Cold Husband, Don’t Seduce Me

C170 Hidden Secrets

C170 Hidden Secrets

0H City.    


In this relationship, he gave her 99% sincerity, leaving only 1% selfishness.    


He knew that this 1% selfishness could easily destroy 99% of sincerity.    


However, he hoped that she could ignore it. In the long future, they should all have this tacit understanding of not destroying the balance.    


Perhaps this was very, very difficult for her, but what else could he give her?    


Anything in this world, as long as she wanted it, even if he gave everything he had, he was willing to do it for her. Only this matter, he was so stubborn that he had to get Su Mo's answer.    


Five years seemed to be a high-spirited struggle, but in fact, it was only that hatred that supported the body of the walking corpse. His heart was already dead, without any warmth, so cold that even he himself could not feel it.    


Until he met her. . .    


Perhaps this was what people said that there was a predestined fate.    


Because he needed an heir, when he met her, all of her warm and beautiful qualities were like flames burning in an ice cellar, melting his cold bit by bit. . .    


She made him feel that his heart still had warmth. He selfishly yearned for this kind of warmth to accompany him.    


However, would the already dead heart come to life because of this kind of warmth in the end?    


He did not know. . .    


Because until now, when he touched his chest, it was still cold.    


Even he didn't know how long it would take for there to be temperature. . .    


The only thing he could be sure of was that he would not let her down. He would definitely not do anything that was not loyal to her or her family. He would protect her and the child for the rest of their lives. . .    


His drifting thoughts were suddenly pulled back. Ye Shuo's voice was transmitted through the Bluetooth earpiece to the phone in the room, breaking the originally calm atmosphere in the room.    


"Boss Jiang, Miss Su is here. She said she wants to see you. "    


There was no change in expression on his cold face. He picked up the red wine beside his hand and slowly took a sip.    


Outside the door, Ye Shuo was calmly waiting for the boss's orders. Su Mo did not hear his reply and her desolate heart became even more desolate.    


"Let her in. "    


In the end, when she heard Jiang Juan's voice that was light but also seemed to have no warmth, Su Mo let out a sigh of relief.    


Ye Shuo immediately pressed the password to the door.    


In the unbelievably quiet room, Su Mo saw Jiang Juan sitting in a shadow on the sofa. His body was emitting a cold chill.    


Su Mo did not dare to walk in front of Jiang Juan. She did not have the courage to face him face to face. Because it was so embarrassing. She originally wanted to hide this secret in the bottom of her heart for the rest of her life, but if this could completely end the relationship between them. . . Let him have a new life, then let her leave him forever with embarrassment. . . As long as he could be happy. . .    


Su Mo tried her best to calm her heart down, then she slowly said, "Jiang, I know that you already knew about the existence of that child. That's why you think I betrayed you. But I have never betrayed you. The only reason I have anything to do with that person is because. . . "    


. . .    


It was raining even in C City for a few days, as if it was coordinating with Gu Qingyou's state of mind. However, the sound of the rain seemed to be able to calm one's heart.    


Aunt Shu made dumplings in front of her.    


"I haven't heard Jiang Juan calling you these few days. Are you really going to continue the cold war with him like this?" Aunt Shu struggled in her heart for a few days and finally asked.    


Gu Qingyou calmly wrapped the dumplings and replied slowly, "From the beginning till the end, I have never intended to Cold War with him. It is just that I will not take the initiative to call him. "    


Aunt Shu frowned worriedly, "Jiang Juan really did not call you these few days. "    


"This is not important. " Gu Qingyou lightly replied.    


"How can this not be important?" Aunt Shu's brows knitted tighter and tighter. "You are about to get married. Shouldn't he take the initiative to break the deadlock in front of him?"    


"He might need a few days to think. "    


"What do you mean?" Aunt Shu did not understand.    


Gu Qingyou's face revealed a calm smile, "Don't worry about us. The problem will be solved in the end. "    


"Qingyou. . . "    


Aunt Shu still wanted to ask something but at this time, the little brat who was watching TV on the sofa ran over. "Mommy, when can we eat dumplings?"    


Gu Qingyou lowered her head and kissed the little brat's face, "We can eat them very soon. You go and watch some cartoons. "    


"Okay. " The little brat ran over happily.    


Aunt Shu sighed softly, "If I had known that you would encounter such an unfortunate fate, I would not have prayed in my heart that you could marry out earlier. . . "    


Gu Qingyou was amused by Aunt Shu's words. "Yes, it is all your fault for wanting me to get married. . . "    


. . .    


At night, after the little brat fell asleep, Gu Qingyou took out the crystal ball she brought from Jiang's Mansion.    


She quietly looked at the crystal ball.    


Under the beautiful green sky, they hugged each other and looked at the sky.    


She still clearly remembered that moment of romance and beauty.    


During the three years that she and him separated, if she had any regrets, the only regret was that she didn't take the crystal ball away at that time.    


She missed that moment, that was the happiest period of his life.    


That night, Gu Qingyou placed the crystal ball on the bed and actually slept soundly.    



