CEO's Pampered Sweetheart

C96 Too Intimate

C96 Too Intimate

0When Ning Qianyu woke up, she saw that Mu Shengchen was still asleep. A soft smile threaded across her lips as she carefully pulled away his hand from her waist and stepped out of the bedroom.    


When she walked out, she saw that there were plenty of people in the living room. Yan Rui was standing in the middle of room, throwing orders left and right as the bodyguards followed.    


"Put that there, make sure to be quiet–"    


he continued as if he were arranging a banquet rather than a simple lunch for the couple.    


Upon seeing her comming out of the bedroom, Yan Rui smiled. "Young Mistress," he greeted. "Good morning."    


"Thank you for all your hard work." When Mu Shengchen had fallen ill, Ye Xi and Yan Rui were the ones who had assisted and informed him of everything he had missed out. Without them, who knew what would happen to him.    


"It's no problem." He waved his hands casually as he turned to the bodyguards. "Have you bought the bass soup?"    


"We did." One of the bodyguards waved the thermos he was holding. "But it's already gone cold. We still need to heat it up."    


"Cold? Hurry, before he wakes up."    


However, as they were about to bring the thermos into the kitchen, Ning Qianyu blocked their entrance. "Let me do it," she said casually, reaching out her hand to take the thermos from him.    


All of them glanced at Yan Rui, not knowing what to do.    


Yan Rui shot the bodyguard a glare before turning to smile at Ning Qianyu. "Young Mistress, it's really fine," he reassured. "They can do it."    


"You've already done so much. Besides, you might even burn down the kitchen if you tried," she teased as she grabbed the thermos from the bodyguard's hands. Not being able to stop her, all of them could only gaze at her retreating figure as he headed into the kitchen.    


Yan Rui glared at the bodyguard. Grabbing the remaining plates from the table, he followed Ning Qianyu into the kitchen.    


"Why is he angry at me?" the bodyguard muttered. "It's not like he can refute her words either. Does he think I can?"    


After placing all the plates on the counter, Yan Rui stood behind her and tilted his head to the side.    


"Young Mistress, do you need my help?"    


Ning Qianyu gazed at him in amusement. "President Yan, let me do it. After all, I am his wife–unless of course you want to take my position." Her eyes squinted teasingly, and he straightened his bak.    


"It's not that. I–I'll leave you to it." Knowing that he wasn't getting anywhere with her, Yan Rui rubbed his nose and stepped out of the kitchen. Honestly, no wonder the two of them had matched. They were very well suited.    


Not long after, Ye Xi also came into the apartment and stayed in Mu Shengchen's room for a long time.    


It was only when she had finished heating the soup did he pack his things and leave.    


"I brought the soup," Ning Qianyu announced as she placed the soup on top of their bedside table. She carefully supported him to the side of the bed. "Careful."    


Picking up the soup from the table, she scooped up a spoonful of soup and tasted it with her lips. She blew on it a little before bringing it up to him.    


Unexpectedly, he didn't open his mouth.    


"I'll do it myself," he stated.    


"I'll feed you." She gazed at him stubbornly.    


In the end, he could only follow her orders as he opened his mouth, allowing her to feed him.    


"Why did Ye Xi come over?" She tilted her head. "Is it because of work?"    


Although stunned for a moment, he hurriedly replied, "Yes."    


Ning Qianyu was silent for a few seconds before she frowned. "You can't stop working, can you?" she said, disappointed. "Can't you do it once your injuries have been healed?"    


"I just have a few things I need to take care of." He was quick to comfort her. "Besides, I've rested enough."    


"Never knew there was a quota for rest days," she teased, shaking her head. After knowing him for so long, she knew that the man had never been careless when it came to work. He always managed to put it first before anything. As long as she was here to watch over him, that was fine.    


She silently fed him the rest of the soup.    


Once she was finished, she tilted her head. "Would you like more soup?"    


He shook his head, using his hands to prop himself up.    


Ning Qianyu immediately placed her bowl on the bedside table and came to support him. "Where do you want to go? Let me help you."    


"I want to take a bath."    


Ning Qianyu frowned. "But you can't get any water on your wounds."    


"Then forget it." Dejected, he leaned back against the bed once again.    


"I..." Staring at him hesitantly, she left the room with the bowl in her hands.    


During dinner, Ning Qianyu casually asked, "President Yan, did Shengchen take a bath these past few days?"    


Yan Rui place his chopsticks on the bowl. "He didn't take a bath. The doctor reasoed that he shouldn't take a bath just yet, but now that he hadn't bathed..." He sighed. "You know how serious his mysophobia his. Even I can't get close to him, let alone bathe him."    


That's right! She raised her head in surprise.    


She had forgotten about his mysophobia.    


People who had suffered from mysophibia had an extreme fear of dirt and contamination, even if they had just taken a bath. Now that four days had the hell did he endure it?    


No wonder he wanted to take a bath just now.    


Pursing her lips, she continued to eat.    


After dinner, Yan Rui brought everyone out of the apartment while Ning Qianyu filled her basin up with water.    


Mu Shengchen was currenly sleeping on his stomach. Using this as her opportunity, Ning Qianyu placed the basin on the bedside table and carefully removed his clothes.    


After taking off his clothes, she twisted the towel to avoid any of the injuries on his back. She wiped his upper body and helped him into a clean shirt.    


Once she was finished with his chest, she went down to his legs.    



As soon as she did, she furrowed her eyebrows at the sight of his bloodstained underwear. Why was he still wearing such a thing?    


"What is Yan Rui doing? He didn't even change your underwear," she murmured to herself as she slid them down to his ankles. "He could be unreliable sometimes."    


If Yan Rui had heard what she was saying, he would've felt wronged. It wasn't that he was careless; it's just that every time he stepped forward, Mu Shengchen would ask him to step back. This was really the best he could do.    


Unfortunately, he had been judged yet again.    


Ning Qianyu and Mu Shengchen were close, but she had never done this to him. Her mind was free from distracting thoughts as she hoped that this wash would make him feel more comfortable.    


However, as her hands traveled upwards, she grazed against him accidentally. Her cheeks started to burn.    


Just as she was about to stand up, Mu Shengchen grabbed her wrist.    




"Qianyu," he called out.    


Ning Qianyu's fingers trembled. "I–I didn't do it on purpose," she stuttered out.    


"I know." Mu Shengchen's fingers rubbed against her palm as an electric current raced through their fingertips. They both jumped in surprise.    


Ning Qianyu struggled to pull away as she picked the clean pants from the bed. "I–I'll just put these on for you," she started, refusing to look him in the eye.    


"Right." His voice was strained from the incident.    


Lowering her head, she helped him put on his pants before leaving with the basin.    


When she came out of the bathroom, Mu Shengchen was already on the phone.    


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