Cute Baby Looking For Daddy

C77 Fishing Men Every Second

C77 Fishing Men Every Second

0"Don't worry. It doesn't matter even if I win. Jingyu will give you another dozen dollars, won't he?" Lih Lingye glanced at Gu Jingyu.    


"Of course, of course. Keke, the old man and my parents told you to come with me to see my parents in the next few days. Get ready." After hesitating for a moment, Gu Jingyu said to Su Ke.    


After he said that, Ji Yichen and Mu Yebai both gave him a thumbs up. This was the best way to calm Lih Lingye's anger.    


It would be better if Gu Jingyu was even more miserable than Lih Lingye.    


He was forced to get engaged.    


Lih Lingye was just a woman he had dumped, and another man had kissed her.    


In any case, it was Lih Lingye who had dumped her, so it was nothing.    


It was just a pity for Bai Xianxian. She looked like a pretty good woman, and they all felt that they had a chance with Lih Lingye. Who knew that Lih Lingye would turn his face around in the blink of an eye and not recognize Bai Xianxian anymore.    


"Heh, when will I see my parents? If you need any gifts, you can call Lo Feng." Lih Lingye casually played a card and said.    


"Do you think we can pick anything from your Treasure House?"    


"The ones on the first floor are fine, but the ones on the second floor are not." Lih Lingye said generously.    


"What Treasure Vault?" Su Ke was confused and could not understand what Gu Jingyu and Lih Lingye were talking about.    


"You can follow me when the time comes." Gu Jingyu was excited. He wanted to pick out a few gifts. Most of the things in Lih Lingye's Treasure Vault were antiques. They could be said to be priceless. At that time, it would be a waste for him not to take them.    


After two rounds, it was Lih Lingye and Su Ke again.    


Just when Ji Yichen and Mu Yebai could not sit still anymore, Lo Feng's phone finally came. "Young Master Lih, we can't find the IP. It was posted online on the forum using the mobile phone traffic. After sending the number, it was turned off."    


Lih Lingye's face darkened. "Did you delete it?"    


"I deleted it. I deleted it." At this time, Lo Feng would not make a mistake.    


Lih Lingye pushed the mahjong ball with his hand. "I'm tired. Go and rest in the middle of the night."    


That night, Lih Lingye slept in the presidential suite on the top floor of Junyue's building.    


After bathing and sleeping, Bai Xianxian, who had appeared here twice, naturally flashed through his mind.    


She actually went on a date with Lu Shaolee after he took Bai Xiaoning away.    


She really did catch a man every second.    


It seemed that there was something wrong with the information Lo Feng gave him regarding Bai Xianxian.    


He only believed that he had seen it with his own eyes.    


When he first saw Bai Xianxian here, the red marks on her body suddenly appeared in his mind.    


That night, Lih Lingye only fell asleep when dawn broke.    


That night, Bai Xianxian, who was drunk, did not have a dream that night. She really slept until she woke up naturally.    


When she opened her eyes, it was already eight o'clock in the morning.    


She turned on her phone and countless missed calls.    


What she paid the most attention to was Ning's text message.    


"Mommy, I'm at school. Uncle Li sent me to school. Everything is fine. Mommy, don't worry."    


Bai Xianxian heaved a sigh of relief when she saw this.    


It seemed that Lih Lingxuan treated Ning quite well.    


The child was also quite happy.    


Looking at the missed calls, there were two main people. One was Faang Wenxue's, and the other was Bai Lulu's.    


Bai Xianxian did not pay attention to Bai Lulu and called Faang Wenxue.    


"Xue, why are you looking for me so early in the morning?"    


"Xianxian, quickly enter the group. When you enter our classmate group, it will explode. Everyone is discussing whether your current boyfriend is Lih Lingye or Lu Shaolee. What is going on with you? Why are you dating Lu Shaolee? Didn't you say that he is only your senior?"    


" We'll talk about it later. " Bai Xianxian hung up the phone and opened the group chat.    


There were hundreds of messages and she kept scrolling until last night.    


When she saw the screenshot of Lu Shaolee kissing her on the forum, she felt like her brain was buzzing.    


She couldn't wash it off even if she jumped into the Yellow River.    


Lu Shaolee, he caused her death.    


But it was already so late last night. There was clearly no one near the apartment, and no one took photos either. Not only had they been taken pictures, but they had even posted it on the forum.    


This was clearly done on purpose.    


She flipped through the messages of her classmates discussing the issue of her boyfriend's ownership. She herself was in a mess.    


Bai Xianxian took a leave of absence.    


She did not go to class.    


She laid on the bed in a daze.    


She stared blankly at the ceiling.    


Her classmates had seen the picture of Lu Shaolee kissing her. Lih Lingye must have seen it as well.    



When she thought of this, she vomited to death.    


Although Lih Lingye already had Hsu Qingyun, when she recalled what Lih Lingye had said to her last night, it was as if he did not care about Hsu Qingyun.    


He seemed to care more about her and Ning.    


After tossing and turning, Bai Xianxian's heart did not feel at ease even if she lied down.    


Her phone rang again.    


Seeing that it was Bai Lulu's number, she immediately pressed the button.    


She originally wanted to put Bai Lulu's number on the blacklist.    


But the last time Bai Fengzhan saw her, he took her phone and removed Bai Lulu's blacklist. He said that they were sisters after all. Even if they didn't get along, it wouldn't change the fact that the blood of Bai family flowed in their bones.    


But just as Bai Xianxian hung up, Bai Lulu called again.    


Bai Xianxian picked up the phone impatiently, "Bai Lulu, what do you want?" Last time in Dynasty, if Bai Lulu did not provoke her, she would not have provoked this nominal older sister.    


She and Bai Lulu wished that they would die together.    


"Xianxian, older sister misses you. Let's have a meal together, okay?" At the other end of the phone, Bai Lulu said gently.    


Bai Xianxian's body tensed up. She clearly heard a gentle voice but she felt a chill run down her spine.    


Bai Lulu had never spoken to her in such a gentle manner before, "I am in class. Maybe another day."    


Bai Xianxian firmly refused.    


"I am downstairs at your apartment. I have already gone to your classroom to look for you. Your classmate said that you took a leave of absence. Xianxian, let's have lunch together in the afternoon."    


Bai Xianxian jumped off the bed and rushed to the balcony. Sure enough, she saw Bai Lulu standing in front of the apartment. At this time, she was also looking up in the direction of the building.    


In an instant, Bai Lulu saw her, "Xianxian, I am here. I will wait for you. Come down immediately."    


Bai Lulu waved at Bai Xianxian.    


Bai Xianxian was really speechless.    


There must be something wrong with Bai Lulu's gentle and friendly attitude towards her.    


But they all said that she would not hit a smiling person if she stretched out her hand. There were so many people passing by. It would not be good for her to reject them.    


No matter what, their surname was Bai.    


Bai Xianxian changed her clothes and went downstairs.    


Bai Lulu came up to her, "Xianxian, it was my fault last time. I'm sorry."    


Bai Lulu seemed to have sincerely apologized.    


But Bai Xianxian felt that Bai Lulu was a weasel paying respects to the chicken and did not have good intentions.    


"If you have something to say, just say it. I have an appointment with someone else at noon."    


"Who did you arrange to meet? Is it Faang Wenxue or Lu Shaolee? Can I come with you?" Bai Lulu still asked in a gentle tone, as if she insisted on having lunch with Bai Xianxian.    


Bai Xianxian felt a headache coming on.    


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