Cute Baby Looking For Daddy

C601 And a Wife Slave

C601 And a Wife Slave

0Bai Xianxian's running speed, coupled with her panicked shouts, made the people she passed subconsciously retreat to form a passageway, allowing her to rush to Lih Lingye's car as fast as she could.    


Just as she rushed to the back of the car, Bai Xianxian reached out to pull the door of the driver's seat. When the door opened, she also arrived, "Lingye..."    


"Hmm?" In the Maybach's car case, Lih Lingye, who was looking at the situation on the right side of the car, had just sat up straight when he saw Bai Xianxian, who was in a panic.    


Bai Xianxian only relaxed a little when she saw the calm face of Lih Lingye. She let out a breath, "You... Are you alright?"    


"I'm fine." Lih Lingye felt that Bai Xianxian seemed to be worried about him. He could not help but laugh in a low voice. What could happen to him? What could happen to him? It was just Maybach.    


As for Maybach, it was just an external object. There was nothing to worry about.    


"You... you are Young Master Lih?" Among the crowd, someone recognized Lih Lingye.    


As a result, the upper class of T City knew about him. Many people saw his photo and knew his appearance.    


He was the perfect tall, rich, and handsome one among the tall, rich, and handsome ones.    


Lih Lingye raised his eyebrows slightly when he was asked. His long legs stepped out of the car first and then stood beside Bai Xianxian. He gently held her hand to calm her emotions that had yet to calm down.    


Obviously, the little girl was frightened by the danger just now.    


It seemed that it was time for him to come out.    


"Everyone, this is the recognized racing field in T City. Starting from the starting point, the road signs indicate the direction of the car clearly. This is a one-way drive, so your cars are basically going against the road, so..." He paused at this point.    


However, that elongated ending sound shocked the people in front of him until they were a little frightened.    


"Young Master Lih, your car..."    


"After the insurance company sees it, whoever is responsible will be compensated. Hmm, should I report the insurance myself, or should you guys come?" Lih Lingye said calmly.    


It would be fine as long as his car broke down and changed to a new one.    


But these people scared Bai Xianxian. They must vent their anger for their little wife.    


When Lih Lingye said this, these people were even more terrified.    


After all, it was indeed them who went against the rules.    


A woman in the crowd took a step forward and said with a smile, "Young Master Lih, I really apologize for disturbing you and Mrs Lih. This accident was our fault. We have to take full responsibility, so there is no need to report insurance. We will pay for all the money of this car."    


It had to be said that this woman was very good at talking. First, she apologized to Lih Lingye and Bai Xianxian, which made Lih Lingye's face slightly better. He turned to look at Bai Xianxian again. "Are you feeling unwell?"    


Although he scanned his wife once as soon as he got out of the car, he had already confirmed that Bai Xianxian was fine. But she was really shocked.    


At this time, her small face was still a little pale.    


The dozen or so people who had gathered around felt inexplicably agitated at this moment.    


Especially a few of the single dogs. They were suddenly showered with dog food by Lih Lingye and Bai Xianxian.    


"Young Master Lih, let's have a meal together. It can be considered to help you and Mrs Lih calm down. Is that okay?" Someone carefully asked if they could eat together with the richest man in Z Country. Even if they were to treat, they would be happy.    


Seeing the sincerity on this person's face, Lih Lingye smiled and said, "Wife, you decide."    


The low and heavy words were like the sound of a cellist, attracting all the women present to the point that they could not even blink.    


Lih Lingye's tall, handsome, and handsome image had long been deeply ingrained in the hearts of the people. They had long known, but they had never thought that Lih Lingye was actually a wife's slave.    


This Mrs Lih really had a good life. She was already lucky enough to get a tall, rich, and handsome one. She did not expect that she would still dote on her like this. It felt like pampering a wife was as good as her life.    


She was really envious, jealous, and hateful.    


As for those male compatriots, at this moment, their eyes were also completely opened.    


They had always thought that if a man were to lower himself to a woman in front of others, it would definitely damage the image of a man.    


However, Lih Lingye's gentle words did not hurt his image at all.    


On the contrary, they felt that Lih Lingye had the bearing of a man even more.    


It was like they had seen a ghost.    


If these words were asked by them about their women, they would definitely be strictly controlled by their wives.    


However, when Lih Lingye asked this question, he felt that it was especially harmonious. He felt that this was how a husband and wife should get along.    


Therefore, at this moment, the dozen or so people all stared at Lih Lingye and Bai Xianxian in unison.    


They were all envious of their harmonious relationship.    


Feeling the gazes, Bai Xianxian's face turned red. "Not long after dinner, I'm really not hungry. No need. Lingye, let's go."    


She was a little tired. She wanted to go home.    


"Okay." Lih Lingye held Bai Xianxian's hand and walked towards the Maserati behind Maybach. As they walked, he said to the others, "The car keys are in the car. You don't need this car. You can do whatever you want with it. However, you can't block the road between me and my wife now."    


"Yes, yes, yes. We will leave immediately. Young Master Lih and Mrs Lih, take care. The new car will be sent to you as soon as possible."    


Lih Lingye did not pursue the matter. It was already their luck that they did not pursue the matter. A dozen people compensated a car. Even if it was a luxury car, these people would not be able to do anything.    


After all, although the car they drove was not as expensive as Lih Lingye's Maybach, it was not bad either. As a rich second generation, they had long gotten used to such a luxurious life.    


However, they were different from Lih Lingye. They ate and played with the money given by their parents and elders, while Lih Lingye earned it with his own efforts.    


The difference between rice bugs and self-reliant people was the difference between Lih Lingye and Bai Xianxian.    


Bai Xianxian saw that these people were very sincere and could not help but shake Lih Lingye's hand. "Your car can still be repaired. Do you really want them to pay in full?" This was a bit too much. It's just that the surface of the car was scratched and damaged. As for the performance of the car... There was no damage, so the car could still continue to drive.    


Lih Lingye slightly lowered his head and his handsome face stuck to Bai Xianxian's ear. He did not answer but asked instead, "When you rushed over just now, were you scared?"    



He remembered her panicked look just now. Lih Lingye inexplicably felt that there was something called 'love' in the eyes of the woman at that moment.    


However, since Bai Xianxian never said it, he did not dare to confirm it.    


This was a feeling that even he could not believe that he was worried about women.    


Bai Xianxian bit her lips and gently sniffed the scent of the man beside her. At this moment, she was completely at ease. She grinned and said proudly, "Of course not."    


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