Cold Husband, Don’t Seduce Me

C1245 Out of Satan and the Dark Angel

C1245 Out of Satan and the Dark Angel

0Situ Jing's tears fell. She felt sorry for Lu Jingzhi. "If it wasn't for that accident, You. . . Situ Jing's tears fell. If it hadn't been for that accident, you and Brother Yan wouldn't have become orphans. I still remember Uncle Lu saying that he hoped to do what you like to do when he grows up. He won't force you into the Satan's Tissue, so if Uncle Lu isn't dead. . . You must be the best of the best. . . "    


Lu Jingzhi closed his eyes in pain. It seemed like the death of his parents had created a huge shadow in his heart. "The person who betrayed my father at that time was Ji Sixi's biological father, who was also my father's most capable assistant, Qin Luosheng. "    


"The one who betrayed Uncle Lu was Uncle Qin?" Situ Jing could not believe it and her eyes widened in shock.    


Lu Jingzhi's Adam's apple moved a little, as if a fishbone was stuck in his throat. "At that time, my parents hid me and Ah Yan in the basement. I was afraid that something happened to my parents, so I secretly opened the wooden plank that was used to enter the basement and took a look. Let me see clearly that the person standing in front of my parents is Uncle Qin, the person that my parents trust the most. He betrayed my parents and revealed the whereabouts of my parents to the Dark Angel. He caused the Dark Angel to wipe out my entire family that day. . . "    


"So. . . " Situ Jing seemed to have some speculation in her heart, but when the words reached her mouth, she did not dare to say it out loud.    


Lu Jingzhi, however, looked into Situ Jing's clear pupils and said lightly, " Yes, you are not wrong. Ji Sixi. . . She was the daughter of Qin Luo. She was not the biological daughter of the Ji couple. She was the daughter of Qin Luosheng and Ji's Mother's younger sister, Huo Xi, so Ji Sixi and Ji's Mother looked somewhat similar. . . "    


"But why would Qin Luosheng give his daughter to his aunt to raise?" Situ Jing asked doubtfully.    


"This is because Qin Luosheng is very smart. . . He knows that he has betrayed the Satan's Tissue and will not gain the trust of the Dark Angel. He knew that perhaps one day, the leader of the Dark Angel would find an excuse to get rid of this great hero. Therefore, before he entered the Dark Angel to serve, he gave his daughter to his aunt. . . Later on, Qin Luosheng did obtain the position he wanted when he betrayed the Satan's Tissue. He became the deputy of the leader of the Dark Angel, but unfortunately. . . "Speaking of Qin Luosheng's final outcome, Lu Jingzhi's lips curved into a disdainful smile, and his eyes were burning with a faint fire.    


"How do you know all of this?" Situ Jing asked again, "And, how did you know my identity?"    


"I know these may be the souls of my parents in heaven, or your parents in heaven. They don't want anything to happen to you. . . " Lu Jingzhi sighed and replied.    


"So you only decided to reconnect with Ji Sixi after knowing my identity. Because you planned to have nothing to do with Ji Sixi at that time. " Situ Jing said.    


She did not forget that she was about to be engaged to Lu Jingzhi at that time, but Lu Jingzhi suddenly changed his mind and let her, Tan Yan, see that he and Ji Sixi spent the Spring Festival together, forcing her to leave.    


Even though she did not want to leave at that time and wanted to stay by Lu Jingzhi's side to keep an eye on him, she could not go against her personality, otherwise it would arouse Lu Jingzhi's suspicion.    


So when Lu Jingzhi suddenly chose to get engaged to Ji Sixi, she was actually very surprised.    


Later on, she found out from her younger brother that Lu Jingzhi wanted to protect Ji Sixi. She thought that Lu Jingzhi had been in love with Ji Sixi for a long time, but it was not until now that she found out that Lu Jingzhi had never been in love with Ji Sixi.    


"If I didn't do that, how could I have made Ji Sixi my 'foster father'? You have to know that your 'foster father' has given Dark Angel a huge headache. Their determination to eradicate you is imperative. If I don't find Ji Sixi to replace you, you will die without a burial ground!" Lu Jingzhi replied.    


Situ Jing snorted disdainfully at this moment, "But I feel that if I didn't choose to deal with them at the beginning, I wouldn't have been seen through so quickly if I had to deal with any one of them!"    


Lu Jingzhi laughed lightly, "Do you really think that being able to support the three leaders of the Dark Angel is just a title that makes people tremble in fear?"    


Situ Jing looked up at Lu Jingzhi and said calmly, "Isn't that so? Until now, they still do not know that I am the 'foster father'!"    


Lu Jingzhi shook his head and smiled. "You are wrong. It is not that they did not find out that you are the 'foster father', but that they will not question the result of my investigation. So even if they knew that Ji Sixi was not the 'foster father', This is the Dark Angel. As long as the benefits are not damaged, the truth is not important. "    


"The benefits are undamaged?" Situ Jing frowned. "You mean. . . You want to stop me from rebuilding the Satan's Tissue?"    


Lu Jingzhi also frowned, "I thought you gave the leader's token to Ji Sixi. "    


Situ Jing nodded. "Of course. You threatened me like that before. If I don't hand over the leader's token, will Yong and I still live?"    


"This is it. . . Since you have already given the leader's token to Ji Sixi, you will not be able to mobilize the people of Satan's Tissue. How can you talk about rebuilding Satan's Tissue?" Lu Jingzhi asked indifferently.    


"The people of the Dark Angel will listen to you and follow Ji Sixi's whereabouts. In the end, the token of the Satan's Tissue will fall into the hands of the Dark Angel, and you are one of the leaders of the Dark Angel. You can help me get this token back, right?" Situ Jing's eyes were full of expectation as she said seriously.    


Lu Jingzhi, on the other hand, focused on Situ Jing. He replied in such a way, "If I keep you like this, they will have doubts about your identity. If I help you get the token of the Satan's Tissue back, it will make them suspect that I am actually helping you restore the Satan's Tissue, and I don't want them to lose trust in me. "    


Upon hearing this, Situ Jing was stunned. "Lu, I know that the Dark Angel has helped you and helped you achieve what you have today, but don't forget. We are destined to be enemies of the Dark Angel. Furthermore, as long as the token of the Satan's Tissue is in our hands, I believe that we can defeat the Dark Angel with our abilities. . . "    


Lu Jingzhi looked at Situ Jing's bright eyes and smiled faintly. "I can only tell you this. If your parents and I are still alive, their only thought would be to let us leave Satan and the Dark Angel and be ordinary people. . . "    


Situ Jing was silent for a moment and said calmly, "I believe what you said. After all, after experiencing that catastrophe, if they are still alive, they will definitely want to be ordinary people. . . . But you are still in the Dark Angel. Can you leave this organization for the rest of your life? "    


Lu Jingzhi twitched his mouth and said, "It's only a matter of time before I leave the Dark Angel. Even if I can't, as long as the three of them are still alive, I can always be an outsider. . . Therefore, in the future, you and I can live an ordinary and peaceful life. "    


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