CEO's Pampered Sweetheart

C93 Framed for Qi Yuwei's Miscarriage

C93 Framed for Qi Yuwei's Miscarriage

0Qi Yuwei had been pestered by the paparazzi for the past few days. Even in her apartment, she'd see an occasional reporter passing by her door to see if she had come out. Tonight, as she peeked out her windows, she saw no reporter in sight. "Thank God," she murmured in relief as she took a taxi to Haoyuan District.    


Ever since the last time she and Mu Jinbo had fought at the Courtyard, she never met up with him again. However, after a few days had passed, she figured to try her luck and see if she could see him in his apartment.    


Once she had arrived at his apartment, she pushed the door open and stepped into the entrance. Just as she was about to take off her shoes, she heard faint murmurs coming from the hallway. Who could that be?    


Mu Jinbo and Weng Bisa's conversation echoed from the other side of the room.    


"How do you plan on dealing with Yuwei then?" Weng Bisa demanded. "She's still pregnant with your child."    


Upon leaning to the side of the wall, she could see Mu Jinbo on his bed. "I don't want that child," he snapped.    


"The child's still yours. Even if you don't want Yuwei to be your wife, you still have to keep the child," she said sternly, like a mother lecturing her son. But even then, he still appeared unfazed.    


"I already told you. I don't want Qi Yuwei!" he roared, slamming his hands against the board. "I don't want to marry her, and the last thing I want to have is that little thing in her stomach!"    


"Then who do you want to marry? Ning Qianyu? Is that it?" Weng Bisa stomped forward. "You better listen to me, young man, if it weren't for me, you would've already been done for in this city!"    


He scowled. "I don't care. I can listen to all your requests, but this is the only thing I can't do. You know that."    


"But..." Knowing that there was no talking to him, Weng Bisa sighed helplessly. She rubbed the creases on her forehead. "Fine, I'll handle Yuwei, but you should remember what I told you–"    


Qi Yuwei didn't bother to listen to their entire conversation as she left the apartment. Her cheeks were flushed, and her hands were clenched as she did so.    


As soon as she entered the elevator, she couldn't stop her tears anymore. They uncontrollably streamed down her face, and she sniffled. After all these years of trying to be with him, it was still all in vain.    


Her dreams were slowly dissipating one by one.    


And it was all because of that Ning Qianyu!    


While Qi Yuwei was lamenting, Ning Qianyu was still in the autopsy room. She was working on the assignment Yan Mo had assigned to her. "Someone's looking for you," one of them called out. Thinking that it was Mu Shengchen, she hurriedly stepped out of the room.    


"Shengchen, you're back–" However, when she saw Qi Yuwei standing at the foot of the staircase, she froze. Why was she here?    


Qi Yuwei smiled. "Qianyu, long time no see."    


"Is something wrong?"    


They had not seen each other for the past few days, and both their complexions didn't look so good. While Ning Qianyu had bags under her eyes from all the sleepless nights, Qi Yuwei's face looked hollow and lifeless from Mu Jinbo's harsh words.    


"I didn't know that you don't live in Haoyuan District anymore." Her eyes narrowed jealously. She was supposed to head there to confront her, but when she found out from Old Madame Mu that she was studying at the provincial medical university, she went here instead.    


"I moved."    


She was about to turn and leave when Qi Yuwei called out, "Look, can we talk?"    


Ning Qianyu glanced at her indifferently. There was a time when she had considered Qi Yuwei as her friend, and even as her sister. But times had changed since then. Not only did that woman betrayed her, but she sabotaged her time and time again.    


"I've done enough talking with you," she stated. "I still need to get to class."    


Qi Yuwei gazed at her pitifully. "Look, I know I was wrong. Can you find it in your heart to forgive me?"    


This time, Ning Qianyu stopped.    


Taking this opportunity, she grabbed ahold of her hand. "I know I shouldn't have stolen Jinbo from you, but I really do love him," she whispered    


"And may you have the best life ahead of you." In the end, Ning Qianyu didn't have the heart to shake off her grip.    


Although she meant well, that didn't seem like it to Qi Yuwei. Despite being pregnant, Mu Jinbo still didn't want her. In fact, he still yearned to be with Ning Qianyu again, even when she had already become his elder brother's wife.    


Something flashed in her eyes. "Yet he doesn't love me. Even if I'm pregnant with his child, he still loves you. He still misses you. What do you think I should do then?" she asked sarcastically.    


Ning Qianyu furrowed her eyebrows. "What are you saying?"    


"What do you think will happen if you were the reason for my miscarriage?"    


"What the–" Before she could react, Qi Yuwei yanked her hand and turned her around. Although she was the one who had initiated the force, other people would've perceived it otherwise. Her body fell back uncontrollably as she fell down the stairs. A few seconds later, her pale dress was soon drenched with blood.    


"Someone fell!" someone yelled as more and more people crowd over her.    


Ning Qianyu could only stare blankly at her fallen figure.    


Qi Yuwei's miscarriage caused a huge and terrible commotion.    


The entire hospital was soon surrounded by reporters from different channels. Even the Mu family had rushed into the hospital the moment they were able to. All of their faces were deathly pale from the shock and grief that had befallen them.    


Ning Qianyu could only sit outside the operating room as she watched the flashing red light. Hours had passed, and she still couldn't understand why Qi Yuwei had done what she did.    


She wasn't just playing with her life, but also her own child.    


Was she really that desperate?    


It didn't take long for the Mu Family to arrive. "What happened?"    


Among them were Old Madame Mu, Weng Bisa, Mu Zhenghong, and Mu Lingshan. All of them didn't know what was happening. Their eyebrows were furrowed and their mouths were agape.    


"What's going on?" Old Madame Mu tightly held her walking stick. "Yuwei was fine a few hours ago–why did she fall?"    


Qi Yuwei's assistant immediately explained the situation, "Yuwei went to look for Young Madame. I believe she had gone to apologize, only to get into a fight." There was a pause before she added, "She's the one who pushed her down the stairs."    


What? Ning Qianyu glanced up from her bench, furrowing her eyebrows.    


There wasn't the slightest bit of guilt in the woman's eyes, as if she was telling the truth. Push? When the hell did she push her?    


Before she could react, Weng Bisa pointed a shaky finger at her. "How dare you push her down the stairs? Do you know that she's pregnant? Do you know that you're the one who took my grandbaby's life? I know how sad you must be after Jinbo had broken off with you, but it's not fair for that child! How dare you?" Weng Bisa raised a hand to slap her right on the face.    


Ning Qianyu's face swung to the right. Her cheeks throbbed and she bit her bottom lip. "I didn't push her."    


"How dare you lie in front of them? Everyone saw what you did–how you pushed her so heartlessly down the stairs!" Qi Yuwei's assistant snapped. "How can you do this? How can you do this to the child?"    


"I..." Ning Qianyu glanced at the woman, but found that she couldn't speak.    



Old Madame Mu wanted to say something else, but she stopped. Even Mu Lingshan, who was standing behind the old lady couldn't say a word. It was as if they were still all in shock. Mu Zhenghong, however, had a face as cold as steel. His eyes had narrowed as if he was looking at the culprit herself.    


She staggered back.    


"So what? Do you think she fell on her own? Why the hell would she do that?" Weng Bisa stared at Ning Qianyu the entire time. However, just as she was about to pounce at the younger woman, Mu Zhenghong grabbed her hand.    


A cold shiver rushed down her spine as the adults loomed over her cowering figure.    


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