When Sheng Jingchuan called her, she was still sleeping and answered the call in a daze. After hearing Sheng Jingchuan's voice, she woke up. To avoid waking up the child beside her, she went to the window to answer the call.    


"Qingyou, you should leave Jiang Juan. He has let you down. He has already gotten back together with Su Mo. "    


When Sheng Jingchuan said that, Gu Qingyou was stunned for a long time on the other side of the phone. Then she found her voice. "Why did Elder Brother Sheng say that?"    


"He and Su Mo are now in New York, which is where they used to date. "    


"Is that so?"    


"Do you know why they got back together? "    


"What?" Gu Qingyou suddenly answered like a walking corpse. It was as if whatever Sheng Jingchuan said, she would ask and lose consciousness.    


"Child. "    


"Child?" Gu Qingyou's heart suddenly trembled. The tip of her finger that was holding the phone gradually turned cold. "Elder Brother Sheng. . . What are you talking about?"    


She had never wanted to show weakness in front of others, but at this moment her voice was very weak.    


"Actually, I have already found out that Su Mo has a child, but I have no evidence to prove that the child is Jiang Juan's. So when you decided to return to Jiang Juan's side, I could only try my best to persuade you. . . But I know if Su Mo's child really belongs to Jiang Juan. This will definitely hurt you in the future, so I ignored your objections and forced Su Mo to leave. Actually, I wanted to force Su Mo to reveal the origin of the child, but I didn't expect that. . . Jiang Juan actually followed Su Mo to New York to see the child. . . "    


"Impossible. " Gu Qingyou shook her head. "If Su Mo really had Jiang Juan's child, why did she keep pushing Jiang Juan away?"    


"There might be some secrets that we don't know about, but I can be sure that Jiang Juan is now in New York with Su Mo and the child. " Knowing that this was too cruel to Gu Qingyou, Sheng Jingchuan had no choice but to be the bad guy.    


"I don't believe it. . . "    


Gu Qingyou ended the phone in a panic and did not intend to listen to Sheng Jingchuan continue.    


Sheng Jingchuan was worried about Gu Qingyou, so he called Aunt Shu.    


Aunt Shu lightly knocked on Gu Qingyou's room door two minutes later. Gu Qingyou went to the bathroom to wash her face before coming out to open the door.    


Aunt Shu's expression had never been so cold before as she coldly said, "Call Jiang Juan now and ask about this matter clearly. I need him to give you an explanation. "    


"Aunt Shu, the matter has not been clarified. I don't want to blame him like this. " Gu Qingyou tried her best to maintain her calm as she said.    


"Could Jing Chuan lie?" Aunt Shu stared at her sternly. "If he and Su Mo had a child, this would have happened in the past. As long as he is clear about it, I will not let you blame him. But what does he mean by accompanying Su Mo in New York? Does he intend to choose Su Mo now? "    


Gu Qingyou helplessly shook her head, "Aunt Shu, let me handle it. Don't call him and let me handle it, okay?"    


Aunt Shu's angry eyes flashed a trace of heartache because of Gu Qingyou's pleading voice. "How can he bully you like this, bully like this. . . "    


Gu Qingyou supported Aunt Shu and did not want her elder's anger to affect her body. She quickly supported Aunt Shu and sat on the sofa. "Don't be angry, I will call him in a while. I will definitely ask him clearly, but this matter must be resolved by me, okay?"    


Aunt Shu was so angry that her face turned pale and her chest rose and fell violently.    


Gu Qingyou kept stroking Aunt Shu's back and continuously comforted, "If the truth is really like this, you can rest assured that I will definitely make him give me an explanation. . . "    


Aunt Shu pointed at the phone in Gu Qingyou's hand with a trembling finger, "Quickly call him and call him in front of me. "    


"Okay. "    


Unable to make Aunt Shu angry again, Gu Qingyou had no choice but to dial that familiar number.    


At this moment, she did not allow her to hesitate anymore as she also needed him to give her an explanation.    


However, Jiang Juan's phone did not answer for a long time.    


Gu Qingyou called three times in a row. The beeping sound from the other end of the phone was always that of no one answering.    


In the end, she had to call Ye Shuo, but she could not even pick up Ye Shuo's phone.    


Gu Qingyou's face finally turned pale, and she was in a trance for a long time.    


Aunt Shu took Gu Qingyou's phone and dialed a few more times. When she found that Jiang Juan still did not answer, Aunt Shu immediately called Director Jiang and his wife through Gu Qingyou's phone.    


. . .    


Director Jiang and his wife arrived at the apartment half an hour later. At this time, Gu Qingyou was still in a daze.    


She did not cry, nor did she make a fuss. It was just that she suddenly seemed to have lost her soul. Her eyes became unfocused and unfocused.    


Mrs Jiang sat beside Gu Qingyou and hugged her tightly, "Qingyou, don't worry. No matter whether that child is Jun Er's or not, Mom only recognizes Mu Mu as her grandson. And Mom will definitely let Jun Er give you an explanation. . . "    


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