Master Loves His Little Beautiful Wife

C3026 Unusual

C3026 Unusual



Chu Yichen laid down next to his wife and rested his arm on his head. His long and narrow eyes slightly narrowed, "It seems a little unusual. What is Baby Ning worried about?"    


Su Ningning turned around and lied side by side with Chu Yichen. Her green finger was placed on Chu Yichen's forehead and gently slid down. She went around his full forehead and landed on his face. His eyes were filled with tenderness, "No, I'm just curious. What can I be worried about?"    


She adjusted her posture and her red lips curled up slightly. She raised her beautiful arc, "Can someone like Jiaang Yutong be a match?"    


Su Ningning's finger landed on his cheek and it felt itchy. He reached out and grabbed Su Ningning's hand, "Yes, my wife is the best. I wish my beloved wife a happy time."    


"Su Ningning was amused by Chu Yichen's words, "I'm not worried about the Liu family, but I'm quite curious about what the Su family is like now."    


Su Ningning's train of thought jumped too quickly. Chu Yichen felt that he could not catch up with her in a short time. He moved towards Su Ningning. "There's really some news. Do you want to hear it?"    


Su Ningning was quite interested in the drama of the Su family. She was the one who had hurt her before. She was quite happy to see how the person was doing now.    


If they were not from Su family, her family would be happy and happy now. She did not hate them, but she could not forgive them.    


"Listen, why not?" She looked at Chu Yichen playfully with a cunning look on her face.    


Chu Yichen pulled her into his arms and whispered into her ear.    




Su family!    


"Su Qing, where's Haoyu?" Old Madam Su's face was no longer as energetic as before. She looked more tired. She had been in the hospital before, but she was not fully recovered yet. She had been discharged from the hospital after she had injured her vital energy. Her face looked a little scary.    


Mrs Wang pretended to be deaf and blind at home. Other than cooking and housework, she did not care about anything else. This time, she was even more respectful to Old Madam Su's room.    


Su Qing carried the food over and originally did not plan to come in but there was no one at home to serve Old Madam Su.    


After Mrs Wang finished cooking, she had to do other things. Compared to housework, sending food to Old Madam Su was a very easy task.    


Looking at her once vigorous and vigorous mother who had a face full of fighting ability, at this moment Su Qing felt a little emotional in her heart. In powerful people, there would be a moment when oil ran out.    


This was also the reason why she was afraid of Su Haoyu. Now she only had Su Haoyu. All of her thoughts were on Su Haoyu. He was still counting on Su Haoyu to take care of her and send her off.    


This was also the place she had to take care of Old Madam Su. Even if she had to pretend, she had to pretend.    


When she heard Old Madam Su's words, she put the boiling porridge to the side. She looked coldly at Old Madam Su, her eyes full of contempt, "I say, Mom, you really can torment people. If you get sick, you get sick. Either you die instantly, or you are just a minor illness. What do you mean by lying on the bed now? "    


Su Qing's heart was filled with confidence. He wanted her to serve him? She had been served by others for her entire life. To expect her to serve others, she had to dream about it.    


Old Madam Su was originally very anxious. When she heard this, her chest heaved up and down violently. She was almost angered to death by her own biological daughter.    


Was she saying human words?    


Was he speaking in human language?    


This daughter is looking forward to her death.    


Old Madam Su's eyes widened and she almost let out a breath. She went straight away but Su Qing did not react at all. She coldly looked at Old Madam Su who was in an extremely unstable mood on the bed and did not even say a word of comfort. "What is it? Do you think my words are unpleasant?"    


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