Cold Husband, Don’t Seduce Me

C1242 You Didn't Love Me Did You?

C1242 You Didn't Love Me Did You?

0Situ Jing imprisoned Ji Sixi.    


In such a brightly lit but empty villa, Ji Sixi did not feel afraid.    


She stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window in the living room and looked at the garden outside, waiting for the event to happen.    


Of course, she did not know what would happen, but she knew very well that her life was about to end. . .    


She really missed her daughter's heart, but it was a pity that she would never see it again. . .    


Just as she was immersed in these thoughts, she heard a familiar footstep.    


For a moment. A fluctuation arose in her heart, but it vanished in the blink of an eye.    


The footsteps stopped not far behind her. Ji Sixi did not turn her head and only looked at him from the glass curtain.    


At this moment, he looked just like the first time she saw him. He was handsome and extraordinary, but his entire body was emitting a cold aura. He was so cold that he did not even look at anyone.    


She had already forgotten how long it had been since she last saw him like this. . .    


She originally thought that she would never see him like this again in this life because she would only see him pampering and pampering her. . .    


Looks like this is their last meeting. . .    


Really a bit unexpected, she thought that they would never have the chance to meet again. . . .    


"Don't you have anything you want to ask?" Lu Jingzhi was the first to speak.    


Ji Sixi closed her eyes and made her gaze become empty. She said faintly, "Of course I have a lot of questions I want to ask you, but after I ask you, will you be able to change the outcome?"    


Lu Jingzhi narrowed his strange black eyes and looked at her mischievously. Then he replied, "No. "    


Ji Sixi's heart violently twitched. She closed her eyes because only then could she endure the pain that came from her chest at this moment. "Then do I still need to ask?"    


Lu Jingzhi replied like this, "It depends on you, but if you ask a question, I will try my best to answer. "    


Ji Sixi slowly opened her eyes and turned around.    


At this moment, Lu Jingzhi's body was straight and his hands were in his pockets. His face was cold and his gaze was sinister as he looked at her.    


Ji Sixi did not allow herself to reveal any depressed and sorrowful emotions at this moment because she knew. For such a despicable liar, it was not worth. . .    


"From the beginning, you have never loved me, right?" She looked at her deep black eyes and spoke faintly.    


Lu Jingzhi didn't hesitate and answered, "No. "    


At this moment, Ji Sixi's mind flashed past those sweet days with Lu Jingzhi. Her eyes hurt, but she tried her best to open her eyes wide, not letting any sadness show in her eyes. "Then, you can tell me why you want me to take over the role of 'foster father'?" She tried her best to keep her voice steady.    


There was no resentment in Lu Jingzhi's voice. It was so calm that it was as if she was talking to him about something normal.    


"Because I want you to die. " Lu Jingzhi gave her the answer calmly.    


Feeling stifled, Ji Sixi restrained her eyes, because she finally could not control the redness in her eyes, and she did not want him to see her like this. "Why?"    


"You do not need to know why. " Lu Jingzhi replied calmly.    


Ji Sixi stared blankly at the shiny marble on the ground. . . . "You said you would try your best to answer me. "    


"I said I will try my best. I did not say everything. " Lu Jingzhi replied calmly.    


Ji Sixi widened her eyes to avoid tears. "If you want me to die, why did you protect me when the Dark Angel wanted to kill me because of my involvement in my brother's matter?" She asked.    


This was indeed something she couldn't understand. He clearly wanted to kill her, so why did he protect her previously? Wasn't this contradictory?    


Lu Jingzhi gave the answer to this question. "I want to protect Situ Jing. "    


Hearing his words, Ji Sixi slowly raised her head and looked at his expressionless face and said faintly, "So from the beginning, you knew that Situ Jing was' adoptive father ', but you knew that Situ Jing would sooner or later expose her identity, so in order to protect Situ Jing, you took precautions to protect me and used me to replace Situ Jing. . . "    


Lu Jingzhi looked at her with a calm gaze. "Yes. "    


Ji Sixi felt as if her heart had been stabbed. She felt a heart-piercing pain. "Then can you tell me why you want to protect Situ Jing like this?"    


This question seemed to be somewhat difficult for Lu Jingzhi. Because his expression did not seem like he wanted to answer, but after a few seconds of silence, he still faintly opened his mouth. "Because she is the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. "    


"Spend the rest of my life together?" Ji Sixi muttered these few words and suddenly remembered his vow at the wedding. He had said that he would only love her in this lifetime. Her heart became more and more painful, as if it was torn apart. "Then, you love her?" She couldn't help but ask him in a trembling voice.    


Lu Jingzhi didn't answer.    


Ji Sixi raised her eyes and looked at his unfathomable black eyes. "Is this question difficult to answer?"    


Lu Jingzhi replied, "It is not difficult to answer. "    


"Then why don't you answer?" She asked.    


Only then did Lu Jingzhi say, "I just feel that there is no meaning in answering this question or not, because whether or not I love Situ Jing is not important. What is important is that I will spend the rest of my life with her. "    


"Then will you love her, pamper her, and cherish her?" She could not control her emotions and asked.    


Lu Jingzhi paused for a second and replied, "Yes. "    


Ji Sixi's body seemed to have fallen into a cold pond, and all of a sudden, she lost all the warmth in her body. "Looks like you have a reason to be with her. Similarly, you have a reason to kill me. Otherwise, you can find anyone to replace Situ Jing's identity, and not me. " Her voice finally started to become hoarse.    


"I have said before that you are very smart. " Lu Jingzhi calmly replied.    


Ji Sixi smiled softly. "Actually, you are laughing at me for being stupid in your heart, right?"    


Lu Jingzhi did not say anything.    


Ji Sixi looked at his expressionless face sadly and continued. "Actually, you suddenly changed so much. No one would believe your feelings. But I was too stupid, because all my thoughts at that time were - as long as I could be with you, Even if you don't love me, I can pretend to be an idiot for the rest of my life. . . Unfortunately, even so, In the end, I still didn't get what I wanted. "    


Lu Jingzhi said calmly," Maybe you shouldn't have saved me when I was injured. "    



Ji Sixi took a deep breath to prevent her tears from gathering in her eyes. She looked at him with a dejected look. "If time can still be reversed at this moment, I will still save you, because you helped me when I was in the most difficult time, and you were my only father. "    


Lu Jingzhi was silent.    


Ji Sixi was still looking at him. "So, people can't have the mentality of being lucky or lying to themselves. . . Because, the truth is the truth. You can never let it become the truth because you have the mentality of being lucky and lying to yourself. "    


Lu Jingzhi pursed his lips but still did not say anything.    


Ji Sixi finally turned around and faced the French window again. She said faintly, "Alright, I have finished asking all my questions. Now, you can do whatever you want to do. . . "    


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