CEO's Pampered Sweetheart

C94 He's Back

C94 He's Back

0The door to the operating room opened, and one of the operating doctors came out. His expression was bleak, and his eyes looked exhausted.    


Immediately, he was surrounded by the Mu Family. Weng Bisa was the first one to speak as she clasped the doctor's hand. "Doctor, the child–how is the child?"    


There's a pause before the doctor stated, "The patient needed to have an abortion because of the impact. As for the mother, her uterus is bleeding, and she's still in the process of being resuscitated."    


"The child is gone?" Old Madame Mu stuttered out before she collapsed onto the floor.    


"Mom!" Everyone went to check up on her.    


Ning Qianyu was about to go over and take a look, but after seeing the way they had glared at her earlier, she could only look from afar.    


It turned out that the old matriarch had fainted because of her sudden increase in blood sugar. Ning Qianyu stayed outside the ward for a few hours, before sadly leaving the hospital.    


Turned out, there was far more chaos that had unfolded inside the hospital. Now that Qi Yuwei had a miscarriage, the Mu Family would surely favor her and would soon despite Ning Qianyu in the future.    


In the hospital, Qi Yuwei had finally woke up. When she heard that the child had to be aborted, she lowered her head as bitter tears streamed down her cheeks.    


"It's fine, it will all be okay," Weng Bisa comforted, rubbing her shoulder.    


Old Madame Mu frowned. "How did you fall?"    


"It's all my fault. I wasn't able to protect the child...I thought that after what Qianyu and I had gone through–that she'd be able to see through my apologies...I just didn't expect her to..." Qi Yuwei gave up as she burst into tears, burying her face into her hands.    


It seemed that their assumptions were right. Ning Qianyu really had pushed her down the stairs and caused her to have a miscarriage.    


Old Madame Mu's face had gone pale. "I've already said time and time again that she was in danger, and look at her!" Weng Bisa slammed her fist against the mattress. "My grandson is gone!"    


"Be quiet," Mu Zhenghong commanded. Despite this, his face was still frighteningly cold.    


Old Madame Mu patted her hand. "Take good care of yourself, all right? Your health is more important," she slowly said. "I'm sure you'll be blessed with another child in the future."    


Qi Yuwei hid her smile as she nodded along with the old woman's words. It seemed that this incident had wiped all sort of love Old Madame Mu had for Ning Qianyu. Her heart skipped a beat.    


When Old Madame Mu came out of Qi Yuwei's ward, she turned to Mu Lingshan. "Bring me to Ning Qianyu's apartment."    


"I want to know why she hated Yuwei so much that she'd actually dare commit murder." She clenched her fists. She had loved Ning Qianyu like her granddaughter, but after this, the woman was nothing to her.    


"Mom, why don't we just forget about it?" Mu Lingshan suggested. "I'm sure she had already learned her lesson–"    


"Forget about it? Can my great-grandson just be forgotten? Just like that?" Old Madame Mu stomped out of the hospital. "We'll see her, and that's final!"    


Mu Lingshan swallowed nervously, before chasing after the old woman.    


On the other side of the country, Yan Rui had just walked into the ward of City B Hospital. He handed the new phone to Mu Shengchen. "It's ready."    


"Thank you."    


As soon as he opened the phone, he saw a few missed calls from Ye Xi and hundreds of calls from Ning Qianyu.    


His gaze softened as he clicked on her number. "We're sorry, but you've reached..." He tried calling her again and again, but she still didn't pick up the phone. What did the hell happen?    


"Fuck!" He breathed out as he threw the phone out in frustration. Because of the force, he had used, the phone slammed against the opposite side of the room before it cracked once again.    


"Young Master Chen, please–your wounds, they could open up–" Yan Rui glanced down to see that he was still in a terrible mood.    


Shouldn't he be chatting away with the Young Mistress by now? Why did he throw the phone away?    


"Get lost!" Mu Shengchen swept all the things on his bed onto the ground.    


Seeing him lose his temper again, Yan Rui didn't dare stay for a rehash. He cared for his life far more than anything! He didn't speak as he raced out of the door.    


