CEO's Pampered Sweetheart

C95 The Trust Between Husband and Wife

C95 The Trust Between Husband and Wife

0"Am I hallucinating?" Ning Qianyu murmured to herself as she took a shaky step forward. "Shengchen–you're supposed to be in B City, but now...I miss you so much. Why can't I get through your phone? I..."    


"Qianyu," Mu Shengchen started as Yan Rui pushed him into the living room.    


It really was him. She rubbed her eyes repeatedly before glancing up once again. He was sitting in front of her, in all his glory. Her hands trembled as she slowly reached out to his face.    


"Is this a dream?" Her lips curled into a bitter smile. "Maybe I could stay here forever, with you."    


"Fool, this isn't a dream." He clutched her hands and placed them on his cheek.    


His eyes had softened at her sorry state. He had only been in the ICU for a few days, but she had already reverted into this. His heart clenched. "I'm here, I'm here," he repeated, hoping that the words could calm her down.    


"It really is you!" Ning Qianyu immediately threw herself onto him, gripping his shoulders as tight as she could. What she didn't know was that she had used too much strength and had accidentally touched the gashes on his back. His handsome face crumpled in pain, but he forced himself not to cry out.    


Realizing something was wrong, she drew away, only to see that he was still wearing his hospital gown. "Wait, what's wrong?"    


Mu Shengchen had been in such a rush that he didn't even bother to change.    


Just then, Yan Rui came in with a group of doctors. All of them were very well-trained as they checked his blood pressure, listened to his heartbeat, and hung an infusion bottle beside him. However, just as they were about to take off his clothes and check the wounds on his back, Mu Shengchen stopped them. "Qianyu, get out first."    


"No." She stared at him, determined.    


"Yan Rui, send her out."    


"I said, no!" She grabbed onto his sleeves.    


Yan Rui could only purse his lips in response. Even if he had wanted to pull her away, which he didn't, it was impossible to get her out of the room without her struggling.    


In the end, Mu Shengchen had no other choice but to let her stay.    


"We'll be careful," the doctor promised as he slowly shrugged off the sleeves around his hospital gown. There, all of them could see the gashes and scars painted across his back as if he were nothing more than a canvas.    


Many of them were tinged red and black–still fresh from the incident. It was obvious that the shards had done so much damage. Despite this, the man didn't even budge from his position.    


Ning Qianyu gazed at his lying figure. Although she couldn't see the expression on his face, she felt her heart clench in pain at the sight. Suddenly, she couldn't even find it in herself to breathe.    


Cold sweat beaded down his forehead. "Qianyu, don't look."    


How could she not look? Her body trembled. How could he be so badly injured? What the hell happened? Why couldn't she remember?    


Seeing her face, Yan Rui immediately explained, "There's been an accident in the annual celebration. The chandelier was falling above you, and Young Master Chen had managed to push you away just in time. He's still recuperating in B City, but–"    


Before he could finish, Mu Shengchen snapped, "You really are getting more and more talkative."    


"I'm not talkative when I'm telling the truth. When you heard how Qi Yuwei had framed the Young Mistress, you requested to return to City A overnight. Look at the toll the travel had on your injuries," Yan Rui had finally snapped. Upon gazing at his sharp gaze, he signaled the group of doctors before leaving himself.    


Ning Qianyu was still staring at Mu Shengchen in a daze. Tears welled up in her eyes as they continually streamed down her cheeks. No matter how many times she tried to stop them, she couldn't.    


"What are you crying for?" He was still pale from the travel, and his body still cold.    


"You got hurt because of me," she stuttered. "I'm the reason why you're like this."    


He had protected her. If it weren't for him, then she would've been in his position as well. That's why he was hurt so badly...and all the while she had been sitting here complaining why he still hadn't answered his phone. How could she be so selfish?    


"Yan Rui was exaggerating." He raised his hand and wiped her tears away. "This is just a small injury. I'm fine."    


"This is small?" Ning Qianyu carefully buttoned up his clothes, afraid that she'd touch the wounds on his back.    


"I'll be fine," he whispered with a smile. "After all, I'm with you."    


She covered his body with a blanket before sitting adjacent to him. "Even if you're recuperating in B City, you still managed to come back," she lectured. "What if the wound was really that serious? What if it became infected?"    


"Of course I have to come back," he argued. "You were being slandered."    


"Slandered? How can you be sure that I didn't push her?"    


"Do I need to ask you to know?" Just these words showed how much trust Mu Shengchen had already placed on her.    


There was a time when the pair didn't trust each other, but now, they knew that they would always have each other's back. Her hands trembled. He was the only one who had trusted her...    


Her heart warmed.    


"I–I'm sorry," she murmured as the tears streamed down her face once more.    


He frowned. "Hey, don't cry."    


However, she still couldn't stop crying. In the end, he decided to distract her. "I want some water. Do you mind grabbing me a cup?" he slowly asked, and her ears perked in attention.    


"Right." Wiping the tears from her face, she immediately headed to the kitchen.    


Mu Shengchen gazed down at the wet patches on his chest. If he hadn't asked her to do something to divert her attention, then she would've probably drowned them in this very room.    


Since he didn't want to stay in the hospital, Yan Rui asked the doctors to turn their apartment into a hospital room. Not only that, but he even bought the house next door so that the doctors and nurses could stay by his side 24/7.    


Ning Qianyu had been guarding him all day long. She held onto the man's hand, afraid that he'd suddenly disappear on her.    


He patted the space beside him. "Come and lie down."    


"I'm not sleepy," she stated, staring at the infusion bottle attached to his hand.    


"You don't have to take care of me," he said softly. "The doctors would know what to do anyway."    


"Then I'll make something for you to eat. What do you want?"    


However, just as she was about to stand up, he grabbed her hand. "There's no need."    


"Then let me take a look at your wound."    


"I'm fine," he reassured. "I miss you."    


The words 'I miss you' was enough to shatter all the walls she had built up. As he stared at his injured state, she find it hard to refuse him. "Of course," she said softly as she went to the other side of his bed.    



She carefully lay down beside him. He reached out and pulled her into his arms. At first, Ning Qianyu struggled under his grip, but when she heard his pained groan, she didn't dare to move.    


"Go to sleep," he whispered. From the dark circles under her eyes, he could tell that she had a hard time sleeping at night.    


Ning Qianyu was truly exhausted. Not only was she wrongfully accused, but she had to get used to living alone. With no one to comfort her, she had spent many sleepless nights staring at the ceiling. "Good night," she murmured.    


When she had finally fallen asleep, Mu Shengchen called Ye Xi into the room.    


"What exactly happened?" He stared.    


"According to Qi Yuwei's assistant, Qi Yuwei went to meet the Young Mistress at the institute–to apologize for what she had done. They ended up arguing and Young Mistress allegedly pushed her down the stiars." There was a pause when he added, "Everyone saw the scene."    


"She really did plan well." Mu Shengchen's eyes turned cold. "Go and investigate..." he quickly told him what to do.    


Although startled, he nodded and hurriedly left.    


Now that they were alone, Mu Shengchen hugged her small figure and closed his eyes.    


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