Cute Baby Looking For Daddy

C1886 Assassination

C1886 Assassination

0Yamamoto Xiuer was not his daughter.    


Definitely not.    


In that instant, he felt relaxed.    


He no longer felt guilty about forcing the doctor to cut Yamamoto Xiuer's stomach open and take out the finger cover.    


He did not need to regret a woman like this who plotted against his daughter.    


He would not regret it either.    


What he lacked now was only one. That was, how was he supposed to give a reasonable explanation for the DNA incident?    


Xiaoning, that child, had always been strict in his actions. He would never speak nonsense.    


Therefore, the DNA test should not be a problem.    


But there must be a problem in one of the segments.    


It was just that he couldn't think of it at the moment.    


"Take him away." Mo Qifan threw away his knife.    


The leader of the group asked his companion to take Mo Qifan away.    


After all, forcing a doctor to use an unnecessary knife in the operating theater was illegal.    


It had to be dealt with.    


Mo Qifan's footsteps were neither fast nor slow, and he looked calm and unhurried.    


In any case, she was certain that Yamamoto Xiuer was not his daughter. He believed in this sixth sense that he was born with.    


The plainclothes woman was the first to open the door of the operating theater.    


But before they could walk out, they were shocked by the scene outside.    


There were a lot of people.    


More than ten man in black were scattered outside the operating room.    


Then, the sound of killing instantly rang out outside the operating theater, which had been quiet just a moment ago.    


A third of the dozen or so man in black were aimed at Moo Nuannuan. One of the other three was aimed at Lih Xiaoning. The other third was aimed at an old man.    


Mo Qifan had never seen an old man with a crutch before.    


But with just a glance, he somehow felt that it was somewhat familiar.    


He could not wait to think about why this old man looked familiar. He shot towards Moo Nuannuan like an arrow.    


Because at this moment, when Lih Xiaoning was surrounded and killed by the man in black, all of them were protecting Moo Nuannuan.    


Therefore, two-thirds of the man in black were on his body at this moment.    


"Bang!" No matter how fast Mo Qifan was, there was still some distance between them. In addition, there were about ten man in black surrounding Moo Nuannuan and Lih Xiaoning. Lih Xiaoning forced back one of them, but not the other. It was difficult for two fists to fight against more than twenty fists of his opponent. Therefore, Moo Nuannuan was hit by a knife.    


She was bleeding.    


The blood stung Mo Qifan's eyes. In an instant, his eyes turned blood red. "Warm."    


He rushed over and protected Moo Nuannuan with all his might.    


He had been stabbed. If he was hit again, he did not dare to think about the consequences.    


He only had one daughter. Even if he had to die, he had to protect his daughter. He wouldn't allow something like this to happen.    


He rushed over, and the two men in plain clothes who reacted half a beat slower also rushed over. Protecting the safety of citizens was their duty.    


With Mo Qifan and the two men in plain clothes joining in, although Lih Xiaoning's situation was still very dangerous, it at least eased up a little.    


The young man's skills were not inferior to his father's, Lih Lingye. With Mo Qifan and the men in plain clothes protecting Moo Nuannuan, he was able to kill in all directions with ease.    


Although he looked tall and thin, and his face was mixed with a conflicting mature and immature temperament, this did not affect his combat strength at all.    


On the other side, the people that the old man brought were also doing their best to protect the old man. However, the man in black should be a well-trained top assassin. Therefore, even though they were protecting the old man, they were still in danger.    


At this moment, there were already people who were bleeding.    


Of course, it was not the man in black, but the people that the old man brought.    


In addition, Moo Nuannuan was injured. In just a short period of time, she had already injured two people.    


The two plainclothes people saw that the situation was urgent and hurriedly sent a message to their companions in the operating theater. However, no one rushed out to support them even after a long time.    


"Bang!" Another person was stabbed.    


This time, a man in black was snatched by Lih Xiaoning with a backhand move. It was a stab wound. It was already lying on the floor and could not get up anymore. But at the same time, another person from the old man's side fell down.    


The situation was becoming more and more unfavorable to the old man, Moo Nuannuan and Lih Xiaoning.    


Mo Qifan's eyes were red, but he was only protecting Moo Nuannuan randomly and blocking in front of Moo Nuannuan. If it was not for the two plainclothes clothes protecting them, he was afraid that he would have been injured as well. Moo Nuannuan might have been injured a second time.    


Lih Xiaoning was anxious.    


The young man's forehead was full of sweat.    


"Plop..." Lih Xiaoning was also injured.    


"Ning..." Moo Nuannuan was so anxious that she wanted to rush over and protect her son.    



Mo Qifan immediately pulled Moo Nuannuan back, "Warm, calm down. Don't cause trouble for Ning."    


Mo Qifan's anxious words pulled Moo Nuannuan back to her senses. That's right. She could not help Lih Xiaoning even if she rushed over. She could only cause trouble for Lih Xiaoning.    


She had been stabbed in the shoulder, but it was only a flesh wound. At this moment, she looked at Lih Xiaoning. The mother and son pair. It was like a mother and son pair. It was as if the mother and son were connected. Lih Xiaoning had also been stabbed in the shoulder, just like her, so it was also a flesh wound. However, the bright red color on the child's body made her, as the mother, unable to bear it. Her heart ached.    


She cried and cried as she looked in that direction. "Ning... Ning... be careful... Be careful! Lingye... Come quickly... come quickly..."    


At this moment, she subconsciously thought of Lih Lingye.    


If Lih Lingye was here, he could take care of all these people in a second.    


Then her Ning wouldn't be injured and would be fine.    


The calling of Lingye came from the bottom of his heart.    


"Warm and warm, be careful." While Moo Nuannuan was worrying about her son, Mo Qifan was worried about Moo Nuannuan. When he saw the knife stabbing towards Moo Nuannuan's chest, he shouted in panic. At the same time, he used one hand to block Moo Nuannuan's chest.    


But when he reached out to block it, he knew that his palm with flesh and blood could not block that knife.    


He could only stop that blade from stabbing into Moo Nuannuan's body at a slower pace.    


"Plop..." A knife pierced through Mo Qifan's palm and went straight through his palm towards Moo Nuannuan's heart.    


"Warm..." Mo Qifan shouted in fear.    


"Mother..." Lih Xiaoning turned his head around and wanted to pull away the person who tried to stab Moo Nuannuan, but he was a few steps away. At this time, there was some distance that the water could not save the fire.    


"My granddaughter, quickly save my granddaughter."    


Mo Qifan, Lih Xiaoning, and that old man were all worried about Moo Nuannuan.    


However, worrying was useless. They could not save Moo Nuannuan.    


Moo Nuannuan closed her eyes. If dying at this moment was her life, she would admit it.    


She would recognize her husband. And there were also three cute sons. Before dying, she could still enjoy that kind of heavenly joy. She was already satisfied.    


In the past, she had always thought that she would be lonely and helpless for the rest of her life. However, she never thought that she would have a man who doted on her in her lifetime. And three sons who loved her, she would die without regrets.    


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