CEO's Pampered Sweetheart

C1032 Hua Yuqing Secretly Saw Hua Zhenqiang

C1032 Hua Yuqing Secretly Saw Hua Zhenqiang

0This was Hua Zhenqiang's intelligence. He apologized to Hua Yuqing on behalf of Hua Jingtong and Su Mann.    


He blamed everything on himself.    


Hua Yuqing stared at him silently. After a long while, she said, "I am probably unable to do anything about Aunt Su's schizophrenia, but Jingtong, I will get her back."    


Hearing Hua Yuqing's words, Hua Zhenqiang was overjoyed.    


The reason why he would look for Hua Yuqing was because of her. Actually, it was for Hua Jingtong and Su Mann.    


It was fine to let Hua Jingtong come back.    


However, on the surface, he said, "There is no need to look for her. That is the punishment she deserves."    


Hua Yuqing did not reply. She got up from the chair.    


She said, "It is already late. I should go back."    


"Are you in such a hurry to leave?" Hua Zhenqiang asked.    


Hua Yuqing hummed and said, "Take good care of yourself. I'm leaving now."    


After saying that, Hua Yuqing left without looking back.    


Hua Zhenqiang stood there for a long time before returning to the house.    


After Hua Yuqing came out of the Hua Family, she took a taxi to the medical college.    


At noon, Gu Si would go to the medical college to pick her up and bring her back to the villa.    


So, she needed to rush over here...    


After she went over, before the second class ended, Hua Yuqing went to Lin Xin's office first and asked him to help her hide it.    


Actually, Gu Si might not find out.    


However, she still needed to be safe.    


"Why can't you let your man know that you applied for leave this morning? Could it be that you went to meet your lover?" Lin Xin looked at Hua Yuqing strangely.    


Hua Yuqing rolled her eyes. "What do you think?"    


"I don't think so." "Don't worry," Lin Xin said. "I won't tell your man. " But don't blame me if he knows about it from someone else. "    


"Of course." Hua Yuqing felt that it was impossible.    


After all, in the entire medical college, the only person Gu Si knew was Lin Xin.    


However, she had forgotten that there was always such a coincidence in the world.    


One day, When Gu Si went to participate in a game, he met a female classmate in Hua Yuqing's class.    


That female classmate had a boyfriend with a good background. The other party's company happened to be working with Gu Si's company.    


Then, they just happened to have a conversation.    


"President Gu, nice to meet you here." The girl's boyfriend greeted Gu Si respectfully.    


Gu Si nodded lightly. He did not pay much attention to her.    


However, the female classmate beside the man said politely.    


"Director Gu, are you Yuqing's husband?"    


Gu Si turned his eyes when he heard the man say Hua Yuqing's name.    


"You are?"    


"I am Yuqing's classmate, Director Gu. Hello." The female classmate politely extended her hand to Gu Si.    


"Hello." This time, Gu Si did not ignore the man like he did before. He reached out his hand and shook his hand.    


"Is Yuqing sick again?" The female classmate asked with a smile.    


"Huh?" Gu Si raised his eyebrows and looked at her.    


The female student explained, "Don't misunderstand. I just saw that Yuqing did not come to class today, so I guessed that she was sick."    


Yuqing did not go to class? Didn't he clearly pick her up from the medical college at noon?    


Gu Si was very doubtful in his heart, but he did not show it on his face.    


He nodded and said, "She is a little uncomfortable."    


"Oh, I see." The female classmate nodded.    


Gu Si nodded. "I have something to do," he said. "Let's go."    


"Okay." When Gu Si wanted to leave, the female classmate naturally nodded.    


After Gu Si left, her father immediately asked, "My dear daughter, how do you know director from the L Corporation?"    


"Dad, do you think he is director from the L Corporation?" Hearing her father's words, the female classmate exclaimed.    


"Yeah, you don't know?" the girl asked. Her father asked.    


"He's my classmate's husband." The female classmate said.    


"Then you have to build a good relationship with your classmate." Father said.    


The female classmate agreed on the surface, but she didn't have much of an idea in her heart.    



It was not because Hua Yuqing was difficult to get along with. But she seems to be pregnant now.    


Her husband arranged for someone to be by her side at all times.    


No one could get close to her at all...    


After Gu Si said goodbye to Hua Yuqing's classmates, he immediately called Zhang Heng to find out where Hua Yuqing went.    


After investigating, he found out that Hua Yuqing had gone to see Hua Zhenqiang.    


Gu Si felt very angry. He had told Hua Yuqing several times that Hua Zhenqiang was not a good person and told her not to come into contact with him.    


But he did not expect Hua Yuqing to still go see him.    


After Gu Si hung up the phone, he left the banquet hall.    


Then, he drove back to the villa.    


When Gu Si returned, Hua Yuqing was sitting on the sofa with a pillow in her arms and watching TV.    


Seeing him come in, she waved happily at him.    


At that moment, she asked where she went in the morning. The thought of what she had gone to do instantly disappeared from Gu Si's mind. He wanted to ask Hua Yuqing why she was disobedient and why she wanted to see Hua Zhenqiang.    


He quickly walked over and sat beside her.    


"What are you looking at?"    


"Yes, it's a foreign film. According to the introduction, it's romantic, gentle, and has some hidden metaphors. It's very romantic and is very suitable for couples to watch in the middle of the night. " However, it hasn't started yet. I don't know either. " Hua Yuqing said.    


Gu Si nodded and said, "Let's watch it together."    




The story in the movie happened in a small village in the countryside. There was a beautiful environment and orchards all over the place. Even the air seemed to have a sweet, sour smell. And the main characters had some sour love between them. It started from there.    


The story went on until the female lead gave the male lead a basket of bright red cherries. The male lead was at a loss as to what to do. In the end, he could not hold onto it properly. The round cherries rolled all over the ground. The two of them hurriedly squatted down to pick them up.    


In the end, no one knew who took the initiative first. Their fingertips touched and their gazes met. The male lead's face slowly turned red.    


A low and slow background music sounded. The rotten smell of love seemed to pass through the screen, polluting the air in reality.    


Just when Gu Si's teeth hurt, Hua Yuqing suddenly called out to him in a low voice, "Si."    


He rolled his head on the soft sofa and looked at him. There was a single question in his throat. "Hmm?"    


Hua Yuqing raised her head and looked at him. Her voice was very soft, "I want to eat cherries too."    


She did not know if it was a coincidence. Among the fruits on the tea table, there happened to be a few cherries that were as red as the ones in the movie.    


Receiving the woman in his arms acting like a spoiled child in all seriousness, The corner of Gu Si's mouth curled up. He then stood up and picked up the plate of fruits. He then picked up the largest one from the plate and handed it to Hua Yuqing's mouth.    


Hua Yuqing took a bite. There was a lot of cherry juice and it was sweet.    


"Delicious. Do you want to eat it?"    


Gu Si's deep eyes looked deeply at Hua Yuqing. He did not say he wanted to eat it, nor did he say he did not want to.    


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