Cute Baby Looking For Daddy

C1872 Someone Is Coming

C1872 Someone Is Coming

0When Lih Xiaoning went over just now, he even smiled and told him and Lih Lingye about Moo Nuannuan's request.    


That was why he was even more determined to make his decision.    


He didn't want Lih Xiaoning to go over.    


However, he didn't expect Moo Nuannuan to not agree to his request with a warm smile.    


It was said that a loving mother was often a loser. With Moo Nuannuan treating Ning like this, he, as the grandfather, felt gratified.    


This way, after a hundred years, he would be able to feel at ease.    


However, he still asked symbolically, "You really agree to let him go?"    


"Yes, go." With Ning's ability, he was like an eagle, not giving him the right to soar in the sky. That was to cut off his wings.    


As a mother, no matter how much she loved this child, she couldn't break a person's wings.    


Mo Qifan smiled, "Alright then. This matter will be decided by Ning himself."    


In any case, that child was someone with an idea.    


When doing things, it would never be controlled by others.    


He always had his own way of doing things.    


And he always used unexpected methods.    


However, the method that made people feel that it was unexpected was always effective when used by him.    


He had known about this a long time ago.    


As a grandfather, he was well aware of the extent of his grandson's work in such a big company like Lih's Group.    


Therefore, the reason Lih Xiaoning was chosen was not only because Lih Xiaoning was his grandson, but also because of Lih Xiaoning's ability.    


That was amazing.    


Lih Lingye was considered a very powerful figure.    


Sooner or later, Lih Xiaoning would surpass his master.    


There was no way his father, Lih Lingye, would be inferior to him.    


When Mo Qifan said this, everyone on the scene looked at Lih Xiaoning.    


Especially Lih Lingye, he also wanted to see his son's reaction.    


Because, if it was him, he wouldn't go.    


He didn't want to leave this home.    


He wanted to see Moo Nuannuan every day.    


So, his son should also have the same idea.    


Therefore, he felt that Lih Xiaoning would not want to leave.    


However, he did not expect that just as he thought this, Lih Xiaoning smiled and said, "I have booked the plane ticket for three days. I will not change the schedule. These few days, I will stay at home with my mother. The handover of the Lih's Group can only be handed over to my assistant and father. How about it?"    


Lih Lingye was stunned. He thought he had misheard first, but after thinking about it again, he was sure that he had not misheard.    


At this moment, there was a sigh in his heart. This son was stronger and more promising than him. If he said he would let go, he would let go. At least now, if he asked him to leave Moo Nuannuan, he would not be able to do it.    


Since his son had already made such a choice, he would be an ambitious child. He naturally had to support him. It was just a difficult handover. Moreover, what was more, his son had already made such a choice. Furthermore, Lih Xiaoning's assistant was not a bad one either.    


If it was a bad one, Lih Xiaoning would have fired him a long time ago.    


He smiled slightly and said, "No problem." As he spoke, he looked at Moo Nuannuan.    


That was, he was very worried that there would be a problem with Moo Nuannuan.    


He was worried that Moo Nuannuan would not let Lih Xiaoning go three days later.    


After all, they had just returned to this house and had just started to enjoy the warmth of the house. Moo Nuannuan would definitely not be able to bear to see a son leaving.    


Because even he was somewhat reluctant to part with him.    


In the past, he had been muddle-headed for five years and had never cared about his son. Now, he finally realized his mistake and wanted to correct his illness. In the end, this son was going on a long journey and did not even give him the chance to dote on this son.    


He was also reluctant to part with it.    


Facing Lih Lingye's gaze that did not belong to her, Moo Nuannuan turned her head directly. "Let's go and have breakfast."    


She naturally could not bear to part with it.    


But she did not want to show it.    


She just wanted everyone to be happy, from old to young.    


Besides, it wasn't a bad thing for Lih Xiaoning to leave. He had gone out to train.    


It wasn't a dangerous training. She didn't need to worry about it. She just needed to worry about it.    


The family sat down.    


Moo Nuannuan had just sat down when two small figures occupied the seats on both sides of her, one on the left and the other on the right.    


Seeing this made Lih Lingye frown. But just as he got angry, he remembered that it was not only him and Moo Nuannuan who had been separated for five years, but also the two children.    


Furthermore, he had not enjoyed the gentleness of this mother five years ago. She was even more miserable than him.    



Therefore, he immediately felt relieved. As an adult, he did not bicker with children. He did not fight with children.    


However, he would not fight with the children during the day. At night, he still had to think of a way to snatch his wife into his arms.    


The matter of him sleeping with clients couldn't be done indefinitely.    


That was necessary.    


Lih Xiaowei and Lih Xiaoke were actually just sitting beside Moo Nuannuan to eat. They did not need her help.    


The two of them seemed to be very good at eating.    


When eating, the two little fellows were like two little hamsters, eating very happily.    


It was precisely when they grew up that they ate more, and they were not picky about food.    


One had to say that Mrs Jian took good care of them.    


The two of them ate very quickly, but Moo Nuannuan ate slower.    


It was not that she could not eat, nor that her appetite was bad.    


On the contrary, her appetite was very good.    


However, she just wanted to watch her two sons eat. She wanted to watch them eat well.    


That was why she ate so slowly.    


In any case, it didn't matter to her.    


It was fine as long as she ate slowly.    


Now, she felt that watching the children eat was the best enjoyment in her life.    


On the other side, Lih Lingye, who had been completely ignored, could not eat anymore.    


He glanced at Moo Nuannuan from time to time and then looked coldly at Lih Xiaowei and Lih Xiaoke. However, the two of them ignored him and only cared about eating happily.    


Anyway, he could not do anything to the two kids. They were his biological sons.    


Because he was not afraid, he was especially arrogant and domineering towards Moo Nuannuan.    


This was their biological mother, so it was only natural that they were domineering.    


The aggrieved Lih Lingye looked at Lih Xiaoning again.    


He saw that his eldest son was silently eating his food, and he didn't seem to be angry at all.    


He was also convinced that his eldest son wasn't jealous of his two younger brothers.    


Thus, he could only remain motionless, and absolutely didn't dare to express that he had objections.    


It was just that this meal was tasteless.    


Just as he was about to finish eating, the doorbell rang.    


Mrs Jian immediately started walking. "I'll go and see who it is. Maybe the Eldest Miss is here."    


The Eldest Miss she was talking about was Yeh Xi.    


Yeh Xi often came here to stay for a day or two these few years.    


Yes, it was only for a day or two each time. The reason was that her mother was seriously ill and needed her to go back and take care of her. In addition, she had never had much experience with taking care of children, and she didn't know how to do housework. Staying in Waterside Pavilion was actually just causing trouble for Mrs Jian. She still had to take care of one more person's food and beverages. Therefore, Yeh Xi always came to see her grandson before leaving.    


She just did not want to add more trouble to Mrs Jian.    


When Mrs Jian said this, everyone also thought that it was Yeh Xi who came.    


But at this time, they heard Mrs Jian say in surprise: "Too... Madam, she... She... "    


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