CEO's Pampered Sweetheart

C53 Can You Satisfy Her? 

C53 Can You Satisfy Her? 

0Su Lianmeng's face turned bright red from their humiliating words. Her cheeks are flushed, and her eyes immediately narrowed. What the hell was happening to her plan? What the hell was she going to say now?    


Yan Rui stared at the couple–her eyes wide in admiration. This was the first time any of them had ever seen Ning Qianyu like this. "Young Mistress–she's amazing! Are you seeing her right now?"    


Even Ye Xi was surprised. His jaw dropped, and his fingers twitched repeatedly. "She's domineering–just like the Young Master." They really were perfect for each other. Huh. Who would've thought?    


At this time, a middle-aged man came out from the crowd and strode towards them. The man was none other than the director of the Su's, Su Bohao.    


"Lianmeng," he called out. "What are you doing? Where's Yueguang?"    


Of course, he had already left. Su Lianmeng's lips curled in grievance, but she didn't dare refute her father's words. Her hands curled into fists, and she turned away, refusing to look at anyone.    


"Everyone, I'm incredibly sorry for what you have witnessed today." Seeing them, he clasped his hands together and turned to the crowd.    


"It must've been troubling to watch my daughter cause a scene. My sincere apologies. Please, don't let this ruin your night," he said slowly, motioning towards the hallway. "The banquet's about the begin. Why don't we go right ahead?"    


Everyone slowly dispersed after his suggestion. After all, all of them are incredibly influential people in the business and political sector, so everyone knew what Su Bohao meant when he was dismissing them.    


The old man slowly walked towards Mu Shengchen and bowed his head in apology. "Shengchen. I truly am sorry. My daughter has been incredibly insensible today. I don't know what's gotten into her." He sighed in frustration. "Please forgive her."    


"Not to worry, CEO Su." His tone remained indifferent.    


Although he had apologized, Su Buhao never really see Mu Shengchen as an important man. He was just a piece of trash who had been expelled from the Mu's. He was nothing more than an ordinary man. Why would he care about his feelings?    


However, Ning Qianyu was something else. The woman who was wrapped under his arms had immediately caught his attention. Today was his daughter's engagement party, and this woman had humiliated her. There was no way he was going to let that go.    


Su Bohao glanced at Ning Qianyu for an incredibly long time. A cold light flashed in his eyes before he turned away. "Come, Lianmeng," he said lowly. "Let's find your fiancé."    


Mu Shengchen didn't miss the look the old man had given his partner. At that, a withering look flashed across his face.    


Whoever dared to bully his woman would pay ten times the price.    


As soon as everyone had finally dispersed, Ning Qianyu breathed a sigh of relief. She buried her face in Mu Shengchen's chest, and she didn't dare raise her head. "God," she breathed out. "What the hell was I thinking?"    


"Never took you for being bold," he teased, and she blushed darker.    


She had expected that he'd push her away. After all, not only did she have the gall to kiss him in front of the crowd, but she had also embarrassed the woman he had loved. Surely, the man was already thinking of getting rid of her.    


However, instead of being furious, he simply smiled in response. "You're acting so shy now, but I wasn't the one who grabbed you and expressed my love so...physically."    


"Shut up," she murmured. "I didn't do anything."    


"Didn't do anything? I'm sure we have a lot of witnesses who'll say otherwise." He smiled.    


"I...Don't mention that again."    


Just then, Ye Xi and Yan Rui walked over from the other side of the room. They stared at the two for a long time, still in awe after what had just transpired. It took them a few seconds before they finally recovered.    


"Young Master," Yan Rui greeted warmly. "Young Mistress."    


"I...Hello." Ning Qianyu was still so embarrassed that she didn't dare raise her head.    


Mu Shengchen's eyes were still cold. It was obvious that he wasn't amused by their appearance. "Don't you have work to do?" Although it was phrased like a question, it sounded more like a statement. Reading between the lines, the two immediately raced to the other side of the room.    


After the two had left, Ning Qianyu twisted. She was just about to get up when her fingers grazed across his legs, causing him to gasp. An electric current rushed through her fingertips as well, and she froze.    


Before she could do anything about it, he immediately wrapped his arms around her waist, imprisoning her.    


"Don't move," he said hoarsely.    


"What's wrong?" Sensing the sudden change in his firmness, Ning Qianyu immediately understood what was going on. Something familiar grazed against her thigh, and her face brightened even more. She glanced around in panic, afraid that someone would notice what they were doing. "I...Let's..."    


Fortunately, the engagement ceremony was being held in another room, so their attention wasn't on them.    


"Still want to ask me what's wrong?" His hot breath fanned against her neck.    


She didn't say anything in reply.    


"Push me to the balcony." Mu Shengchen pointed at the remote balcony.    


Ning Qianyu didn't even question him as she pushed the wheelchair towards the balcony. Soon enough, the cool air brushed against their faces and the two of them took a deep breath. A few seconds later, he managed to calm down. "Thank you," he whispered softly, looking up.    


When she didn't answer, he turned his head to see that the woman was already shivering from the cold. "Fuck, I forgot," he whispered in annoyance, before taking off his coat and placing it over her thin body.    


"Let's go back home."    


"What? But the party–"    


"I've already been here long enough." His eyes flashed.    


"I will go to the bathroom first, okay?" Ning Qianyu's fingers drifted towards the bag that had been placed on his knee, but she didn't dare move an inch. Her gaze fell on his lap as she stopped moving.    


Noticing this, he passed her bag to her. "Here," he said softly. "Come back quickly."    


"I know." She walked to the bathroom.    


Ning Qianyu was just about to enter the bathroom when she heard voices coming from the other side of the door. She stopped almost immediately and leaned against the doorway.    