"What the hell happened for him to react that way?" he murmured to himself as he stood outside the ward. He peered at Mu Shengchen's expression from time to time. He had planned to return once his anger had subsided.    


Just then, his phone rang out.    


At first, he didn't want to pick it up, but upon seeing the Caller ID, he answered the call. "Ye Xi, this isn't the right time–"    


"You need to call Young Master Chen right now!" Ye Xi quickly relayed everything that had happened in City A. By the time he had finished, Yan Rui raced back into the ward, panting.    


"Young Master Chen," he breathed out. "Something happened."    


"What is it?" Mu Shengchen tilted his head, still obviously displeased with the events that had unfolded. "Don't beat around the bush."    


"Young Mistress...she..." he quickly whispered everything in his ear. Suddenly, Mu Shengchen's eyes widened as he straightened his back. He threw his blanket to the side as he prepared to get off his bed.    


However, just as he was about to get off, Yan Rui held him back. "You can't go with your current condition. Let Ye Xi–"    


"She can't face that bitch alone!"    


"But Young Master Chen–" Despite his protests, Mu Shengchen was already seated on his wheelchair. Although his injuries weren't as bad as they had been before, they still needed 24/7 treatment. With a sigh, he turned to his phone. "Young Master Chen sounds more and more like a child."    


"You only know that now?" Ye Xi scoffed. "Bet you'll experience far worse once you're on the plane. I have to go."    


Before he could snap back at the assistant, Mu Shengchen's voice drew him back to reality. "Arrange a flight for me to City A immediately."    


"Understood." So much for recovery.    


After Ning Qianyu had come out of the hospital, she wandered around the streets–in a daze of where she could go. All she could think about was the unborn baby that had just died and the false accusations thrown in her way.    


By the time she had returned to her apartment, it was almost dark.    


However, before she could enter the gates of the residential area, she heard someone calling to her from behind, "Qianyu."    


She turned around to see Mu Lingshan and Old Madame Mu standing by the gates.    


Why were they here? Despite being caught off guard, she still led them inside.    


Old Madame Mu and Mu Lingshan entered the apartment, looking around. Although the layout was almost the same as Mu Shengchen's previous apartment, it was slightly bigger.    


"Grandma, Aunt Mu, please have some tea." She passed two cups over to them respectively.    



While Mu Lingshan accepted the cup, Old Madame Mu slammed it onto the table. "Don't you dare call me that!" she snapped.    




"Mom!" Mu Lingshan pulled her back.    


However, Old Madame Mu shook off the woman's grip. "You don't have any right to speak here, so zip your mouth!"    


"Grandma, I–"    


"What did I say earlier?" Old Madame Mu snarled. Now, she could tell where Mu Shengchen's feistiness had come from. She pointed her walking stick at her. "The only reason you're here is because of Mu Shengchen. I never cared. I never contradicted him. Jinbo betrayed you? No one denied that either. But how could you push her? She was carrying a child–my great-grandson! Even if you have a problem with her, you shouldn't have sacrificed an unborn child!"    


That was the point! She didn't have any problems with anyone! Qi Yuwei was the one who had sabotaged herself, not her. Even then, no matter how many times she tried to speak, she could only fall silent.    


"I trusted you. I thought that maybe you could find the goodness in yourself to persuade her, and I thought it worked! Yuwei had said that she wanted to apologize to you, but now..." Her face crumbled. "You've failed. You lose my trust. You may still be a member of the Mu Family, but mark my words that I will never regard you as my granddaughter ever again!"    


As soon as the words slipped her lips, the two had left.    


"No, no..." Ning Qianyu murmured to herself over and over again. She hugged herself tightly, trying to comfort herself under the cold and empty environment.    


Even if she said anything, no one would believe her.    


She squeezed her eyes shut. Even the person who had always wiped her tears was nowhere to be seen. "Fuck," she breathed out.    


Unable to help herself, she started sobbing. Hot, bitter tears streamed down her cheeks as she leaned against the wall. Why did this have to happen to her? Of all people?    


Just then, the door opened, and she looked up. At first, she had initially thought it was Ye Xi coming to pick up more documents, only to see Yan Rui and Mu Shengchen on the doorway. Her heart stopped.    


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