu Ming were to see the two of them like this, he would probably feel a great heartache. He might as well not recognize them.    


The couple supported each other, and although they walked very slowly, they gradually approached the city gate.    


Just as the two of them were about to enter the city gates, they heard the sound of hooves approaching from behind. The sound of hooves kicked up a cloud of dust as they galloped toward the city gates.    


"Get out of the way!" A young man rode on a cloud and shouted loudly.    


The gazes of the crowd shifted towards that figure, only to discover that he was riding a snow-covered mount that was a thousand miles away, an extremely precious mount.    


This person must be a descendant of a wealthy family with a high status. Otherwise, he wouldn't be so arrogant as to ride his horse through the crowd.    


Everyone took the initiative to give way, except for the middle-aged man. His movements were slow and he was unable to move in time, and the terrifying force from the galloping horses struck him in the chest, causing him to be sent flying to the side.    


"Brother Ley!" The woman screamed and quickly ran to the man's side.    


The hearts of the crowd were all startled as well. Many of them rushed over to check on the situation of the young man with great concern.    


As for that thousand li of snow, it was also shocked. It kept jumping up and down, stopping in its tracks, causing the young man to be extremely angry.    


He looked at the man with an ice-cold expression and said angrily: "Old thing, are you blind? If you surprise me with a BMW, I won't even let you pay a hundred of it!"    


As the sound of his voice faded, the spectators all had looks of displeasure on their faces.    


This person was truly tyrannical. He was the one who charged in front of him, yet not only did he not apologize, he even blamed the injured person. He was truly shameless to the extreme!    


However, the crowd didn't dare to say anything. They couldn't afford to offend someone with such a high status.    


Many times, they were forced by their own will. Even though they wanted to help, they still had to be on their own and submit to the power.    



"You …" The middle-aged man raised his finger with a trembling hand. Anger appeared on his face, but he couldn't say anything.    


"You what? You old bastard! Serves you right if you were to collide to death!" When the young man saw that this person dared to reprimand him, he immediately began to curse loudly.    


He was the young master of a big family, his status was so noble that even his mount was worth a lot, how could this half-dead trash compare to him!    


Seeing the man suffer such humiliation, the woman's tears flowed down her face. She reprimanded the young man, "Go!"    


"I'm leaving?" The young man looked at the graceful face of the woman, and his gaze couldn't help but reveal an obscene expression as he laughed evilly: "It's a pity that you're old. If you were ten or twenty years younger, you might be able to save his life!"    


When the woman heard such blatant flirting, her face instantly turned pale. She could not help but curse angrily, "Bastard!"    


When the surrounding crowd heard this, their hearts trembled. After which, rage filled their hearts as they scolded the young man in a low voice, "He's simply a scum, a scum!"    


However, the young man still had a complacent expression, and his eyes revealed a trace of pride.    


He knew that at this moment, many people were silently cursing him in their hearts, but so what? They would definitely not dare to speak out against him.    


This was the power of power. He was always high and mighty. Only he could bully others, no one had the qualifications to criticize him.    


At this time, Cloud Sky Sect's group had also approached the city gate, but because of the packed crowd in front of them, they had no choice but to stop.    


old man Yunshan frowned, then turned to Mo Fei and said: "Go check what is happening."    


"Yes, Master." Mo Fei replied as he walked towards the crowd.    


The young man saw many people secretly pointing fingers and pointing fingers at him. Behind him, quite a few people were walking over, and things seemed to get bigger and bigger.    


Seeing that the situation had taken a turn for the worse, he couldn't help but get angry from embarrassment. He angrily cursed at the woman, "Bitch, I'll give you three breaths of time. Hurry up and drag this old thing away!"    


The woman looked around and saw that there were more and more people watching. She felt humiliated and choked with sobs: "Brother Lei, let's go."    


At this moment, she looked as if she had aged ten years. Her expression became gloomy and her tears were like streaks of frost on her face. She only felt powerless throughout her entire body.    


"Brother Ley?" When Mo Fei, who had just arrived in the crowd, heard this form of address, his heart couldn't help but twitch, as if he had thought of something.    


He looked towards the woman, and saw that there was another man beside her who seemed to be severely injured. Looking at his appearance, Mo Fei's pupils couldn't help but constrict.    


No matter their age or appearance, these two people looked extremely similar to the parents that Qin Xuan had asked him to help to find before. Furthermore, the woman's way of addressing the man was the same as well.    


Could it be that these two people were the parents that Qin Xuan had been looking for painstakingly all this time?!    


When he thought here, his eyes flashed with a sharp glint, and he immediately said, "Wait."    


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