"Did you see what happened? The Young Master and his wife were really touching! They were kissing just now!"    


"He even protected his wife! God, I'm swooning."    


Another woman snorted. "Why are you so jealous of her? The man's just a cripple. Who knows if their feelings are fake? She's probably just in it for the money." Ning Qianyu took this as an opportunity to step into the washroom, and immediately, the three women fell silent.    


Smiling faintly, she walked towards the sink and washed her hands. Without another word, she stepped out.    


Just as she had gone, another voice echoed.    


"That woman–she was his wife, right?"    


"Don't remind me." One of the women sighed. "The poor couple. Not only did the car accident made him a cripple, but it also made him lose his...physical ability–you know? It probably doesn't even go...up anymore."    



Were they talking about his drive? She blinked, obviously startled from what they were saying. They obviously weren't aware of what had just happened a few minutes ago. Just as she was about to argue with them, she glanced to the side and saw Mu Shengchen waiting for her on the balcony.    


His hair swayed in the breeze, and a faint smile appeared on his lips. There was something about the way he looked seated there that made her breath hitch.    


With that man waiting for her on the sidelines, who was she to care about what anyone else thinks?    


She smiled and went to welcome him.    


"Why are you so happy?" Mu Shengchen furrowed his eyebrows. What the heck happened in the restroom that made her so happy? He glanced at the door, only to see that there was nothing there.    


The smile on her face fell as soon as she heard his question. It wasn't as if she could tell him what they were talking about in the washroom–how he had lost his sexual ability. After hesitating for a moment, she simply replied, "It's a secret."    


"Secret?" he sputtered out, speechless.    


Ye Xi and Yan Rui, who had been standing behind Mu Shengchen this entire time, spotted the way his eyes widened and his mouth opened. This was the first time they had ever seen the man caught off guard. One of them snickered, catching the man's attention.    


Hearing them, Mu Shengchen shot them a warning glance, and they immediately closed their mouths.    


However, that didn't mean that they stopped smiling. They simply turned away from the couple, giving away their thoughts on the matter.    


That night, under Mu Shengchen's special mode of interrogation, Ning Qianyu finally confessed what she had heard back at the restroom. She gazed at her feet as soon as the words slipped out of her lips.    


As soon as he heard her, he raised his eyebrows. "I'm sure you know best as to whether I can satisfy you or not, right?" he asked ambiguously, letting his fingers trail down her arms.    


"Hm, are you sure about that?" She looked at him beneath her eyelashes.    


"How about I show it to you instead?" Immediately, he grabbed her clothing and ripped it from her. Her naked skin glittered under the chandeliers, and she immediately covered herself.    


"My clothes!" she protested.    


"I'll buy you something new."    


He immediately pulled her into a kiss, and everything that had been said in the washroom was long forgotten. Her moans filled the room, as they enjoyed the night ahead of them. It was obvious that the ladies were completely wrong in their opinion.    


During Su Lianmeng's engagement banquet, everyone had completely forgotten about the argument that happened. Apart from making the Su's a little uncomfortable from the incident, the rest didn't matter.    


However, their punishment was just about to arrive.    


See, Mu Shengchen wasn't the type of person who'd argue with other people. In fact, if there was a way, he'd just avoid this entire ordeal.    


But this was different. Su Lianmeng had provoked Ning Qianyu, and that was his bottom line.    


Those who'd bully his women would pay ten times the price. If Su Lianmeng was proud of all the money she had garnered, then he'll make sure that she had nothing.    


That night, the Su's stock price had been showing signs of abnormalities.    


The next morning, Yan Rui informed them that the agreement between the Shengxiang Group and the Su's would be canceled.    


None of this was a big deal. After all, the Su's had been one of the biggest names in City A for so many years that they had deeply rooted connections everywhere they go. If they won't agree, then they'll just find another partner.    


However, what they didn't expect was for no one to accept their partnership after Shengxiang Group's exist.    


The Su's had thought that they'd still stand right after them backing out. Although they would lose a bit of their initial funding, they'd still be able to operate normally.    


However, things were far from simple. After all, Shengxiang Group wasn't just any normal company.    


They were one of the leading business corporations all over China. Now that the CEO had refused to cooperate with the Su's, everyone immediately thought that they smelt something fishy. Not only did the other businessmen started jumping ship, but they even framed the Su Group as something more sinister.    


As rumors grew, the Su Group collapsed.    


Before they could even realize what was happening, their first-rate corporation had become nothing but trash. And their stock prices had already fallen drastically. The only reason they were still operating was that Mu Shengchen had allowed it. Otherwise, they would've already been far gone.    


The Xingsheng Technology didn't escape unscathed. In fact, it had even met an even more terrifying situation in B City.    


Shengxiang Group started competing directly with the company, getting all its customer base and its employees. Now, the company was nothing more than an empty shell of what it once was.    


They didn't even have the time to struggle before they were ultimately defeated.    


Many had speculated that the Su's had also been targeted by the Shengxiang Group. After all, it was all too coincidental. How could that have happened so suddenly?    


Because of what had happened, the Mu Family was in very high spirits.    


At first, they wanted to swallow the Su Group in one full sweep, but when they realize that someone was working behind the scenes, CEO Mu stepped back. After all, he wasn't a fool. After years of being in the business, he knew that someone was secretly protecting them from going far under.    


Besides, it's not like the Su Group could do anything to them. It's not worth offending an unknown enemy for it.    


While the business sector was shaking, Ning Qianyu slept, none the wiser. She didn't even have the time to understand what was happening before it happened.    


The next day, Ning Qianyu received a call from Mo Yan. "Hello, are you free to come to my place?" he asked. "For your supplementary lessons?"    


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